Compliance dashboard calculations and data filters
This page has the details of the Compliance dashboard calculations. Navigate to the sections linked below to see the relevant calculation details.
- Compliance Overview
- Page Filters
- Number of live learners
- Planned end date in ILR?
- ILR signed
- Commitment statement signed (< 1st Aug '22)
- Training plan signed (>31st July '22)
- Written agreement
- Non-generic ULN
- Aims in ILR
- NI Number
- Fully compliant learners
- Learner missing caseowner
- Learner status (live only)
- Additional calculations in the data table
- Full user status
- Has signature mandate
- Past end date / In funding
- Days since last login
- Days on programme to date
- Days since last learning plan activity
- Caseowner Compliance
- Page Filters
- Learners by programme
- Breakdown of leaver status
- Total learners with ILR (for selected filters)
- Number of “live” learners
- Number of “In funding” “live” learners
- Number of leavers
- Additional calculation in the Case owner summary data table
- Compliance Documents Table
- Page Filters
- Data Filters
Compliance Overview
Page Filters
- Learners are not test users
- Full name does not contain “test“ or “DO NOT USE”
- Learners have a subscription status of “FullUser”, “Prospect” or “Invited”
- Learners has a ILR summary status that is not “Excluded”, “SignatureRequired”, “Unknown” or BLANK
- Learners is either “ on a break in learning”, “In funding” or “Past end date”
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is before today - Past End Date (based on the learners' main aim)
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is today or later - In funding (based on the learners' main aim)
- Learner status is 6 and outcome is 3 - Break in learning
Number of live learners
- Filters:
- Past end date is “Break in learning”, “In funding” or “Past end date”
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is before today - Past End Date (based on the learners' main aim)
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is today or later - In funding (based on the learners' main aim)
- Past end date is “Break in learning”, “In funding” or “Past end date”
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Subscription status is “FullUser”, “Prospect” or “Invited”
- ILR Summary Status is “Pending”, “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed”
- Learners is either “In funding” or “Past end date”
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is before today - Past End Date (based on the learners' main aim)
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is today or later - In funding (based on the learners' main aim)
Planned end date in ILR?
Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where:
Planned End Date is not blank.
ILR signed
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where:
- ILR Summary Status is “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed”.
- ILR Summary Signed Date is not blank.
Commitment statement signed (< 1st Aug '22)
- Count of Learner IDs from the Compliance Documents OData feed where:
- Compliance document name contains “Commitment”.
- Latest version of the document status is “Signed” or “Verified”.
Training plan signed (>31st July '22)
- Count of Learner IDs from the Compliance Documents OData feed where:
- Compliance document name contains “Training Plan”.
- Latest version of the document status is “Signed” or “Verified”.
Written agreement
- Count of Learner IDs from the Compliance Documents OData feed where:
- Compliance document name contains “Written Agreement”.
- Latest version of the document status is “Signed” or “Verified”.
Non-generic ULN
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where:
- Users ULN is not blank or “9999999999”.
Aims in ILR
- Count of IDs from the Users OData where:
- Matching Learner Id in OData feed ILRAims.
NI Number
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where:
- Users National Insurance number is not blank or “AB123456C”.
Fully compliant learners
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where:
- When neither selected in Include commitment statement or training plan filter
- Users date of birth is not blank
- Users planned end date is not blank
- ILR Summary Status is “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed” and ILR Summary Signed Date is not blank
- Users ULN is not blank or “9999999999”
- Users National Insurance number is not blank or “AB123456C”
- Matching Learner Id in OData feed ILRAims
- When both selected in Include commitment statement or training plan filter
- Users date of birth is not blank
- Users planned end date is not blank
- ILR Summary Status is “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed” and ILR Summary Signed Date is not blank
- Users ULN is not blank or “9999999999”
- Users National Insurance number is not blank or “AB123456C”
- Matching Learner Id in OData feed ILRAims
- Compliance document name contains “Training Plan” and the latest version of the document status is “Signed” or “Verified”
OR - Compliance document name contains “Commitment”and the latest version of the document status is “Signed” or “Verified”
- When Commitment statement selected in Include commitment statement or training plan filter
- Users date of birth is not blank
- Users planned end date is not blank
- ILR Summary Status is “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed” and ILR Summary Signed Date is not blank
- Users ULN is not blank or “9999999999”
- Users National Insurance number is not blank or “AB123456C”
- Matching Learner Id in OData feed ILRAims
- Compliance document name contains “Commitment”and the latest version of the document status is “Signed” or “Verified”
- When Training plan selected in Include commitment statement or training plan filter
- Users date of birth is not blank
- Users planned end date is not blank
- ILR Summary Status is “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed” and ILR Summary Signed Date is not blank
- Users ULN is not blank or “9999999999”
- Users National Insurance number is not blank or “AB123456C”
- Matching Learner Id in OData feed ILRAims
- Compliance document name contains “Training Plan” and the latest version of the document status is “Signed” or “Verified”
Learner missing caseowner
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Users Owner full name is blank
Learner status (live only)
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Learner is either “In funding” or “Past end date”
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is before today - Past End Date (based on the learners' main aim)
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is today or later - In funding (based on the learners' main aim)
- Learner is either “In funding” or “Past end date”
Additional calculations in the data table
Full user status
- Result from Users subscription status is “FullUser” in the Users OData feed.
Has signature mandate
- Result from Users HasMandate field in the Users OData feed.
Past end date / In funding
- Result is “Past end date” if actual end date is empty and planned end date is before today based on the learners' main aim.
- Result is In learning if actual end date is empty and planned end date is today or later based on the learners' main aim.
Days since last login
- Number of days between today and the users last login date
Days on programme to date
- Number of days between today and the start date of the learners programme
Days since last learning plan activity
- Number of days between today and the users last submission date
Caseowner Compliance
Page Filters
- Learners are not test users
- Full name does not contain “test“ or “DO NOT USE”
- Learners have a subscription status of “FullUser”, “Prospect” or “Invited”
- Learners has a ILR summary status that is not “Excluded”, “SignatureRequired”, “Unknown” or BLANK
Learners by programme
- Count of learners by main aim from the Users OData feed.
Breakdown of leaver status
- Count of learners by the main aim outcome & status
- Outcome 6 Agreed break
- Outcome 3 Withdrawn
- Outcome 2 status 1 Achieved
- Outcome 2 status 2 Partial achievement
- Outcome 2 status 3 No achievement
- Outcome 2 status 8 Completed but outcome not known.
Total learners with ILR (for selected filters)
- Count of learners from the Users OData feed
Number of “live” learners
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where:
- Subscription status is “FullUser”, “Prospect” or “Invited”
- ILR Summary Status is “Pending”, “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed”
- Learners is either “In funding” or “Past end date”
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is before today - Past End Date (based on the learners' main aim)
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is today or later - In funding (based on the learners' main aim)
Number of “In funding” “live” learners
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where:
- Subscription status is “FullUser”, “Prospect” or “Invited”
- ILR Summary Status is “Pending”, “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed”
- Learners is “In funding”
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is today or later - In funding (based on the learners' main aim)
Number of leavers
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Subscription status is “FullUser”, “Prospect” or “Invited”
- Learners is “Leaver”
- Actual end date is not empty and status is not 6 (break in learning) (based on the learners' main aim)
Additional calculation in the Case owner summary data table
- Learners on “agreed break”
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Status is 6 (based on the learners' main aim)
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Learners with full achievement
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Actual end date is not empty and outcome is 1 (based on the learners' main aim)
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Learners without achievement
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where learner does not meet one of the following conditions
- Actual end date is not empty, status is 2 and outcome is 2 or 3 (based on the learners' main aim)
- Actual end date is not empty, status is 3 (based on the learners' main aim)
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where learner does not meet one of the following conditions
- Learners waiting EPA
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Actual end date is not empty, status is 1 and outcome is 8 (based on the learners' main aim)
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where
- Learners exceptions
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where learner does not meet one of the following conditions
- Subscription status is “FullUser”, “Prospect” or “Invited”
- ILR Summary Status is “Pending”, “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed”
- Learners is either “In funding” or “Past end date”
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is before today - Past End Date (based on the learners' main aim)
- Actual end date is empty and planned end date is today or later - In funding (based on the learners' main aim) OR
- Status is 6 (based on the learners' main aim) OR
- Actual end date is not empty and outcome is 1 (based on the learners' main aim) OR
- Actual end date is not empty, status is 2 and outcome is 2 or 3 (based on the learners' main aim) OR
- Actual end date is not empty, status is 3 (based on the learners' main) OR
- Actual end date is not empty, status is 1 and outcome is 8 (based on the learners' main aim)
- Subscription status is “FullUser”, “Prospect” or “Invited”
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where learner does not meet one of the following conditions
- Compliant learner
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where learner meets the following conditions
- Users date of birth is not blank
- Users planned end date is not blank
- ILR Summary Status is “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed” and ILR Summary Signed Date is not blank
- Users ULN is not blank or “9999999999”
- Users National Insurance number is not blank or “AB123456C”
- Matching Learner Id in OData feed ILRAims
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where learner meets the following conditions
- New learner on caseload
- Count of IDs from the Users OData feed where learner has been flagged as true in “Is new for owner”
- Average days on programme
- Average of the difference between learners programme start date and today where
- ILR Summary Status is “Pending”, “QAVerified”, “Completed” or “Signed”
- Actual end date is blank (based on the learners' main aim)
- Average of the difference between learners programme start date and today where
Complaince Documents Table
Page Filters
- Learners are not test users
- Full name does not contain “test“ or “DO NOT USE”
There are no calculations on this page.
Data Filters
User exists in the users OData feed with the type of “user”.