CENTURY for learners


If your organisation has set up the Aptem integration with CENTURY, as learners you can complete their initial assessment as part of the Aptem Onboarding wizard. This will automatically register you with CENTURY, and you can navigate to CENTURY to complete your initial assessment.


Get started with CENTURY

On your Onboarding wizard FS step, a direct link will guide you to the CENTURY login page where you should use your registered Aptem email and the 'forgotten password' feature to set up your password. New learners will automatically be registered with CENTURY if they don't already exist in the system.

You will be added to the appropriate cohorts based on your selected initial assessments during the Onboarding Wizard Functional Skills step.

Please note that this is only available in the console version of the onboarding wizard.image-20240906-112448.png

Set up your password

If this is your first time logging into CENTURY, you need to set up a password. To do this, click the 'Forgot your password?' link on the CENTURY login page.


Enter the email address that your Aptem account is registered with, and click 'Recover Password'.


You will get an email with a link to change your password. Follow the link and click 'Change password' to proceed.


Create your new password.


Once your password is created, you can use it to log in to CENTURY. This is the view you will see.image-20240906-112554.png


Progress in the onboarding wizard is dependent on the completion of the IAs in Century

To ensure that the onboarding process is thoroughly completed, the completion of these initial assessments is now mandatory. Specifically, the Functional Skills step will only be marked as complete if all CENTURY initial assessments are finished. If any assessments remain incomplete, learners will not be able to progress to the next step. Additionally, if a learner attempts to progress with incomplete assessments, clear messaging will be displayed, informing them of the need to complete all assessments. This ensures that all necessary assessments are completed before moving forward, supporting a comprehensive and compliant onboarding experience. Please note that this is only available in the console version of the onboarding wizard.

Functional Skills step with CENTURY initial assessments.png

A clear message indicating that the initial assessment needs to be completed when the Learner tries to proceed to the next step without completing all assessments: 

A clear message indicating that initial assessment needs to be completed.png



If you have completed your assessment as part of the onboarding wizard step, you will be able to view your results via the Learning Support section of the Learner profile.

If you have completed your assessment as part of a Learning Plan Component your results will be attached as evidence via a PDF document containing both user details and assessment results.

Math IA report attached to the component.png





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