This page has the details of the Caseload dashboard calculations. Navigate to the sections linked below to see the relevant calculation details.
- Assessor Overview
- Caseloads
- Total leavers
- Leavers with full achievement
- Leavers without achievement
- Leaners on 'break in learning'
- Learners still on programme but past planned end date
- Learners currently on programme and 'in funding'
- Number of learners with no ILR or privately funded
- Learners with excluded / unknown ILR and one or more aims
- Caseload by Assessor
- Average number of days on programme
- Average days since last learning plan activity
- Learners with no learning plan in the last 60 days
- Learners on "break in learning"
- Overview by Program Status
- Learners with active Aptem subscription
- Active programme status
- Onboarding
- Non-starter
- Early leaver
- On break status
- Entered EPA status
- Occupancy Report
- Page Filters
- Live learners
- Completed learners
- Learners on a "break"
- Withdrawn learners
- In learning but awaiting result [EPA]
- Number of expired / cancelled accounts with valid open aims
- Data Checks
- Count of user names containing text "test"
- Number of expired / cancelled accounts with valid open aims
- Learners with no ILR aims
- Learners with only excluded aims
- Learners 'in learning' ILR but programme status is not active
- Learners ILR status is 'leaver' but programme is active
- Learners with current aims where funding model is 99
- Data Filters
Assessor Overview
The caseloads table includes 2 measures. 'Live learners' and 'Learners excluded from or with no ILR'. Live learners is made up of all users in the 'Past end date' column with the status of 'in funding' or 'Past end date'.
- The 'in funding' status is set based on the users 'actual end date' being blank and whose 'planned end date' is in the future.
- The 'past end date' status is set based on the user having a 'planned end date' in the past and has not yet completed or left the programme.
Total leavers
Total leavers is made up of all users in the 'Past end date' column with the status of 'leaver'.
- The 'Leaver' status is set based on the ILRAims status for the user being greater than 1 (indicating a completed or left programme).
Leavers with full achievement
Leavers with full achievement is made up of the sum of all users with a '1' in the 'positive outcome' column.
- The 'positive outcome' column is calculated based on users who have a non-blank 'actual end date', an 'outcome' code of 1, and a 'status' which is not 'unknown', 'excluded' or blank.
Leavers without achievement
Leavers without achievement is made up of the sum of all users with a '1' in the 'negative outcome' column, and do not have a learning status of 'break in learning'.
- The 'negative outcome' column is calculated based on users who have a non-blank 'actual end date', an 'outcome' code of 3, a 'status' which is not 'unknown', 'excluded' or blank, and the learning status is not 'break in learning'.
Leaners on 'break in learning'
Learners on 'break in learning' is made up of the sum of all users with a learning status of 'break in learning'.
- The 'break in learning' status is set based on the ILRAims status for the user being '6'.
Learners still on programme but past planned end date
Learners still on programme but past planned end date is made up of all users in the 'Past end date' column with the status of 'Past end date'.
- The 'Past end date' status is set based on the users 'planned end date' being in the past, and the user has not yet completed or left the programme.
Learners currently on programme and 'in funding'
Learners currently on programme and 'in funding' is made up of all users in the 'Past end date' column with the status of 'in funding'.
- The 'in funding' status is set based on the users 'actual end date' being blank and whose 'planned end date' is in the future.
Number of learners with no ILR or privately funded
Number of learners with no ILR or privately funded is made up of all users with a main aim of '0' (indicating they do not have a main aim).
Learners with excluded / unknown ILR and one or more aims
Learners with excluded / unknown ILR and one or more aims is made up of all users with a main aim of '1' and users in the 'Past end date' column with the status of 'Unknown/Excluded ILR'.
- The 'Unknown/Excluded ILR' is set based on the users ILR summary status being either unknown, excluded, or blank.
Caseload by Assessor
Average number of days on programme
Average number of days on programme filters users which have the status of 'in learning' and averages the 'days on programme to date' for these users.
- The 'in funding' status is set based on the users 'actual end date' being blank and whose 'planned end date' is in the future.
Average days since last learning plan activity
Average days since last learning plan activity filters users which have the status of 'in learning' and averages the 'days since last submission' for these users.
- The 'in funding' status is set based on the users 'actual end date' being blank and whose 'planned end date' is in the future.
Learners with no learning plan in the last 60 days
Learners with no learning plan in the last 60 days filters users which have the status of 'in learning' and users which have 'days since last submission' greater than 60.
Learners on "break in learning"
Learners on 'break in learning' is made up of the sum of all users with a learning status of 'break in learning'.
- The 'break in learning' status is set based on the ILRAims status for the user being '6'.
Overview by Program Status
Learners with active Aptem subscription
Learners with active subscription is made of a count of all users which are not past their end date or excluded from the ILR.
Active programme status
Active programme status is made up of active learners who have a UserProgram_Status of 'active'.
Onboarding is made up of active learners who have a UserProgram_Status of 'onboarding'
Non-Starter is made up of active learners who have a UserProgram_Status of 'non-starter'
Early leaver
Early Leaver is made up of active learners who have a UserProgram_Status of 'EarlyLeaver'
On break status
On break status is made up of active learners who have a UserProgram_Status of either 'OnIllnessBreak', 'OnOtherBreak', 'OnMaternityBreak' or 'OnBreak'.
Entered EPA status
Entered EPA status is made up of active learners who have a UserProgram_Status of 'EnteredEpa'
Occupancy Report
Page Filters
- Funding model is not 99.
- Episode Status is Completed, Pending, QAVerified or Signed
- Learners is not blank or 9999999999.
Live learners
Live learners is made up all learners who have a lk_currentAimEpisodeLStatus of 'In learning'.
The lk_currentAimEpisodeLStatus is populated by looking up the Learning_Status for the current ILR aim associated with a user.
Completed learners
Completed learners is made up all learners who have a lk_currentAimEpisodeLStatus of 'Completed'.
- The lk_currentAimEpisodeLStatus is populated by looking up the Learning_Status for the current ILR aim associated with a user.
Learners on a "break"
Learners on a "break" learners is made up all learners who have a lk_currentAimEpisodeLStatus of 'Break in Learning'.
- The lk_currentAimEpisodeLStatus is populated by looking up the Learning_Status for the current ILR aim associated with a user.
Withdrawn learners
Withdrawn learners is made up all learners who have a lk_currentAimEpisodeLStatus of 'Withdrawn'.
- The lk_currentAimEpisodeLStatus is populated by looking up the Learning_Status for the current ILR aim associated with a user.
In learning but awaiting result [EPA]
In learning but awaiting result [EPA] is made up all learners with a CombinedStatus_lkip of '1_8'.
- To produce the '1_8', the learner must have a status of '1' and an outcome of '8'.
Number of expired / cancelled accounts with valid open aims
Number of expired / cancelled accounts with valid open aims is a count of all users with a subscriptionStatus of "expired", "cancelled" or "archived" and has an open aim of 1 or above.
Data Checks
Count of user names containing text "test"
Count of user names containing text "test" counts all users in the 'users[FullName]' column with the word "test" in it.
Number of expired / cancelled accounts with valid open aims
Number of expired / cancelled accounts with valid open aims is a count of all users with a subscriptionStatus of "expired", "cancelled" or "archived" and has an open aim of 1 or above.
Learners with no ILR aims
Learners with no ILR aims counts all users with a CurrentProgAimStatus set as 'no aims'
- 'No aims' is calculated based on a count of all aims being '0'.
Learners with only excluded aims
Learners with only excluded aims counts all users with a CurrentProgAimStatus set as either 'Current excluded aims [no other aims]', 'NonCurrent excluded aims' or 'Current excluded [other invalid]'.
- These statuses are set based on aims data being populated from the allaims column.
Learners 'in learning' ILR but programme status is not active
Learners 'in learning' ILR but programme status is not active uses the Count_ProgStatusMismatch measurement and is calculated by the count of users who are in learning but have a non-active program status.
Learners ILR status is 'leaver' but programme is active
Learners ILR status is 'leaver' but programme is active users the Count_ProgStatusMismatch2 measurement and is calculated by counting the users who are in learning ("active", "onboarding" or "enteredEPA"), but have a non-active program status (specifically, "Withdrawn" or "Completed").
Learners with current aims where funding model is 99
Learners with current aims where funding model is 99 is a count of all users which have a CurrentProgAimStatus set as 'current included aims' or 'current included aims with excluded aims' and a funding model code of '99'.