- A Version created timestamp is displayed at the top-left corner of the page.
- The time displayed represents the time the template version was configured in the Programme builder > Compliance documents section, and is not the time when a particular document is generated for the learner.
- NOTE: The 'Version created' timestamp will be present in the PDF footer area once the PDF file is generated based on the 'Document Preview' view.
- Apprentice
- Name
- Learner full name (first name + last name)
- Role Title
- If Learner has ILR episode, and Employment status record(s): latest Employment Status’s ‘Job Title’ value; *Latest Employment status is defined by ‘Date status Applies’ date
- Organisation
- Learner’s Employer organisation title
- Phone
- Learner’s Mobile phone number
- NOTE: populated only when Learner is viewing document Preview or if Learner has already signed the document
- Email
- Learner’s email address
- NOTE: populated only when Learner is viewing document Preview or if Learner has already signed the document
- Signature
- Option to sign document using Aptem e-signature sample
- Can be amended by: Learner only
- Date
- Populated once Learner clicks on ‘Click here to sign’ from ‘Signature’ box
- Employer (Line Manager/Mentor Signatory)
- Name
- Learner’s Manager full name, if Manager is selected for Learner
- If Manager is not selected for Learner, then current Employer full name (i.e. Employer who is viewing document Preview)
- Role Title
- Format: text input, pre-populated with list of singing Employer’s positions (separated by comma if multiple)
- Can be amended by: Employer only
- Organisation
- Employer’s organisation title
- Phone
- Signing Employer’s Mobile phone number
- NOTE: populated only when Employer is viewing document Preview or if Employer has already signed the document
- Email
- Signing Employer’s email address
- NOTE: populated only when Employer is viewing document Preview or if Employer has already signed the document
- Signature
- Option to sign document using Aptem e-signature sample
- Can be amended by: Employer only
- Date
- Populated once Employer clicks on ‘Click here to sign’ from ‘Signature’ box
- University
- Name
- Signing Advisor’s full name
- Role Title
- Format: text input, pre-populated with list of singing Advisor’s positions (separated by comma if multiple)
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Organisation
- Learner’s Learning Provider organisation name
- Phone
- Signing Advisor’s Mobile phone number
- Email
- Signing Advisor’s email address
- Signature
- Option to sign document using Aptem e-signature sample
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Date
- Populated once Advisor clicks on ‘Click here to sign’ from ‘Signature’ box.
- End-point Assessment Organisation
- End-point Assessment organisation is retrieved from Learning plan components of ‘End-point Assessment’ type – first detected one is taken, in case there are several ones in learner’s current learning episode
- Organisation
- End-point Assessment organisation title
- Key Contact
- End-point Assessment organisation Primary contact full name
- Phone
- End-point Assessment organisation Primary contact Phone number (NOTE: excluding ‘ext.’ even if stored for Primary Contact)
- Email
- End-point Assessment organisation Primary contact email address
- English & Maths Subcontractor
- E&M Subcontractor organisation is pulled through from English or Math Qualification component(s), from Learner’s Learning plan, which are determined as follows:
- all components of ‘Qualification’ types which have ‘Type’ equals to ‘English’ or ‘Maths’ AND ‘Update ILR’ checkbox ticked
- if several components are selected, only first one is taken into consideration for retrieving Organisation details
- Organisation
- E&M Subcontractor Organisation name
- Key Contact
- E&M Subcontractor Primary contact full name
- Phone
- E&M Subcontractor Primary contact Phone number (NOTE: excluding ‘ext.’ even if stored for Primary Contact)
- Email
- E&M Subcontractor Primary contact email address
- Other Delivery Subcontractor
- Organisation
- Other Delivery Subcontractor organisation is pulled though from Learner’s Learning plan components, selected as follows:
- All components of ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’ or ‘Scheduled online event’ type OR (‘Qualification’ type with ‘Type’ other than ‘English’ or ‘Math)
- if several components are selected, only first one is taken into consideration for retrieving Organisation details
- Key Contact
- Other Delivery Subcontractor Primary contact full name
- Phone
- Other Delivery Subcontractor Primary contact Phone number (NOTE: excluding ‘ext.’ even if stored for Primary Contact)
- Email
- Other Delivery Subcontractor Primary contact email address
- The Apprenticeship Programme
- Standard or Framework title pulled from Learning Plan token -> Criteria set
- Reference
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Qualifications Achieved
- Pre-populatable from programme template
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Level
- Standard or Framework level related to Apprenticeship Standard/Framework Name
- Training/Practical Period Start Date
- ILR summary based* ‘Practical period start date’ if applicable, otherwise current Programme episode ‘Start date’ (set up on Programme Enrollment form); * ILR summary based ‘Practical period start date’ is defined as follows:
- If ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode, then operate with ProgrammeAim(s) only:
- identify the latest ProgrammeAim (if multiple present) by latest ‘Learning start date’:
- If latest ProgrammeAim is a Restart and ‘Original learning start date’ is populated, then latest ProgrammeAim’s ‘Original learning start date’ is taken
- Else – ‘Learning start date' is taken
- If no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode, then operate with all aims:
- identify the latest aim by latest ‘Learning start date’
- If latest aim is a Restart and ‘Original learning start date’ is populated, then ProgrammeAim’s ‘Original learning start date’ is taken
- Else – ‘Learning start date' is taken
- Training/Practical Period End Date
- ‘End date’ populated from Programme Enrollment form (i.e. programme episode end date), otherwise ‘Apprenticeship Start Date’ (populated from Programme Enrollment form) + ‘Programme practical period length’ duration (set up in Programme Builder -> Programme Requirements)
- Apprenticeship Planned End Date (EPA Date)
- ‘Training/Practical Period End Date’ + EPA period length (set up in Programme builder -> ‘Programme requirements’)
- Contracted Paid Hours (weekly average without overtime)
- Display format: decimal with 1 fractional digit
- If Learner has ILR episode, and Employment status record(s): latest Employment Status’s ‘Working hours per week’ value; *Latest Employment status is defined by ‘Date status Applies’ date
- Contract Type
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Standard Off the Job Training Weeks/Hours for this apprenticeship
- Weeks
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- If there is a value from Programme builder for pre-population.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Stack of value retrievement:
- restored from document cache, if not empty,
- else – retrieved from Programme builder pre-population configuration,
- else – calculated as per programme configuration: (Practical period end date – Learning Start Date + 1)Days / 7 where Learning Start Date = Latest ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning Start Date’ And Practical period end date:
- If ‘Contracted Weekly Hours’ is not empty, formula is: Learning Start Date + Programme practical period length NOTE: Programme practical period length is taken from ‘Programme requirements’ token of Programme Builder at the moment of initial programme enrollment
- Else, formula is: Learning Start Date + Programme practical period length * 30 / Min(30, ‘Contacted Weekly Hours’) NOTE: Programme practical period length is taken from ‘Programme requirements’ token of Programme Builder at the moment of initial programme enrollment
- If no pre-population value in Programme builder:
- Format: read-only text
- Stack of value retrievement:
- restored from document cache, if not empty,
- else – retrieved from Programme builder pre-population configuration,
- else – calculated as per programme configuration: (Practical period end date – Learning Start Date + 1)Days / 7 where Learning Start Date = Latest ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning Start Date’ And Practical period end date:
- If ‘Contracted Weekly Hours’ is not empty, formula is: Learning Start Date + Programme practical period length NOTE: Programme practical period length is taken from ‘Programme requirements’ token of Programme Builder at the moment of initial programme enrollment
- Else, formula is: Learning Start Date + Programme practical period length * 30 / Min(30, ‘Contacted Weekly Hours’) NOTE: Programme practical period length is taken from ‘Programme requirements’ token of Programme Builder at the moment of initial programme enrollment
- Hours
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- If there is a value from Programme builder for pre-population:
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- restored from document cache, if not empty,
- else – retrieved from Programme builder pre-population configuration,
- else – calculated as per programme configuration: sum of ‘Planned hours’ collected throughout the Learning Plan components from Programme Builder at the moment of initial programme enrollment
- else – “0” is displayed
- If no pre-population value in Programme builder:
- Format: read-only text
- restored from document cache, if not empty,
- else – retrieved from Programme builder pre-population configuration,
- else – calculated as per programme configuration: sum of ‘Planned hours’ collected throughout the Learning Plan components from Programme Builder at the moment of initial programme enrollment
- else – “0” is displayed
- Your Exempted (weeks/hours)
- Weeks
- If ‘Reduction in planned Duration’ is registered against the Learner
- Read-only value: the system takes the latest ‘Closed’ tracker (by tracker creation date) of ‘New RPL calculator’ type and retrieves ‘Reduction in planned Duration’ value
- Else
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Hours
- If ‘Off The Job Hours Removed Due To RPL’ is registered against the Learner
- Read-only value: the system takes the latest ‘Closed’ tracker (by tracker creation date) of ‘New RPL calculator’ type and retrieves ‘Off The Job Hours Removed Due To RPL’ value
- Else
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Statutory Leave for the duration
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Apprentice’s Typical Working Hours Pattern
- M
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- T
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- W
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- T
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- F
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- S
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- S
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Your Duration (weeks)
- Populated only if ‘Weekly hours’ is provided for the latest Employment status of ’10 – In paid employment’ status
- Apprenticeship duration in weeks (with rounding to 1 decimal place) which is calculated as aggregation of ProgrammeAim(s) durations;
- start point for each ProgrammeAim duration = earliest Programme Aim's 'Learning Start date'
- end point for each ProgrammeAim duration except latest one = Programme Aim’s ‘Learning Actual End Date’, if present, otherwise ‘Learning Planned End Date’.
- end point for the latest ProgrammeAim duration= Programme Aim's 'Learning actual end date' (if Completion status=2 AND 'Learning actual end date' < Programme episode End date ('Practical period end date')), otherwise Programme episode End date ('Practical period end date')
- ‘Planned hours’ pulled through from Learner’s current ILR episode latest ProgrammeAim (note: latest ProgrammeAim is identified by ‘Learning start date’)
- Your additional English & Maths hours
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Original Learning Start Date
- Displayed only if ILR summary based Planned End date does NOT match ‘Training/Practical Period End Date’ AND ‘Original Learning Start Date’ registered for Learner in their current ILR episode (‘Original Learning Start Date’ is taken from the latest ProgrammeAim (if present, identified by latest ‘Learning start date’) if it is a Restart)
- ILR summary based Planned End date is defined as follows:
- Latest ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning planned end date’ OR latest non-ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning planned end date’ if no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode (while ‘latest aim’ is detected by max ‘Learning start date’)
- ILR Start Date
- Displayed only if ILR summary based Planned End date does NOT match ‘Training/Practical Period End Date’. ILR summary based Planned End date is defined as follows:
- Latest ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning planned end date’ OR latest non-ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning planned end date’ if no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode (while ‘latest aim’ is detected by max ‘Learning start date’)
- Reflects ILR summary based ‘Practical period start date’ which is defined as follows [effectively, ‘Original Learning Start Date’ in case of ProgrammeAim Restart]:
- If ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode, then operate with ProgrammeAim(s) only:
- identify the latest ProgrammeAim (if multiple present) by latest ‘Learning start date’:
- If latest ProgrammeAim is a Restart and ‘Original learning start date’ is populated, then latest ProgrammeAim’s ‘Original learning start date’ is taken
- Else – ‘Learning start date' is taken
- If no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode, then operate with all aims:
- identify the latest aim by latest ‘Learning start date’
- If latest aim is a Restart and ‘Original learning start date’ is populated, then ProgrammeAim’s ‘Original learning start date’ is taken
- Else – ‘Learning start date' is taken
- ILR Planned End Date
- Displayed only if ILR summary based Planned End date does NOT match ‘Training/Practical Period End Date’. ILR summary based Planned End date is defined as follows:
- Latest ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning planned end date’ OR latest non-ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning planned end date’ if no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode (while ‘latest aim’ is detected by max ‘Learning start date’)
- Reflects ILR summary based Planned End Date
- Latest ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning planned end date’ OR latest non-ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning planned end date’ if no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode (while ‘latest aim’ is detected by max ‘Learning start date’)
- Apprentice/Academic Mentor Reviews
- Frequency
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line textarea
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Attendees
- Static text: “University”
- Format
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Name Role
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Contact phone number/Contact Email
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Tri-partite Reviews
- Frequency
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line textarea
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Attendees
- University
- Format
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Name Role
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Contact phone number/Contact Email
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Employer
- Format
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Name/Role
- Learner’s Manager full name, if Manager is selected for Learner
- Contact phone number/Contact Email
- Learner’s Manager Mobile phone number Learner’s Manager email address
- Personal Tutor or Academic Mentor
- Support Available
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Name
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Contact phone number/Contact Email
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Programme Director
- Support Available
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Name
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Contact phone number/Contact Email
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Programme Administrator
- Support Available
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Name
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Contact phone number/Contact Email
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Attendance & Absence
- Process
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- First Point of Contact / Name, Role, Email, Phone number
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Reference Document or Policy Link
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Recording Off the Job Learning
- Process
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- First Point of Contact / Name, Role, Email, Phone number
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Reference Document or Policy Link
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Data Protection
- Process
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- First Point of Contact / Name, Role, Email, Phone number
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Reference Document or Policy Link
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Safeguarding & PREVENT
- Process
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- First Point of Contact / Name, Role, Email, Phone number
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Reference Document or Policy Link
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Equality & Diversity
- Process
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- First Point of Contact / Name, Role, Email, Phone number
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Reference Document or Policy Link
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Bullying & Harassment
- Process
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- First Point of Contact / Name, Role, Email, Phone number
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Reference Document or Policy Link
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Health & Safety
- Process
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- First Point of Contact / Name, Role, Email, Phone number
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Reference Document or Policy Link
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Raising Queries, Concerns and Complaints
- Process
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- First Point of Contact / Name, Role, Email, Phone number
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Reference Document or Policy Link
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- By signing this document, the Apprentice agrees to:
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- By signing this document, the Employer and the apprentice’s day to day manager agree to:
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- By signing this document, the University and any subcontractor delivering any part of this apprenticeship agrees to:
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Additional Considerations
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Apprenticeship Delivery Summary
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multi-line text area with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Annex A: Occupational Knowledge Skills and Experience Individual Learning Plan: Summary of Recognised Prior learning
- Collection of all Prior Learning records of Learner recorded as part of any Review(s) Learner has ever had (including previous programmes’ data since Prior Learning Review section contains data shared between all programme episodes).
Displays all Review-related Prior Learning details except ‘Cost reduced’.
- Annex A: Occupational Knowledge Skills and Experience Individual Learning Plan: Individual Learning Plan
- List of the Learning Plan components from the learner's current episode, ordered by the ‘Schedule’ column ascending and excluding:
- ‘Qualification’ components with ‘English’ or ‘Math’ types
- ‘Review’ components
- ‘Miscellaneous’ components with ‘Visible to learner’=false
- Columns
- Activities / Modes/ Milestones
• Learning plan component name
- Schedule
- Format: MM/YYYY (month/year only)
- Value: component ‘Complete By’ date if filled in, otherwise – ‘Training/Practical Period Planned End Date’
- Delivery Organisation
- If component is linked to an Organisation (‘Qualification’, ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’, ‘Scheduled online event’ component types), Learning plan component’s Organisation name
- Otherwise, tenant’s YourOrganisation organisation name
- Total Hours
- Learning plan component ‘Planned hours’
- Off the Job Planned Hours:
- Sum up of all ‘Planned OTJ (hr)’ displayed in the table above.
- Additional Learning Support Plan / Reasonable Adjustment Plan
- Learning support details taken from the latest completed Review which includes ‘Individual Support Needs/Requirements’ section/data.
- Columns
- Need Identified: ‘Description’ pulled through from the Review
- Action Plan: ‘Action to support’ pulled through from the Review
- Delivery Organisation / link to formal plan and assessment documentation:
- Tenant’s YourOrganisation organisation name
End Point Assessment Plan
- Activity
- Static text: “End Point Assessment”
- Estimated EPA Period
- {‘Training/Practical Period Planned End Date’ date} – {‘Apprenticeship Planned End Date (EPA Date)’ date}
- Lead Organisation
- Latest End-Point Assessment component’s Organisation name defined as: system takes all ‘End point assessment’ components with ‘Organisation’ field populated, from Learner’s current Learning Plan, and searches for the latest one by component ‘Complete By’ value
- Funding Source
- English & Maths End Point Assessment Plan
- A list of all components of ‘Qualification’ type AND ‘Type’ selected as ‘Maths’ or ‘English’ AND ‘Update ILR’ is ticked, taken from Learner’s current Learning Plan.
- Columns:
- Module Title or Topic: ‘Type’ of ‘Qualification’ component.
- Delivery Organisation: ‘Organisation’ of ‘Qualification’ component.
- Estimated Start Date: Corresponding ILR aim ‘Learning Start Date’, which ‘Learning aims reference’ matches component’s ‘Aim reference number’; if multiple detected, then the earliest ‘Learning Start Date’ is taken.
- Estimated End Date: Corresponding ILR aim ‘Learning Actual End Date’, if present, OR ‘Learning Planned End Date’, where ‘Learning aims reference’ of aim matches component’s ‘Aim reference number’; if multiple detected, then the latest date is taken.
- Funding Source: Static text: “ESFA”.