Off-The-Job Hours widget - Learner Dashboard
When an administrator, learner or employer is viewing the off-the-job hours widget on individual Learner’s Dashboard (or OTJH drilldown on their personal dashboard, or ‘Learning progress’ review section) and they want to see 'Target metric' of the 'Overall' progress bar they can now see the calculation is a correlation between ILR Planned Hours and ILR Programme aim start and end dates. To further clarify the behaviour:
If ILR Programme aim start date is in the future, Target is set to 0.
If ILR Programme aim start date is in the past and ILR Programme aim end date is in the future, Target is calculated as proportion between ILR Planned Hours and ILR Programme aim start and end dates.
If ILR Programme aim end date is in the past, Target is set to ILR Planned Hours.
This calculation has been updated to be consistent across the following areas:
Admin Performance Dashboard OTJH widget (drilldown)
Employer Dashboard OTJH widget (drilldown)
Learner Personal Dashboard OTJH widget (incl. when viewed by Admin/Employer)
Reviews - ‘Learning progress’ section OTJH graph in both Console and Classic
Visible for learners of Programme with “Collect off-the-job hours” checkbox ticked in “Programme requirements” token.
OTJH are not calculated for Review, Online Training, FS Initial Assessment and FS Diagnostic/Revision components as these components don't have "Off-the-job hours spent" fields.
Bar chart
During the first 4 months on programme it shows the first 4 months of the programme on the x-axis.
During the subsequent months on programme it shows the last 3 months and current month on the x-axis.
Calculation of hours:
- Target = a sum of the planned hours against the components grouped by month using the "Complete by" field. For task-based and placement-based components "Due date" of the task is used
- Completed hours = a sum of the hours within the “Accepted”/”Verified” evidence records (regardless of the learning plan component’s status) grouped by month using the "Completion date" of the evidence record
- Submitted hours = Hours recorded for submitted evidence against [components], with a submission date within the indicated month
Widget top legend has the following tooltips:
Target = Total planned hours for [components] with a complete by date within the month
Submitted = Hours recorded for submitted evidence against [components], with a submission date within the indicated month
Completed = Hours recorded for evidence that has been accepted within a [component], with a submission date within the indicated month
Each Bar line has a tooltip displayed which shows more details (absolute and relative values of Target, Submitted, Completed, Variance).
Each bar line displays Completed and Submitted as concatenated bars, not overlapped.
- 30 hours Submitted
- 10 hours Completed
- Expected results: 10 Completed on the bottom (dark blue) + 30 Submitted (grey blue) and the total bar height is 40
The Off-The-Jobs Hours progress bar
Title: Overall Progress
- Submitted percentage,
- Completed percentage,
- Target marker,
- Variance% (as Overall Progress),
- Variance time (in round brackets after Variance%)
Tooltip: a block of more detailed metrics (absolute and relative values of Target, Submitted, Completed, Variance)
Progress line indicates the current OTJH progress by comparing Completed hours with Planned hours.
May display negative values.
Submitted and Completed bars are displayed proportionally to Max line, concatenated - no overlapping.
- 30% submitted
- and 10% Completed
- Expected results: 2 progress bars will be displayed one by one within a single progress line - 10% of completed first, then 30% of submitted
Planned hours = max([Submitted+Completed], Planned (ILR))
Max line value = Planned hours
Completed = Completed value from bottom legend
Completed% = round(Completed / Planned hours) * 100%
Target (hours/mins) = calculated based on ILR planned hours and ILR start and planned end dates, per learning period progress on the current date (so, max = ILR planned hours);
- Programme has not been started yet: ProgrammeAim's Learning start date > current date, then Target = 0h
- Programme has already been finished: ILR planned end date <= current date, then Target = ILR planned hours
- Programme is still in progress: ProgrammeAim's Learning start date <= current date AND ProgrammeAim’s learning planned end date > current date, then Target = is an ILR planned hours based proportion of time passed since programme beginning to overall programme duration (calculated as per ILR ProgrammeAim dates)
Target (%, marker) = proportionally to Max line (100% if target >= Max line; <100% if Target < Max line)
= round(Target / Planned hours * 100%)
Variance% = Completed% - Target% (so 0% if learner's progress is on time) (May be negative)
Variance (hours/mins) = Completed - Target (May be negative)
The Off-The-Jobs Hours panel
Minimum Required
Displayed format: <h_value>h
Tooltip: Minimum required off-the-job hours for the [learner] based upon programme duration and working hours
This should show the minimum required hours calculation using the default logic.
Where no Employment Status record exists do not show the minimum required hours, instead show “0h”.
Where the minimum required figure is higher than the forecast figure then show the value in red
Planned (ILR)
Displayed format: <h_value>h
Tooltip: Planned off-the-job hours recorded for the [learner] in the ILR
We display ILR Programme Aim’s “Planned hours” value; if none – display “0h”.
Where the planned figure is higher than the Forecast figure then show the value in red
Displayed format: <h_value>h <m_value>m
Tooltip: Hours recorded for evidence submitted against [components] not yet accepted
Display a sum of the recorded OTJH across all 'Requires marking' , ‘Trainee accepted’, 'Trainee referred', 'Tutor feedback received' evidence records, regardless of the learning plan component’s status.
Displayed format: <h_value>h <m_value>m
Tooltip: Hours recorded for evidence that has been accepted
Display a sum of the recorded OTJH across all 'accepted' and ‘verified’ evidence records, regardless of the learning plan component’s status.
NOTE: Accepted/Verified evidences of deleted/removed components are not counted towards "Completed".
Where none exist show "0h".
Where evidence is in a status of 'Trainee Accepted' this does not count towards completed OTJH until the experienced tutor accepts the evidence and the status changes to 'Accepted'.
Displayed format: <h_value>h <m_value>m
Tooltip: Includes the completed hours for accepted evidence, planned hours for incomplete [components] and submitted hours for marking
Display a SUM of the following two totals:
- Sum of the “off-the-job spent time” recorded against ALL “Accepted”/”Verified” – the evidences (which belong to the components in “Completed”/”Verified” statuses; note that evidences of “no-DueDate” components are included.
- Sum of the “Planned hours” for the remaining components.
Where the forecast figure is below either the minimum required or planned then show the value in red.
Examples of time formats (for bottom legend)
628h 30m
- if no hours (only minutes): 12m
- if a rounded hour (no minutes): 5h
- if none has been set (by default) we can show: 0h
And we don't show: 0h 12m