Activating your account


This article shows the first steps introduced in Activating your account - video.


Activating your account

Following your discussion with an employer or a training organisation and your agreement to receive an invitation, you will be sent an email inviting you to activate your Aptem account.
Note Some elements and images used in the video have been updated and shown in this article.

You will be sent an email inviting you to activate your Aptem account – it will look like this:


If you did not receive the invitation email, contact the person who invited you to open an account. You can check / correct your email address and your contact will re-send an invitation.

Click the Activate account button to show the first activation screen where you must choose a username and password.


Aptem will automatically enter your email address for your username, but you can set a different one if you wish. If your default or chosen username has been used previously, you will see a note on screen and you must choose a different username. Many systems on the Internet propose adding a number to your name (such as, or something similar).

You can then choose a password which is easy for you to remember but conforms to the advice normally provided (at least 8 characters including numbers, upper-case and lower-case letters, and a special character (such as £, %, * ).

Click the Register button to save your details as your official Aptem log in details. 


When you have created your username and password, you will be asked to confirm your personal details and to create or select an online digital signature.

The Registration Wizard shows that you have completed the first step and you are now starting the second step where you enter your address and a few details about yourself.

You can use the Address Lookup facility and simply enter your home Postcode and click the Find Address button, and then select the house name or number. Alternatively, you can enter your address in the fields shown below in the Your Address section just below.

Select your Title (such as Mr, or Ms) from the dropdown list, select your birthday from the calendar, your sex and mobile telephone number. 


Finally in this step 2, click on the Next button to create an Electronic Signature. 

You can either use your computer mouse or touch screen to create a signature, or select a signature sample from the list. This is especially useful if you do not have a touchscreen or have additional mobility needs.


You will then be logged out of the Registration Wizard, and you can then log into your new account and proceed to the Onboarding Wizard step.


 Onboarding Wizard

To log in to your new account and the Onboarding Wizard:

  1. Open your web browser and type into the address window:
  2. Sign in to your new Aptem account.

When you first log into Aptem, you will be taken to the Onboarding Wizard. Here, you may enter your personal details and information relevant to the training you will be undertaking. Using this wizard, you can also review and sign any required documentation.

Note The steps and terminology you will see depend on the type of training programme you are joining and the configuration that your training provider has set up .


For Government funded programmes you may also be asked to complete further information.  These are covered in: Completing the ILR and Extended ILR

ILR stands for Individual Learner Record, which is the record of your learning programme and your individual progress. 'Extended' is simply the second part of the ILR, divided for your convenience by the computer system you will be using.

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