Job preview page


Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: The “Jobs” token must be enabled in the account programme.

Product area: Internal Jobs, Placement/Workshops



The Standard Administrator can navigate to “Job preview” page from Job Finder, from the Admin Job Finder or Jobseeker Job Finder view.

This article describes this page as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.


Job Finder

The Standard Administrator can navigate to “Job preview” page from Job Finder, in the following ways:

  • Admin Job Finder view: Click the “Job Finder” tile.
  • Jobseeker Job Finder view: User Profile page > “Job search” section > “job finder” link 

To view a list of Internal Jobs created in Aptem, and available for Aptem jobseekers, administrator can search by Job title and location, and select “Posted by” = <name of tenant’s first root group>.

Clicking on Job Title or “View job and apply” link of Internal Job entry, Administrator navigates to “Job preview” page, opened in a new browser tab.


The Job preview page displays the key summary about the Job selected and displays an option to Suggest the Job to Jobseekers that the logged-in administrator has access to.

The following Job details are provided:

Title Description
Title Internal Job “Title”


Internal Job “Address”

Displays “Address line 1”, if either “City” or “County” is not provided for Internal Job address; otherwise, a concatenation of “City” and “County”.


Internal Job “Hours

Options are:
- “Full or part time” 
- “Part time”
- “Full time” 


Internal Job “Salary”

Displays “Fixed Wage Yearly Amount” if provided for Job (in case of “Wage type” = “Fixed wage”); otherwise, displays Job’s salary as “Salary min – Salary max”.

If neither “Fixed Wage Yearly Amount” nor Salary is provided for Job, displays as blank.

Contract type

Internal Job “Contract type”

Options are:
- “Any contract type” 
- “Temporary”
- “Permanent”
- “Apprenticeship”

Posted by

Internal Job “Posted by”

Options are:
- “Agency”
- “Employer” (if “Organisation” is selected as “Posted by” for Job)


Internal Job “Contact” Phone number (excl. “ext.”)

Displays as blank if no Phone number provided for Job’s Contact.


Internal Job “Contact” email address

Displays as blank if no Email provided for Job’s Contact.

Web address

Internal Job “Web address”

If original web address string does not contain https:// or http://, http:// will be added automatically.

Displays as blank if no web address provided for Job.


Internal Job “Description”


Suggest job option

If Internal Job has Application steps and its “Expiration date” is greater than the current date, the Standard Administrator can suggest the Job to Jobseekers they have access to.

Please use “Suggest” button at the bottom of “Job preview” page to launch “Select users to receive suggested jobs” modal form which allows you to select any number of Jobseekers and suggest the Job to them.


By default, the grid is ordered by JobseekerID, ascending. The grid displays 10 records per page. The administrator can use the navigation buttons to switch between pages.

Only Jobseekers of “Full User”/”Prospect”/”Invited” subscription statuses are listed in the grid. The “Show matched users only” option is ticked by default.



To apply a filter, the administrator should click the ’Search’ button. To reset currently applied filters and get back to default values, the administrator should click the ‘Reset’ button.

In the filter area, an administrator can view:

Title Type of control Defaulted to Description
Show matched users only checkbox Ticked

Ticked by default.

Searches for Jobseekers who have “Job Title & Location” combination in their Job Finder correlating with selected Internal Job’s ones.

User name free text input Blank

Filter by Learner/Jobseeker’s full name.

Email free text input Blank

Allows to filter by Learner/Jobseeker’s email.


Group multiselect tree view dropdown “Select groups”

Only those Aptem Groups are listed which logged in Administrator has access to.

Filter grid by Learner/Jobseeker’s Aptem group allocation.

Active searches:Location free text input Blank

Only visible if “Show matched users only” is unticked.

Allows to search for Jobseekers which have mentioned Location as part of “Location” filter applied in their Job Finder.


Active searches:Job free text input Blank

Only visible if “Show matched users only” is unticked.


Allows to search for Jobseekers which have mentioned Job title as part of “Job titles” filter applied in their Job Finder.



Grid columns

The following grid columns and actions are available for a Standard administrator:

Column title Sortable Data display format Description
User Yes (alphabetical order) String

Jobseeker’s full name (First name + Last name)

Type No String

Jobseeker’s userType – always displays as “User”

Email Yes (alphabetical order) String

Jobseeker’s email address

Group No String OR expandable list

Jobseeker’s Aptem Group allocation


Subscription date Yes (numerical order) dd/mm/yyyy

Jobseeker’s Subscription date (for “Full user” accounts).


Displays blank if Jobseeker is of “Prospect”/”Invited” subscription status.

Subscription status Yes (by SubscriptionStatusID) String

Jobseeker’s current Subscription status


Suggest jobs

After selecting the Jobseekers, click the “Suggest jobs” button, and then click "Yes" on the confirmation popup.


If confirmed, successful operation message will appear on the screen.


As a result, selected Jobseekers will:

  • Receive “New Job Suggestion” system notification
  • Receive “Aptem suggested job” email (if Jobseeker subscription status is “Full user”)
  • Get suggested Job displayed in their Job Finder:
    • “Suggested jobs” tab in Classic
    • “Shortlist” tab > “Suggested Jobs” panel in Learner Console
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