Unverified hours page (userPlacement specific)


Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: The “Placements/Workshops” token must be enabled in the account programme.

Product area: Placement/Workshops



This article describes this tile as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.


Unverified hours page

Clicking on ‘Verify’ button from “Placements/Workshops unverified hours report” grid, Administrator will be navigated to “Unverified hours” page to validate unverified sessions, specific for selected userPlacement.

UserPlacement related Tasks are used as data source.

Unverified sessions are grouped by calendar weeks (starting from Monday).
If Placement has 2 separate sessions planned for each day, 2 separate boxes will be available for putting hours in per each day.

To confirm logged hours and mark them as Verified, Administrator should validate all sessions displayed on the page. There is no option to validate individual session apart from the rest displayed.

Administrator can manage unverified sessions from the page:

  • Add new logged hours
  • Adjust logged hours
  • Remove logged hours
  • Provide comments to logged hours
  • Confirm (verify) logged hours
  • Assess competency characteristic associated with userPlacement


Add new logged hours

To create additional userPlacement sessions, Administrator needs to click on empty box (with 3 dots inside) and adjust time details if needed.


Once hours are verified, new Tasks will be created for Jobseeker from each newly added session. These Tasks’ status will be ‘Completed’.

Adjust logged hours

To edit existing entries and adjust time, Administrator can use Up and Down arrow buttons OR type correct value into time box: for Start time and End time separately.

Please keep in mind that there is no validation performed, if entered time range is exceeding allocated Placement/Workshop hours. The system will take as many hours verified as Administrator provides on this page.



If 2 sessions of same day are overlapping, Administrator will meet “Please check each session. Make sure that sessions timings do not overlap and that start and end times are correct.” validation message and hours verification will not happen.


Once hours are verified, associated Task’s Start time and/or End time will be adjusted accordingly in Jobseeker’s Tasks view.

Remove logged hours

If some of logged hours need to be removed, Administrator needs to click inside the session cell – ‘Remove’ button will become available. Click on the button to delete selected session (no additional confirmation is considered).


If initially logged but removed during verification, associated Task will be marked as ‘Cancelled’ in Jobseeker’s Tasks view.

Provide comments to logged hours

Optionally, for any calendar week of Unverified sessions, Administrator can leave comments.


For each comment left, a separate Note will be created and attached to userPlacement. These Notes will then be available from User Profile > Manage jobs and  placements/workshops section or Placement profile > Users/Candidates section.

Note template: “W/C” +  corresponding week’s Monday date + <Administrator’s comment>

Example: “W/C 22.01.2024 no issues, attended in time, was proactive”

Confirm (verify) logged hours

Once all unverified sessions are validated and ready to be confirmed, Administrator needs to complete verification process by clicking on ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page.

As a result, all Tasks, associated with the sessions displayed on the page, will be marked as ‘Completed’ and ‘Verified’, and ‘Hours verified’ will increase for the selected userPlacement.

Updates to Learning plan

If Learner has ‘Scheduled online event’ or ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’ Learning Plan components, associated with the same Placement/Workshop as the verified sessions are, then evidence of ‘Note’ type will be attached to the component – a separate evidence per each calendar day amongst verified sessions:

  • Text template: <Placement/Workshop Title> + “hours verified”
  • Status: ‘Accepted’
  • Off-the-job hours spent: total minutes verified for calendar day (so, if two sessions a day, it will be sum of both)
  • Off-the-job hours type: “This work was completed during paid working hours”
  • Completion date: date the verified session belongs to (due date of associated Task)
  • Owner: administrator who verified the session
  • Date created: date when session was verified

If, in addition to the above, Placement/Workshop type is ‘Training’, Users > UserLearningPlanSummary_DateLastWorkshopAttended  ODATA field (same as UGR > Learning Plan > Last workshop attended date) can be updated:

if UserLearningPlanSummary_DateLastWorkshopAttended is blank OR less than verified Task due date, then update to verified Task due date value.

Assess competency characteristic associated with userPlacement

If Placement/Workshop enrolment is linked to Jobseeker’s competency characteristics, Administrator will be prompted to make an assessment.

Corresponding competency characteristics will be present at the bottom area of the page and are optional, so Administrator can leave them unassessed.

To make assessment, Administrator needs to:

  • Select the outcome by clicking on appropriate level description box
  • Provide comments for each characteristic, into ‘Note’ textarea (optional)


Competency characteristics assessment will be saved along with verified sessions details, once Administrator clicks on ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the page.

Assessment details will be saved against Jobseeker’s competency and can be accessed from the Competency Dashboard page.

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