Funding dashboard calculations and data filters
This page has the details of the Funding dashboard calculations. Navigate to the sections linked below to see the relevant calculation details.
- Page Filters
- Monthly values
- Programme Funding
- Learning Support
- Math & English Programme Funding
- Additional Payments for Providers
- Additional Payments for Employers
- Advanced Loans Bursary Funding
- Achievement payment
- Projected Achievement
- Balancing payment
- Uplift payments
- Year Total
Year to Date
- Page Filters
- YTD Summaries
- Potential outcome payments for live learners past planned end date
- Total YTD
- Monthly funding values
Funding Summary
- Page Filters
- On programme funding
- Total YTD
- Potential outcome payments for live learners past planned end date
- Total funding by month
Funding Detail - Standards
- Page Filters
- Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months)
- Current Month
- Funding revenue by month
Funding Detail - Frameworks
- Page Filters
- Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months)
- Current Month
- Funding revenue by month
Funding Detail - Traineeships
- Page Filters
- Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months)
- Current Month
- Funding revenue by month
Funding Detail - AEB & Study Programmes
- Page Filters
- Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months)
- Current Month
- Funding revenue by month
Learner Funding Data
- Page Filters
- Total learners including leavers
- Count of aims from total learners
- Number of live learners
- Number of live aims from live learners
- Number of live aims excluded from batch
- Count of live learners unfunded / past end
- Number on learning break
- Live learners with aim type 1
- Live without open aim type 1
PMR/TNP Report
- Page Filters
- TNP total this month
- PMR total this month
- TNP total last month
- PMR total last month
Provider Weighting
- Page Filters
Popout Errors
- Page Filters
Learning Aims
- Page Filters
Data Filters
- ILRAims
- Funding
- Episodes
Page Filters
- Subscriptions status is not cancelled or expired.
- User's full name does not contain “test” or “Do not use”.
- User is of type “user”.
Monthly values
Programme Funding
- Monthly on programme payment - OPP (In Month Programme Funding/In Month OPP/FundingInMonth)
- Funding model is 36 (Apprenticeship)
- Aim duration at least 1 day.
- The aim type is 1.
- On programme in the month
- Achieved in month.
OR - Finished on last day of month.
OR - In learning in month.
- Achieved in month.
- 80% * Post code weighting * Total negotiated price (TNP1 per month value)
ADDED TO - End point assessment price (TNP2 per month value)
- If there has been a change in employer then the residual monthly values (TNP3 & TNP4) replace TNP1 & TNP2 values from the date the change happened.
- Monthly Trainee/Study programme (In Month Programme Funding/In Month Trainee StudyP/FundinginMonth_nonApp)
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Traineeship 16-19 in month
- Funding model is 25 and Programme Type is 24 (16-19 Traineeship)
- Aim name does not contain English or Mathematics and Functional Skills or GCSE
- Learner is in learning or has completed and passed their qualifying period.
- Provider ESFA weighting * Traineeship 16-18 funding amount * Month duration
- Traineeship 19-24 in month
- Funding model is 35 and Programme Type is 24 (19-24 Traineeship)
- Aim name does not contain English or Mathematics and Functional Skills or GCSE
- 80% * Traineeship 19-24 funding amount * Month duration
- Study programme 16-19 in month
- Funding model is 25, Programme Type is empty and Source of Funding is 107 (16-19 Study Programme)
- Aim name does not contain English or Mathematics and Functional Skills or GCSE
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Learner is in learning or has completed and passed their qualifying period.
- 80% * Provider ESFA weighting * Study Programme 16-19 funding amount * Month duration
- Study programme 19-24 in month
- Funding model is 25, Programme Type is empty and Source of Funding is 105 (19-24 Study Programme)
- Aim name does not contain English or Mathematics and Functional Skills or GCSE
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- 80% * Provider ESFA weighting * Study Programme 19-24 funding amount * Month duration
- Functional skills funding in month
- Funding model is 25, Programme Type is empty and Source of Funding is 105 (19-24 Study Programme) or Funding model is 35 and Programme Type is 24 (19-24 Traineeship)
- Aim name contains English or Mathematics and Functional Skills or GCSE
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- 80% * Weighted Aim funding value * Month duration
- Monthly AEB (In Month Programme Funding/In Month AEB/Adult Skills inMonth)
- Funding model is 35 and Programme Type is not 24 (Adult Skills)
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- 80% * Adult skills funding amount * Month duration.
Learning Support
- ALS funding amount as provided by UK Government (In Month LSA/ALS_payment)
Math & English Programme Funding
- English funding in month (In Month Maths & English Programme Funding/In Month English/Eng_FundinginMonth)
- Aim name contains English and Functional Skills or GCSE
- Funding model is 36 (Apprenticeship)
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Planned end date is after Start date.
- Functional skills funding amount as provided by UK Government divided by number of months between start date and planned end date.
- Maths funding in month (In Month Maths & English Programme Funding/In Month Maths/Mth_FundinginMonth)
- Aim name contains Mathematics and Functional Skills or GCSE
- Funding model is 36 (Apprenticeship)
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Planned end date is after Start date.
- Functional skills funding amount as provided by UK Government divided by number of months between start date and planned end date.
- Functional skills in month -Trainee/Study programme (In Month Maths & English Programme Funding/In Month Func Skills (Trainee/StudyP)/FS_inMonth_nonApp)
- Funding model is 35 and Programme Type is 24 (19-24 Traineeship) or
- Funding model is 25, Programme Type is empty and Source of Funding is 105 (19-24 Study Programme)
- Aim name contains English or Mathematics and Functional Skills or GCSE
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- 80% * Weighted Aim funding value * Month duration
Additional Payments for Providers
- In Month 16-18 Provider Incentive/FundingDates
- It is month 4 or if duration is 12 months then month 12 else month 13.
- A Standard
- Aim type is 1.
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Age at start of academic year is 18 or less.
- 50 % * Incentive payment.
Additional Payments for Employers
- In Month 16-18 Employer Incentive/FundingDates
- It is month 4 or if duration is 12 months then month 12 else month 13.
- A Standard
- Aim type is 1.
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Age at start of academic year is 18 or less.
- 50 % * Incentive payment.
Advanced Loans Bursary Funding
- In Month ADL/FundingDates
- Funding Model is 99
- Programme type is blank.
- ADL is 1
- Weighted Aim funding value * Postcode weighting * SFA area cost factor for the delivery postcode / prior learning funding adjustment % / number of instalments
Achievement payment
- In Month outcome/FundingDates
- Achievement date, if not available uses actual end date, is in this month.
- Learner outcome is achieved.
- 20% of Aim value
Projected Achievement
- In Month projected outcome/FundingDates
- Actual end date is empty.
- Planned end is after today and before end the month.
- 20% of Aim value.
Balancing payment
- In Month Balancing payment/FundingDates
- Achievement date, if not available uses actual end date, is in this month.
- Learner outcome is achieved.
- Actual end date is before planned end date.
- Monthly amount * number of months remaining.
Uplift payments
- In Month 16-18 uplift/FundingDates
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Aim type is 1.
- Frameworks only.
- Age at start of academic year is 18 or less.
- 20% of
- Funding model is 36 (Apprenticeship)
- Aim duration at least 1 day.
- The aim type is 1.
- On programme in the month
- Achieved in month.
OR - Finished on last day of month.
OR - In learning in month.
- Achieved in month.
- 80% * Post code weighting * Total negotiated price (TNP1 per month value)
ADDED TO - End point assessment price (TNP2 per month value)
- If there has been a change in employer then the residual monthly values (TNP3 & TNP4) replace TNP1 & TNP2 values from the date the change happened.
- Sum of monthly payments by funding line up to the current month.
Year Total
- Sum of all monthly payments by funding line for the current academic year.
Year to Date
Page Filters
- Subscriptions status is not cancelled or expired.
- User's full name does not contain “test” or “Do not use”.
- User is of type “user”.
YTD Summaries
- YTD Total = Sum of monthly payments up to the current month
- YTD OPP (app) = Monthly on programme payment
- YTD Maths (app) = Maths funding in month
- YTD English (app) = English funding in month
- YTD LSA (app) = ALS funding amount as provided by UK Government
- YTD 16-18 Framework uplift = Uplift payments
- YTD 16-18 employer incentive (std) = Additional Payments for Employers
- YTD 16-18 provider incentive (std) = Additional Payments for Providers
- YTD Outcome (app) = Achievement payment
- YTD projected outcome (app) = Projected Achievement
- YTD trainee / study programme = Monthly Trainee/Study programme
- YTD func skill (trainee / study programme) = Functional skills in month -Trainee/Study programme
- YTD AEB skills = Monthly AEB
- YTD ADL (app) = Advanced Loans Bursary Funding
- YTD balancing payments = Balancing payment
Potential outcome payments for live learners past planned end date
- Learner has no actual end date.
- Planned end date is on or before today and before end the month.
- Category not 16-19 Traineeship.
- 20% of Aim value.
Total YTD
- Sum of monthly payments up to the current month.
Monthly funding values
- Headline monthly values in graphical form, showing each funding line.
Funding Summary
Page Filters
- Subscriptions status is not cancelled or expired.
- User's full name does not contain “test” or “Do not use”.
- User is of type “user”.
On programme funding
- Count learners with funding.
- Learner has achieved in the month or finished on the last day of the month or is still in learning.
- Planned end date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Start date is equal to or after the end of the month.
- Current month
- Sum of monthly payments for the current month.
- Next month
- Sum of monthly payments for the next month.
Total YTD
- Sum of monthly payments up to the current month.
Potential outcome payments for live learners past planned end date
- Learner has no actual end date.
- Planned end date is on or before today and before end the month.
- Category not 16-19 Traineeship.
- 20% of Aim value.
Total learners including leavers
- Count of distinct learners from ILRAims OData feed where
- Aim is not excluded from batch
- ILR status is not blank, excluded or unknown
Count of aims from total learners
- Count of the Id from ILRAims OData feed
Number of live learners
- Count of distinct learners from ILRAims OData feed where
- Aim is not excluded from batch
- ILR status is not blank, excluded or unknown
- Actual end date is blank
Number of live aims from live learners
- Count of the Id from ILRAims OData feed where
- Aim is not excluded from batch
- ILR status is not blank, excluded or unknown
- Aim status is 1
Number of live aims excluded from batch
- Count of the Id from ILRAims OData feed where
- Aim is excluded from batch
- Aim status is 1
Count of live learners unfunded / past end
- Count of distinct learners from ILRAims OData feed where
- Aim is not excluded from batch
- ILR status is not blank, excluded or unknown
- Actual end date is blank
- Planned end is on or before today
Number on learning break
- Count of distinct learners from ILRAims OData feed where:
- Aim is not excluded from batch
- ILR status is not blank, excluded or unknown
- Aim with the latest start date, for the learner, has a status 6
Live learners with aim type 1
- Count of distinct learners from ILRAims OData feed
- No additional filters (only the page filters are applied)
Live without open aim type 1
- The difference between
- Count of distinct learners from ILRAims OData feed where
- Aim is not excluded from batch
- ILR status is not blank, excluded or unknown
- Actual end date is blank
- Aim type = 1
- Count of distinct learners from ILRAims OData feed where
- Aim is not excluded from batch
- ILR status is not blank, excluded or unknown
- Actual end date is blank
- Count of distinct learners from ILRAims OData feed where
Total funding by month
- Headline monthly values in graphical form, showing total only.
Funding Detail - Standards
Page Filters
Subscriptions status is not cancelled or expired
Users fullname does not contain “test” or “Do not use”
User is a type “user”
Claim component breakdown by month (current and next three months)
- Graph showing the monthly payments by funding line over 4 months.
Current Month
- Total amount for all funding lines in the current month.
Funding revenue by month
- No additional calculations. Breaks down the monthly payments for the current academic year by funding line per standard, can be drilled down to learner.
PMR/TNP Report
Page Filters
- Subscriptions status is not cancelled or expired.
- User's full name does not contain “test” or “Do not use”.
- User is of type “user”.
- Learner’s name does not contain “test” or “DO NOT USE”.
- Learner’s ULN is not blank or “9999999999”.
- Learner’s ILR status in not “Unknown” or “Excluded”.
- Aim is not excluded from batch.
TNP total this month
- Sum of Amount from ApprenticeshipFinancialRecords OData feed where:
- Aim is not excluded from batch.
- ILR status is not excluded or unknown.
- User's full name does not contain “test” or “Do not use”.
- Learner’s ULN is not blank or “9999999999”.
- Type = TNP.
- Month of date is in the month of today.
PMR total this month
- Sum of Amount from ApprenticeshipFinancialRecords OData feed where:
- Aim is not excluded from batch.
- ILR status is not excluded or unknown.
- User's full name does not contain “test” or “Do not use”.
- Learner’s ULN is not blank or “9999999999”.
- Type = PMR.
- Month of date is in the month of today.
TNP total last month
- Sum of Amount from ApprenticeshipFinancialRecords OData feed where:
- Aim is not excluded from batch.
- ILR status is not excluded or unknown.
- User's full name does not contain “test” or “Do not use”.
- Learner’s ULN is not blank or “9999999999”.
- Type = TNP.
- Month of date is in the month before today.
PMR total last month
- Sum of Amount from ApprenticeshipFinancialRecords OData feed where:
- Aim is not excluded from batch.
- ILR status is not excluded or unknown.
- User's full name does not contain “test” or “Do not use”.
- Learner’s ULN is not blank or “9999999999”.
- Type = PMR.
- Month of date is in the month before today.
Missing aims, Weighting & Errors
Page Filters
- Subscriptions status is not cancelled or expired
- Users fullname does not contain “test” or “Do not use”
- User is a type “user”
There are no calculations on this page
Data Filters
- Programme type is 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 or empty
- Aim start date and end date and different
- All funding calculations are for the current accademic year.
- ILR status is not blank, Excluded or Unknown
- Aim is not excluded from batch
- Learner’s name does not contain “test” or “DO NOT USE”