Power BI - Funding Dashboard
What is a “Power BI” Dashboard?
Microsoft Power BI is a suite of business intelligence (BI), reporting, and data visualization products. Power BI allows data from multiple sources to be combined and analysed, in real-time, and presented visually.
MWS technology have harnessed the capabilities of Power BI to develop a suite of custom built “Dashboards” designed to provide you with finger-tip access to the data that your business needs across a range of key business areas. These dashboards have been fully embedded into the Aptem platform meaning they require no additional specialist knowledge or software to use them.
Who has the funding dashboard been designed for?
The funding dashboard has been designed to be used by anyone in the business who may need sight of funding values and predictions and who have been given the authority to do so. Typically, this could be people in, but not limited to, the following key business roles:
- Finance Director/Manager
- Managing Director
- Board members
- Operations Director/Manager
- MIS Director/Manager
Which information does the funding dashboard contain?
The funding dashboard has been created to provide indicative funding information based on the data currently held within your Aptem platform. The Dashboard provides indicative funding amounts broken down into the following sections:
- Year-To-Date (YTD) totals and summary
- Funding summary by month, programme, and age band
- Funding details for Standards
- Funding details for frameworks (May 2017 onwards)
- Learner funding detail breakdown
Where is the data extracted from?
The data contained in the funding dashboard is taken directly from the complex databases that sit behind the screens you see within Aptem. Every piece of data entered by you into Aptem is securely stored in these databases and are used to power the dashboards, therefore, ensuring your dashboard is always showing up-to-date information (when loaded and/or refreshed, maximum of one refresh per hour period).
An example of the key data and filters used in each of the separate pages (tabs) of the finance report are detailed in the following sections. Each page contains a number of data assumptions, hard-coded filters and user definable filters which will be explained where possible.
For reference:
- Data assumptions - Pre-determined assumptions made about the data to specify inclusion or exclusion from the dashboard.
- Hard-coded filters - These are filters coded in during the development of the dashboards and are not editable or changeable by the end user.
- User definable filters - These are page levels filters that can be adjusted by the end user to further shape the data.
- Where the term “(calculated)” is used, this means the figures in this visual have been calculated by means of manual DAX programming language and are not standalone values directly available via the OData API feed (i.e. these are not explicit fields/values captured in the Aptem platform).
If no group filter is applied to the data table, learners will appear for each group they are in. All measures will only count the learner once.
Individual tab details
Tab: Funding Details - Standards
Tab: Funding Details – Frameworks (May ’17 onwards)
Funding detail - Traineeship
Funding detail - AEB and Study progs
Learner Funding Data
PMR/TNP Report
Provider Weighting
Learning Aims
Tab: Year-To-Date
Visuals included:
- Age band (calculated)
- Monthly funding values (calculated) – consisting of:
- “In month” total
- On programme payment (OPP)
- Math
- English
- Learning support assistance (LSA)
- 16-18 uplift
- Projected outcome (predicted payment)
- Outcome payment (on confirmed end date)
- Number of learners by standard/framework
Data assumptions:
- Learners have an active, Valid, ILR record (i.e. Would be included in a batch file submission to ESFA)
Hard-coded filters:
- Learner type is “User”
- Programme Type is 2,3,20,21,22,23,24 or 25
User definable filters:
- Age Band
Tab: Funding Summary
Visuals included:
- Funding summary
- Total funding by month including previous, current, and future values
- Number of learners by standard/framework
- On programme funding – consisting of:
- standard/framework Name
- Type (standard or framework)
- Number of learners on programme
- Current month’s funding
- Next month’s funding values
Data assumptions:
- Learners have an active, valid, ILR record (i.e. would be included in a batch file submission to ESFA)
Hard-coded filters:
- Learner type is “User”
- Programme Type is 2,3,20,21,22,23,24 or 25
User definable filters:
- Age Band
Tab: Funding Details - Standards
Visuals included:
- Current month funding (calculated)
- Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months), (calculated) - consisting of:
- “In month” total
- On programme payment (OPP)
- Math
- English
- Learning support assistance (LSA)
- 16-18 uplift
- Projected outcome (predicted payment)
- Outcome payment (on confirmed end date)
- Funding Revenue by month (calculated) – consisting of:
- Current programme
- Standard name
- Full name
- Age band (calculated)
- Funding in month (calculated)
- Math funding in month (calculated)
- ALS payment
- Outcome payment
- 16-18 uplift
Data assumptions:
- Learners have an active, Valid, ILR record (i.e. Would be included in a batch file submission to ESFA)
Hard-coded filters:
- Learner type is “User”
- Programme Type is 25
User definable filters:
- None
Tab: Funding Details – Frameworks (May ’17 onwards)
Visuals included:
- Current month funding (calculated)
- Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months), (calculated) - consisting of:
- “In month” total
- On programme payment (OPP)
- Math
- English
- Learning support assistance (LSA)
- 16-18 uplift
- Projected outcome (predicted payment)
- Outcome payment (on confirmed end date)
- Funding Revenue by month (calculated) – consisting of:
- Current programme
- Standard name
- Full name
- Age band (calculated)
- Funding in month (calculated)
- Math funding in month (calculated)
- ALS payment
- Outcome payment
- 16-18 uplift
Data assumptions:
- Learners have an active, valid, ILR record (i.e. would be included in a batch file submission to ESFA)
Hard Coded filters:
- Learner type is “User”
- Programme Type is 2,3,20,21,22,23 or 24
User definable fields:
- None
Tab: Learner Funding Details
Visuals included:
- Learner Funding details - consisting of:
- Learner ID
- Full name
- Last name
- First name
- O.B
- Post code
- Learner ULN
- Case owner name
- Employer
- Group levels 1,2 and 3
- Funding model
- Source of funding
- Aim type
- Programme ID
- Programme name
- Component name
- Qual reference number
- Programme type
- Level
- Framework code
- Standard code
- Pathway code
- Learning status
- ILR episode status
- EPA org ID
- Excluded from batch
- Status
- Outcome
- Grade
- Restart indicator
- Original start date
- Start date
- Planned end date
- Actual end date
- Achievement date
- Special education needs indicator
- EHCP indicator
- Learner support funding indicator, start and end dates
- Primary health problem
- Disabled students allowance indicator
- Eligibility for enhanced funding indicator
- Advanced learner loan indicator
- Total training price (TNP2)
- Total assessment price (TNP2)
Data assumptions:
- Learners have an active, valid, ILR record (i.e. would be included in a batch file submission to ESFA)
Hard-coded filters:
- Learner type is “User”
- Programme Type is 2,3,20,21,22,23 or 24
User definable filters:
- None
Tab: Funding detail - Traineeship
Visuals included:
- Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months)
- Funding revenue by month - Traineeships
User definable filters:
- Category
- Months
Tab: Funding detail - AEB and Study progs
Visuals included:
- Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months)
- Funding revenue by month - AEB and Study programmes
User definable filters:
- Category
- Months
Tab: Learner Funding Data
Visuals included:
- Total learners including leavers
- Count of aims from total learners
- Number of 'live' learners
- Number of 'live' aims from 'live' learners
- Number of 'live' aims excluded from batch
- Number of 'live' learners unfunded/past end
- Number on learning break
- 'Live' learners with Aim type 1
- 'Live' learners without Aim type 1
- Learner Aims, Status and Funding Table
Hard-coded filters:
- All ILRs, All Episodes, All Aims
User definable filters:
- ILR aims by learning status
- Live status of aims
- Case Owner
- Programme Type
- Individual Aim excluded from batch
Tab: PMR/TNP Report
Visuals included:
- TNP total this month
- PMR total this month
- TNP total last month
- PMR total last month
- TNP/PMR Summary by month
- Detailed TNP/PMR by learner, data and type
User definable filters:
- Subscription Status
- Type
- flguse
Tab: Provider Weighting
Visuals included:
- Provider weighting
Tab: Popout_errors
Visuals included:
- AEB Funding weighting
Tab: Learning Aims
Visuals included: A table with a list of unique aims
User definable filters:
- You can filter the table by Aim title.
Power BI reports in Aptem console
Administrators with the Power BI Funding Report role can view the Power BI Funding report in Aptem console. Please note that even after the role has been assigned, it takes some time to take affect and show the reports. The report cannot be seen immediately.
To view Power BI reports in Aptem console, click Power BI Reports on the left menu.
On the Reports screen, you can view the Funding report. If you have access to more than one report, you can use the navigation menu on top to navigate to the report you want to see.
You can view the information across the different tabs on each report.
Refreshing the Power BI report
To refresh a report, you can use the Refresh button. Reports cannot be refreshed within an hour of the last refresh. The time of the last update, and the next available refresh time is shown.