Quality dashboard calculations and data filters
This page doesn't have any calculations. The information that is displayed is captured via a UK Government export that is updated monthly. File is Management Information - Further Education and Skills
Ofsted Headline
Gender Split
- Percentage of learners split by their declared gender
Ethnicity split
- Percentage of learners split by their declared ethnicity
Learner home location
- Location of learner based on their declared postcode
Age range split
- Percentage of learners split into 3 bands by their age at start of programme
Average age of learners
- Average age at the start of their programme of those learners that have a data of birth and a programme start date
Total learners including leavers and those with excluded ILRs
- Count of IDs from the Users OData Feed
Learners with a disability, learning difficulty and/or health problem
- Count of ID numbers from the Users OData Feed where the LLDDandHealthProblems field is blank
Learners enrolled per programme delivered
- Number of learners split by their current programme
Learners by programme type
- Number of learners split by the programme type of their current programme
English IA Level
- Learners how have had an English initial assessment percentage split by level
Math IA Level
- Learners how have had a Maths initial assessment percentage split by level
Delivery location
- Location of training delivery based on learners delivery postcode.
Number of live learners
- Count of IDs from the Users OData Feed.
Number of traineeship learners
- Count of IDs from the Users OData Feed where their funding model is either 25 or 35 and their programme type is 24 of their current programme.
Number on community learning programmes
- Count of IDs from the Users OData Feed where their funding model is 10 of their current programme.
Average length of programme (days)
- Average programme length based on Programme Start Date and Planned End Date
Delivery Table, Delivery Table (Ethnicity), Delivery by Qualification
Summary tables: Age Range (age at start of programme), Gender, Health/LLD problems, Ethnicity and Qualification
- Count of IDs from the Users OData Feed.
Unknown or excluded ILR
- Leaner has passed their qualifying duration (42 days etc)
- ILR status of learner is either excluded, unknown or blank
Live learners
- Leaner has passed their qualifying duration (42 days etc)
- Learner is not "Unknown or excluded ILR"
- Learner has a start date
- Status of learners main aim is 1 and their planned end data is equal to or before today
- Leaner has passed their qualifying duration (42 days etc)
- Learner is not "Unknown or excluded ILR"
- Learner has a start date
- Learner is not a "Live learner"
- Learners main aim status is no blank
Leavers achieved
- Learner is a "Leaver" (see leavers above)
- Learners main aim status is 2 - The learner has completed the learning activities and outcome is 1 - Achieved
Leavers not achieved
- Learner is a "Leaver" (see leavers above)
- Learners main aim status is 2 - The learner has completed the learning activities and outcome is either 2 - Partial achievement or 3 - No achievement
Leavers withdrawn
- Learner is a "Leaver" (see leavers above)
- Learners main aim status is 3 - The learner has withdrawn from the learning activities
Leavers on break
- Learner is a "Leaver" (see leavers above)
- Learners main aim status is 6 - Learner has temporarily withdrawn from the aim due to an agreed break in learning
Leavers outcome unknown
- Learner is a "Leaver" (see leavers above)
- Learners main aim status is 2 - The learner has completed the learning activities and outcome isLearning activities are complete but the outcome is not yet known
Achievement rate
- Percentage of "Leavers achieved" out of "Leavers"
Learner Data Table
Number of learners
- Count of IDs from the Users OData Feed
Learner data
Profile URL
- Opens the learners dashboard in Aptem
- Learners age at start of programme
Completion status code
- Status of learners current main aim
Outcome code
- Outcome of learners current main aim
Status [valid ILRs]
- Returns the value from
- "Leavers achieved"
- Leaner has passed their qualifying duration (42 days etc)
- Learner is not "Unknown or excluded ILR"
- Learner has a start date
- Learner is not a "Live learner"
- Learners main aim status is no blank
- Learners main aim status is 2 - The learner has completed the learning activities and outcome is 1 - Achieved
- "Leavers on break",
- Leaner has passed their qualifying duration (42 days etc)
- Learner is not "Unknown or excluded ILR"
- Learner has a start date
- Learner is not a "Live learner"
- Learners main aim status is no blank
- Learners main aim status is 6 - Learner has temporarily withdrawn from the aim due to an agreed break in learning
- "Leavers withdrawn",
- Leaner has passed their qualifying duration (42 days etc)
- Learner is not "Unknown or excluded ILR"
- Learner has a start date
- Learner is not a "Live learner"
- Learners main aim status is no blank
- Learners main aim status is 3 - The learner has withdrawn from the learning activities
- "Leavers not achieved"
- Leaner has passed their qualifying duration (42 days etc)
- Learner is not "Unknown or excluded ILR"
- Learner has a start date
- Learner is not a "Live learner"
- Learners main aim status is no blank
- Learners main aim status is 2 - The learner has completed the learning activities and outcome is either 2 - Partial achievement or 3 - No achievement
- "In learning"
- Leaner has passed their qualifying duration (42 days etc)
- Learner is not "Unknown or excluded ILR"
- Learner has a start date
- Learner is not a "Live learner"
- Learners main aim status is no blank
- Learners completion status code is 1
- "Leavers achieved"
Learner status
- If learner hasn't past their qualification period (42 days) then "Non starter"
- If "ILR status" is excluded, unknown or blank then "Unknown or excluded ILR"
- If learner does not have a start date then "No start date"
- If "Completion status code" is 1 and "Planned end date" is after today then "In funding"
- If "Completion status code" is 1 and "Planned end date" is today or before then "Past end date"
- If "Completion status code" is blank then "NA"
- If the learner does not fall into any of the above then they are a "leaver"
ILR Destination Data
Page Filters
Current Programme does not contain “Import” and the programme start date is blank
Learner destination by category
Proportional percentage of learners funding category
- If learners funding model is 36 and source of funding is 107 then "Apprenticeship (16-19)"
- If learners funding model is 36 and source of funding is not 107 then "Apprenticeship (Adult)"
- If learners funding model is 35 and programme type is 24 then "19-24 Traineeship"
- If learners funding model is 35 and programme type is not 24 then "Adult Skills"
- If learners funding model is 25 and programme type is 24 then "16-19 Traineeship"
- If learners funding model is 25, source of funding is 105 and programme type is blank then "19-24 Study Programme"
- If learners funding model is 25, source of funding is 107 and programme type is blank then "16-19 Study Programme"
- If learners funding model is 99, ADL is true and programme type is blank then "Advanced Learner Loan"
- If learners funding model is 99, source of funding is 998 and programme type is blank then "Non funded"
- If learners funding model is 99, source of funding is not 998 and programme type is blank then "Other Non-ESFA Funding"
- If learner does not fall into any of the above then they are categories as "Other"
Number of learners with a recorded destination
- Distinct count of learner id's from the DestinationProgressions OData feed
Data table
Profile URL
- Opens the learners dashboard in Aptem
Date Rank
- Order of the learners recorded destinations by most recent.
- Learners age at start of programme
Levy Vs Non-Levy paying employers
- Proportional percentage of organisations based on the their levy status
Employer name, employer EDRS and levy status by employer locations
- Location of employers based on their postcode
Number of employers
- Count of distinct organisational names
Average number of employees per employer
- Average of Approx number of employers per organisation
Count of non-zero funding lines
- The number of ESFA funding stream for provider in year
Total value by year
- Total ESFA funding per year
This page doesn't have any calculations. The table below displays public data from the National Achievement Rates Tables (NARTs) for 2017/18 and 2018/2019. Data for 2019/20 and 2020/21 will not be published.
Data is only shown for apprenticeship standards or frameworks where there are more than 29 leavers. Public data for smaller cohorts is not available.
QAR Headline
Page filters
- Aim type of 1
- Aims are excluded if:
- aim code is Z0007834, Z0007835, Z0007836, Z0007837, Z0007838, ZWRKX001, ZWRKX002, ZWRKX003, ZWRKX004, ZWRKX005, ZWRKX006, ZWRKX007, ZWRKX008, ZWRKX009 or Z0002347
- Funding model is 99 and ADL is blank
- learner is on a break
- learner is withdrawn with reason 47 (transferred to another provider due to merger) and Actual end date is before start date
- learner is withdrawn with reason 40 (transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider) and start date of new aim is within 120 days
- learner is withdrawn with reason 41 (transferred to another provider to undertake learning that meets a specific government strategy)
- learner is withdrawn with reason 7 (transferred between providers due to intervention by or with the written agreement of the ESFA)
- learner hasn't past their qualifation period (42 days)
- Aim has a programme type of 24 - Traineeships, 30 - T Level transition programme or 31 - T Level programme
- The aim has a Learning Delivery Monitoring code of:
- 034 - OLASS – Offenders in custody
- 320 - 14-16 Direct Funded Students in FE
- 321 - 14-16 Home Educated Students
- ILR status in completed, QA verified or signed
- Aim record is 1
- Aims that don't have "ILR Import" in the programmename
- Aim is not the original aim of a learner who has now returned from a break
- Learners name does not contain test
- Leaver count
Includes learners if one of the following is true:- Overdue return from a break in learning
- leaner hasn't returned from a break before the end of the following year to the year they went on a break. e.g. learner went on a break 5th October 2021, academic year 21/22, they have to have come back before 31st July 2023, academic year 22/23
- Learner has an achievement date and a programme type is 25 - Apprenticeship standard and Funding Model is 36 - Apprenticeships
- Learner has an actual end and status is not 6 - Break in learning
- Overdue return from a break in learning
- Completed
- Learning aim has a completion status of 2 (The learner has completed the learning activities leading to the learning aim)
- Achieved
- Learning aim has a completion status of 2 (The learner has completed the learning activities leading to the learning aim)
- Learning aim has an outcome of 1 (Achieved)
- Withdrawn
- Learning aim has a completion status of 3 (The learner has withdrawn from the learning activities leading to the learning aim)
- In learning
- Learning aim has a completion status of 1 (The learner is continuing or intending to continue the learning activities leading to the learning aim)
- QAR %
- Previous years = Achieved / Leaver count
- Expected = Achieved / Leaver count
- Minimum = Achieved / (Leaver count + In learning)
- Maximum = (Achieved + In learning) / (Leaver count + In learning)
- Retention %
- Previous years = Completed / Leaver count
- Expected = Completed / Leaver count
- Minimum = Completed / (Leaver count + In learning)
- Maximum = (Completed + In learning) / (Leaver count + In learning)
- Pass Rate %
- Previous years = Achieved / Completed
- Expected = Achieved / Completed
- Minimum = Achieved / (Completed + In learning)
- Maximum = (Achieved + In learning) / (Completed + In learning)
QAR by hybrid year end
- QAR %
- Previous years = Achieved / Leaver count
- Expected = Achieved / Leaver count
- Minimum = Achieved / (Leaver count + In learning)
- Maximum = (Achieved + In learning) / (Leaver count + In learning)
Retention by hybrid year end
- Retention %
- Previous years = Completed / Leaver count
- Expected = Completed / Leaver count
- Minimum = Completed / (Leaver count + In learning)
- Maximum = (Completed + In learning) / (Leaver count + In learning)
Pass Rate by hybrid year end
- Pass Rate %
- Previous years = Achieved / Completed
- Expected = Achieved / Completed
- Minimum = Achieved / (Completed + In learning)
- Maximum = (Achieved + In learning) / (Completed + In learning)
QAR Gender & Disability
Page filters
- Aim type of 1
- Aims are excluded if
- aim code is Z0007834, Z0007835, Z0007836, Z0007837, Z0007838, ZWRKX001, ZWRKX002, ZWRKX003, ZWRKX004, ZWRKX005, ZWRKX006, ZWRKX007, ZWRKX008, ZWRKX009 or Z0002347
- Funding model is 99 and ADL is blank
- learner is on a break
- learner is withdrawn with reason 47 (transferred to another provider due to merger) and Actual end date is before start date
- learner is withdrawn with reason 40 (transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider) and start date of new aim is within 120 days
- learner is withdrawn with reason 41 (transferred to another provider to undertake learning that meets a specific government strategy)
- learner is withdrawn with reason 7 (transferred between providers due to intervention by or with the written agreement of the ESFA)
- learner hasn't past their qualifation period (42 days)
- Aim has a programme type of 24 - Traineeships, 30 - T Level transition programme or 31 - T Level programme
- The aim has a Learning Delivery Monitoring code of:
- 034 - OLASS – Offenders in custody
- 320 - 14-16 Direct Funded Students in FE
- 321 - 14-16 Home Educated Students
- ILR status in completed, QA verified or signed
- Aim record is 1
- Aims that don't have "ILR Import" in the programmename
- Aim is not the original aim of a learner who has now returned from a break.
- Learner's name does not contain 'test'.
- Same calculations as headline but summarised by Gender.
- Same calculations as headline but summarised by Health and LLD problems.
QAR Age & Ethnicity
Page filters
- Aim type of 1
- Aims are excluded if
- aim code is Z0007834, Z0007835, Z0007836, Z0007837, Z0007838, ZWRKX001, ZWRKX002, ZWRKX003, ZWRKX004, ZWRKX005, ZWRKX006, ZWRKX007, ZWRKX008, ZWRKX009 or Z0002347
- Funding model is 99 and ADL is blank
- learner is on a break
- learner is withdrawn with reason 47 (transferred to another provider due to merger) and Actual end date is before start date
- learner is withdrawn with reason 40 (transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider) and start date of new aim is within 120 days
- learner is withdrawn with reason 41 (transferred to another provider to undertake learning that meets a specific government strategy)
- learner is withdrawn with reason 7 (transferred between providers due to intervention by or with the written agreement of the ESFA)
- learner hasn't past their qualifation period (42 days)
- Aim has a programme type of 24 - Traineeships, 30 - T Level transition programme or 31 - T Level programme
- The aim has a Learning Delivery Monitoring code of:
- 034 - OLASS – Offenders in custody
- 320 - 14-16 Direct Funded Students in FE
- 321 - 14-16 Home Educated Students
- ILR status in completed, QA verified or signed
- Aim record is 1
- Aims that don't have "ILR Import" in the programmename
- Aim is not the original aim of a learner who has now returned from a break
- Learners name does not contain test
- Same calculations as headline but summarised by Age.
- Same calculations as headline but summarised by Ethnicity.
QAR Functional Skills
Page filters
The page has filters for the following:
- Aim title includes
- "functional"
- "Maths" and "GCSE"
- "English" and "GCSE"
- Aim type of 3
- Aims are excluded if:
- aim code is Z0007834, Z0007835, Z0007836, Z0007837, Z0007838, ZWRKX001, ZWRKX002, ZWRKX003, ZWRKX004, ZWRKX005, ZWRKX006, ZWRKX007, ZWRKX008, ZWRKX009 or Z0002347
- Funding model is 99 and ADL is blank
- learner is on a break
- learner is withdrawn with reason 47 (transferred to another provider due to merger) and Actual end date is before start date
- learner is withdrawn with reason 40 (transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider) and start date of new aim is within 120 days
- learner is withdrawn with reason 41 (transferred to another provider to undertake learning that meets a specific government strategy)
- learner is withdrawn with reason 7 (transferred between providers due to intervention by or with the written agreement of the ESFA)
- learner hasn't passed their qualification period (42 days)
- Aim has a programme type of 24 - Traineeships, 30 - T Level transition programme or 31 - T Level programme
- The aim has a Learning Delivery Monitoring code of:
- 034 - OLASS – Offenders in custody
- 320 - 14-16 Direct Funded Students in FE
- 321 - 14-16 Home Educated Students
- ILR status in completed, QA verified or signed.
- Aim record is 1
- Aims that don't have "ILR Import" in the programme name.
- Aim is not the original aim of a learner who has now returned from a break
- Learners name does not contain test
- Same calculations as headline
QAR by hybrid year end
- Same calculations as headline.
Retention by hybrid year end
- Same calculations as headline.
Pass Rate by hybrid year end
- Same calculations as headline.
Accountability framework
Page filters
The page has filters for the following:
Aim type of 1
Not excluded from batch
Aims are excluded if
aim code is Z0007834, Z0007835, Z0007836, Z0007837, Z0007838, ZWRKX001, ZWRKX002, ZWRKX003, ZWRKX004, ZWRKX005, ZWRKX006, ZWRKX007, ZWRKX008, ZWRKX009 or Z0002347
Funding model is 99 and ADL is blank
learner is on a break
learner is withdrawn with reason 47 (transferred to another provider due to merger) and Actual end date is before start date
learner is withdrawn with reason 40 (transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider) and start date of new aim is within 120 days
learner is withdrawn with reason 41 (transferred to another provider to undertake learning that meets a specific government strategy)
learner is withdrawn with reason 7 (transferred between providers due to intervention by or with the written agreement of the ESFA)
learner hasn't past their qualifation period (42 days)
Aim has a programme type of 24 - Traineeships, 30 - T Level transition programme or 31 - T Level programme
The aim has a Learning Delivery Monitoring code of:
034 - OLASS – Offenders in custody
320 - 14-16 Direct Funded Students in FE
321 - 14-16 Home Educated Students
Funding model is 35 (Adult Skills) or 36 (Apprenticeships - from 1 May 2017).
ILR status is Completed, QAVerified or Signed.
Programme Type is not 24 (Traineeships).
- Count of learning aims where the start date on or before today or the previous year end
Withdrawal count
- Count of learning aims where the start date on or before today or the previous year end and the status is 3
Withdrawal %
- Withdrawal count / Total
Missing EPA Org Id
- Count of learning aims where the EPA code is blank
Past End Date
Under 180 days count
Learning aim status = 1 and planned end date is before today or previous year end
Days between planned end date and today or previous year end is greater than 0 and less than 180
Learning aim status = 2 and actual end is after planned end
Days between actual end date and planned end date is greater than 0 and less than 180
180 - 364 days count
Learning aim status = 1 and planned end date is before today or previous year end
Days between planned end date and today or previous year end is greater than 179 and less than 365
Learning aim status = 2 and actual end is after planned end
Days between actual end date and planned end date is greater than 179 and less than 365
365 or more days count
Learning aim status = 1 and planned end date is before today or previous year end
Days between planned end date and today or previous year end is greater than 364
Learning aim status = 2 and actual end is after planned end
Days between actual end date and planned end date is greater than 364
Under 180 days %
- Under 180 days count / Total
180 - 364 days %
- 180 - 364 days count / Total
365 or more days %
- 365 or more days count / Total
Break in learning
Under 180 days count
- Learning aim status = 6
- Learning aim outcome = 3
- Actual end is before today or previous year end
- Number of days difference is less than 180
180 - 364 days count
- Learning aim status = 6
- Learning aim outcome = 3
- Actual end is before today or previous year end
- Number of days difference is between 180 and 364
365 or more days count
- Learning aim status = 6
- Learning aim outcome = 3
- Actual end is before today or previous year end
- Number of days difference is more than 364
Under 180 days %
- Under 180 days count / Total
180 - 364 days %
- 180 - 364 days count / Total
365 or more days %
- 365 or more days count / Total
Summary table by Apprenticeship
Uses the above listed calculations summarised by Apprenticeship.