Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: The “Placements/Workshops” token must be enabled in the account programme.
Product area: Placement/Workshops
The Standard administrator can navigate to the “Placements/Workshops unverified hours report” page from “Unverified hours” tile.
This article describes this tile as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.
The “Placements/Workshops unverified hours report” grid lists all userPlacements pending logged hours verification. Each userPlacement (even if of the same Organisation) is treated as a separate record.
By default, grid is ordered by Learner/Jobseeker’s first name (“Name” column), ascending. The grid displays 10 records per page. The administrator can use the navigation buttons to switch between pages.
To apply a filter, the administrator should click the ’Search’ button. To reset currently applied filters and get back to default values, the administrator should click the ‘Reset’ button.
In the filter area, an administrator can view:
Title | Type of control | Defaulted to | Description |
User name | free text input | Blank |
Allows to filter by Learner/Jobseeker’s full name
Organisation | free text input | Blank |
Allows to filter by Placement/Workshop organisation name
Type | Dropdown | Blank |
Allows to filter by Placement/Workshop type;
Options are:
Group | multiselect tree view dropdown | ‘Select groups’ |
Only those Aptem Groups are listed which logged in Administrator has access to;
Programme status | Dropdown | ‘Any’ |
Allows to filter by Jobseeker’s Programme status
Grid columns
The following grid columns and actions are available for a Standard administrator:
Column title | Sortable | Data display format | Description |
User | Yes (alphabetical order) | Link to User Profile page, opened in the same browser tab |
Learner/Jobseeker’s full name (First name + Last name) |
Organisation | Yes (alphabetical order) | String |
Placement/Workshop organisation name |
Start date | Yes (numerical order) |
dd/mm/yyyy |
Placement/Workshop ‘Available from’ date |
End date | Yes (numerical order) |
dd/mm/yyyy |
Placement/Workshop ‘Available to’ date |
Count days unverified | Yes (numerical order) |
Integer |
UserPlacement total calendar days having logged but yet unverified hours |
Sum of hours unverified | Yes (numerical order) |
hh:mm |
Total hours unverified for userPlacement |
Programme status | Yes (by StatusID) |
String |
Jobseeker’s Programme status |
Verify | No | Clickable icon |
Once clicked, Administrator navigates to ‘Unverified hours’ page (specific for selected userPlacement)
Delete | No | Clickable icon |
Allows to delete all unverified hours from userPlacement;
Once clicked, administrator will be asked to confirm the action:
Export to CSV
The administrator can download relevant details as a CSV report using the “Export to CSV” link at the top-right corner above the grid.
When administrators use the export option, a "Aptem.WorkPlacement.UnverifiedHoursReport.csv” file is exported - this file contains the same columns as displayed in the grid.