- A 'Version created' timestamp is displayed at the top left corner of the page.
- If there is a logo that has been uploaded in the YourOrganisation settings, it is displayed at the top right corner of page.
- Apprentice
- Learner’s full name (first name + last name)
- Programme
- The episode name of the learner’s current Programme (set up in Programme builder as Programme Name)
- Apprenticeship Standard/Framework Name
- Standard or Framework title pulled from Learning Plan token > Criteria set.
- Apprenticeship Reference
- Apprenticeship Standard Code taken from the current learner’s Programme episode (Programme builder > ILR Template).
- Apprenticeship Level
- Standard or Framework level related to Apprenticeship Standard/Framework name.
- Start date of apprenticeship
- ‘Apprenticeship start date’ populated from Programme Enrollment form, if present.
- End date of apprenticeship
- ‘Estimated end date of practical period’ + EPA period length (set up in Programme builder > ‘Programme requirements’)
- Start date of practical period
- ILR summary based ‘Practical period start date’ if applicable, otherwise current Programme episode ‘Start date’ (set up on Programme Enrollment form). The ILR summary based ‘Practical period start date’ is defined as follows:
- If ProgrammeAim is present in the current ILR episode, then operate with ProgrammeAim(s) only:
- Identify the latest ProgrammeAim (if multiple present) by latest ‘Learning start date’:
- If latest ProgrammeAim is a Restart and ‘Original learning start date’ is populated, then latest the‘Original learning start date’ of the ProgrammeAim is taken.
- Else – ‘Learning start date' is taken.
- If no ProgrammeAim is present in the current ILR episode, then operate with all aims:
- Identify the latest aim by the latest ‘Learning start date’:
- If the latest aim is a Restart and ‘Original learning start date’ is populated, then the ‘Original learning start date’ of the ProgrammeAim is taken.
- Else – ‘Learning start date' is taken.
- Estimated end date of practical period
- ‘End date’ populated from Programme Enrollment form (i.e. programme episode end date), otherwise ‘Start date of apprenticeship’ + ‘Programme practical period length’ duration (set up in Programme Builder > Programme Requirements)
- Duration of practical period
- Display format: decimal with 2 fractional digits
- Populated only if the ILR episode status is ‘Newly submitted’ (or higher) AND ‘Weekly hours’ is provided for the latest Employment status of ’10 – In paid employment’ status.
- Reflects Apprenticeship duration in weeks which is calculated as sum of ProgrammeAim(s) durations (‘Exclude from the batch’ aims are ignored), considering ’10 - In paid employment’ Employment status(es) ‘Date Status Applies’
- start point for each sub-period duration = 'Learning Start date'.
- end point for each sub-period duration (except last one) = ‘Learning actual end date’ if populated, otherwise ‘Learning planned end date’.
- end point for last sub-period duration = 'Learning actual end date' (if Completion status=2 AND 'Learning actual end date' < Programme episode End date ('Practical period end date')), OR ‘Learning planned end date’, OR Programme episode ‘End date’ populated from Programme Enrollment.
- There are 2 Programme aims (Original and its Restart).
- ES1..4 – Employment Status records of ’10 – In paid employment’ statuses
- LearningStartDate – ‘Learning start date’ of the aim.
- ActualEndDate – ‘Learning actual end date’ of the aim.
- PlannedEndDate – ‘Learning planned end date’ of the aim.
- LearningEndDate – ‘Learning actual end date’ of the aim if ‘Completion status’=2 AND ‘Learning actual end date’ < Programme episode ‘End date’; otherwise Programme episode ‘End date’
Apprenticeship duration will be summarized as:
- [sub-period 1] Learning Start Date of the Original ProgAim till ES2's DateStatusApplies.
- Plus [sub-period 2] ES2's DateStatusApplies+1Day till ES3's DateStatusApplies.
- Plus [sub-period 3] ES3's DateStatusApplies+1Day till Actual End Date of Initial ProgAim.
- Plus [sub-period 4] Restart Learning Start Date till ES4's DateStatusApplies.
- Plus [sub-period 5] ES4's DateStatusApplies+1Day till Learning End Date.
- Original Learning Start Date
- Displayed only if ILR summary based Planned End date does NOT match ‘Estimated end date of practical period’ AND ‘Original Learning Start Date’ registered for Learner in their current ILR episode (‘Original Learning Start Date’ is taken from the latest ProgrammeAim (if present, identified by latest ‘Learning start date’) if it is a Restart). The ILR summary based Planned End date is defined as follows:
- ‘Learning planned end date’ of the latest ProgrammeAim OR ‘Learning planned end date’ of the latest non-ProgrammeAim if no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode (while ‘latest aim’ is detected by max ‘Learning start date’)
- ILR Start Date
- Displayed only if ILR summary based Planned End date does NOT match ‘Estimated end date of practical period’. The ILR summary based Planned End date is defined as follows:
- ‘Learning planned end date’ of the Latest ProgrammeAim OR ‘Learning planned end date’ of the latest non-ProgrammeAim if no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode (while ‘latest aim’ is detected by max ‘Learning start date’).
- Reflects ILR summary based ‘Practical period start date’ which is defined as follows [effectively, ‘Original Learning Start Date’ in case of ProgrammeAim Restart]:
- If ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode, then operate with ProgrammeAim(s) only:
- Identify the latest ProgrammeAim (if multiple present) by latest ‘Learning start date’:
- If latest ProgrammeAim is a Restart and ‘Original learning start date’ is populated, then the ‘Original learning start date’ of the latest ProgrammeAim is taken.
- Else – ‘Learning start date' is taken.
- If no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode, then operate with all aims:
- Identify the latest aim by latest ‘Learning start date’:
- If latest aim is a Restart and ‘Original learning start date’ is populated, then the ‘Original learning start date’ of the ProgrammeAim is taken.
- Else – ‘Learning start date' is taken.
- ILR Planned End Date
- Displayed only if ILR summary based Planned End date does NOT match ‘Estimated end date of practical period’. The ILR summary based Planned End date is defined as follows:
- ‘Learning planned end date’ of the latest ProgrammeAim OR ‘Learning planned end date’ of the latest non-ProgrammeAim if no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode (while ‘latest aim’ is detected by max ‘Learning start date’).
- Reflects ILR summary based Planned End Date
- ‘Learning planned end date’ of the latest ProgrammeAim OR ‘Learning planned end date’ of the latest non-ProgrammeAim if no ProgrammeAim is present in current ILR episode (while ‘latest aim’ is detected by max ‘Learning start date’).
- Employer
- Learner’s Employer organisation title
- Apprentice Job Title
- If Learner has an ILR episode, and Employment status record(s): latest Employment Status’s ‘Job Title’ value; Note that the Latest Employment status is defined by ‘Date status Applies’ date.
- Working hours (per week)
- Display format: decimal with 1 fractional digit
- If Learner has ILR episode, and Employment status record(s): latest Employment Status’s ‘Working hours per week’ value; Note that the Latest Employment status is defined by ‘Date status Applies’ date.
- Line Manager
- Learner’s Manager full name (First name + Last name); NOTE: Manager is an Employer-login selected as ‘Manager’ for Learner on Edit User form
- Line Manager Title
- Learner’s Manager position(s) – separated by comma if multiple
- Delivery Address
- Address value excluding Post code: ‘Employer Address' if set for Learner on Edit User form; otherwise, Learner’s Employer (organisation) Primary address
- Start Date With Employer
- If the learner has an ILR episode, and Employment status record(s): latest Employment Status’s ‘Start date with Employer’ value; Note that the Latest Employment status is defined by ‘Date status Applies’ date.
- Key Milestones
- Collection of all ILR aims of ‘3 - Component learning aim within a programme’ AimType from both ILR Template and Learner’s current ILR episode, deduplicating records by ‘Learning aim reference’
- Table columns
- Qualification
- Qualification name and Qualification level obtained from LARS library (‘LearnAimRefTitle’ (The full title associated with the learning aim) and ‘NotionalNVQLevelv2’ (The level of the NVQ), respectively) based on the ‘Learning aim reference’ of the aim.
- Awarding Organisation
- ‘AwardOrgCode’ (The Awarding Organisation associated with the learning aim) obtained from LARS library based on ‘Learning aim reference’ of the aim.
- Target Start Date
- ‘Learning start date’ of the Aim; NOTE: may be empty in case aim is present only in ILR template and missing in Learner’s current ILR episode.
- Target Completion Date
- ‘Learning planned end date’ of the Aim; NOTE: may be empty in case aim is present only in ILR template and missing in Learner’s current ILR episode.
- Exempt?
- ‘Yes’ – if aim is present ONLY in ILR template and missing in Learner’s current ILR episode.
- ‘No’ – if aim is present in both ILR Template and Learner’s current ILR episode, or if aim is present ONLY in Learner’s current ILR episode but missing in ILR Template.
- Recognition Of Prior Learning
- Collection of all Prior Learning records of Learner recorded as part of any Review(s) Learner has ever had (including previous programmes’ data since Prior Learning Review section contains data shared between all programme episodes). Displays all Review-related Prior Learning details except ‘Cost reduced’.
- Functional Skills
- Lists ‘English’, ‘Math’ and ‘ICT’ initial assessment results – if any registered on Learner.
- If none recorded, then the corresponding row is hidden (e.g. Learner has no initial assessment results recorded on ICT, but English and Math, there will be only ‘English’ and ‘Math’ rows displayed in the table.
- ‘Initial Assessment’ column reflects the latest results level recorded for Learner, identified by Initial Assessment ‘Date’ populated.
- Summary of any identified support required:
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Summary of Learning Support Assessment Made
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Summary of Learning Support Agreed
- Pre-populatable from the programme template
- Format: Multiline text area with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- The main provider will:
- Pre-populatable from programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multiline textarea with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- The employer will:
- Prepopulatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides default text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme.
- Format: Multiline text area with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- The apprentice will:
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme
- Format: Multiline text area with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- The subcontractor will:
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Additional information
- Pre-populatable from the programme template
- Format: Multiline text area with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- NOTE: the section will be NOT be displayed in resulting PDF file in case no text has been provided on Document Preview view.
- Resolving problems
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Programme builder provides defaulted text which can be adjusted by customer if needed per each individual programme.
- Format: Multiline textarea with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Learning Plan
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area with markdown editor enabled.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- List of the Learning Plan components in the learner's current episode, sorted by ‘Planned Date’ ascending:
- The section is displayed in both Document Preview view and generated PDF file only if ‘Learning Plan’ section above is empty – otherwise, only ‘Learning Plan’ section will be present
- Components which are excluded from the list:
- ‘Qualification’ components of ‘Math’ or ‘English’ type.
- ‘Review’ components with no ‘Planned hours’ provided OR ‘Planned hours’=0.
- ‘End-point assessment’ components with no ‘Planned hours’ provided OR ‘Planned hours’=0.
- ‘Miscellaneous’ components with ‘Visible to learner’=false AND (no Planned hours provided OR ‘Planned hours’=0).
- Columns
- Activity/Unit
- Learning plan component name
- Method
- Learning plan component type
- Delivery Lead
- ‘Employer’ if ‘Delivery via Organisation’ = true in the Learning plan component configuration.
- Else, in case of ‘Qualification’, ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’, ‘Scheduled online event’ component types, the Organisation of the Learning plan component, if linked to any.
- Else the organisation name of the learner’s learning provider.
- Planned Date
- Learning plan component ‘Complete by’ date; ‘No date’ is displayed in case of none set up for the component
- Planned OTJ (hr)
- Learning plan component ‘Planned hours’
- ‘Total OTJ (hr)
- Sum up of all ‘Planned OTJ (hr)’ displayed in the table above
- Progress reviews
- Prepopulatable from programme template
- Format: Multiline textarea with markdown editor enabled
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- List of planned reviews
- Collection of Reviews created/planned for Learner as part of current programme episode
- Review instances of review types which do not have ‘Visible to’=Participant are excluded and do not show in the list
- Columns
- Review type
- Corresponding review type name
- Method
- 'Online Meeting' if corresponding Review component has 'Meet Online' option ticked.
- Otherwise, ‘FaceToFace’.
- Planned date
- Corresponding Review instance’s ‘Planned date’
- Actual date
- Reflects the Date when all included Review sections became completed (meaning, even if Review is still in ‘Awaiting Signature’ status but all sections are completed, the Date will be populated).
- Off-The-Job Training Hours
- Static text with some dynamic data.
- 1 – Learner’s full name (first name + last name))
- 2, 7 – Average weekly hours (Average ‘Weekly hours per week’ in correlation to actual learning periods and recorded Employment statuses in Learner’s current ILR episode).
- Example:
Where there are 2 programmeAims (Original and Restart), 4 ES (employment statuses of ’10 – In paid employment’ type):
- 3, 6, 8 - Duration of practical period
- 4, 11 – Minimum off-the-job training hours
- Calculation formula: (Duration of practical period - statutory leave duration) x (6 * min(30; Average weekly hours) / 30)
- 5 – ‘Planned hours’ taken from ProgrammeAim (Learner’s current ILR episode)
- 6 - Duration of practical period
- 9 – calculated statutory leave duration (in weeks).
- Calculation formula: Duration of practical period * 5.6 [annual statutory leave constant] / 52 [count of weeks per calendar year].
- 10 – minimum of 30 or Average weekly hours (i.e. if ‘Average weekly hours’ < 30, then ‘Average weekly hours’ value will be used; otherwise, ‘30’ will be taken).
- End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO)
- Organisation name taken from Learner’s ‘End-point assessment’ learning plan component.
- Estimated Gateway Meeting Review Date
- ‘Estimated end date of practical period’ minus 1 month.
- EPA Period
- Template: ‘Estimated end date of practical period’ – ‘End date of apprenticeship’.
- Apprentice
- Name
- Learner’s full name (first name + last name)
- Position
- Format: text input, pre-populated with Apprentice Job Title
- Can be amended by: Learner only.
- Signature
- Option to sign document using Aptem e-signature sample.
- Can be amended by: Learner only.
- Date
- Populated once the learner clicks the ‘Click here to sign’ button on the ‘Signature’ box.
- Employer
- Name
- Signing Employer’s full name
- Position
- Format: text input, pre-populated with list of singing Employer’s positions (separated by comma if multiple).
- Can be amended by: Employer only.
- Signature
- Option to sign document using Aptem e-signature sample.
- Can be amended by: Employer only.
- Date
- Populated once the employer clicks the ‘Click here to sign’ button on the ‘Signature’ box.
- Training Provider
- Name
- Signing Advisor’s full name
- Position
- Format: text input, pre-populated with list of singing Advisor’s positions (separated by comma if multiple)
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Signature
- Option to sign document using Aptem e-signature sample.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Date
- Populated once the advisor clicks the ‘Click here to sign’ button on the ‘Signature’ box.
- Apprentice Contact Details
- Name
- Learner’s full name (first name + last name)
- Email
- Telephone
- Learner’s Mobile phone number
- Address
- Learner’s address, incl. postal code
- Employer Contact Details
- Line Manager
- Name
- Learner’s Manager full name (First name + Last name); NOTE: Manager is an Employer-login selected as ‘Manager’ for Learner on Edit User form.
- Position
- Learner’s Manager position(s) – separated by comma if multiple.
- Email
- Learner’s Manager email address
- Telephone
- Learner’s Manager Mobile phone number
- Company Details
- Company
- Learner’s Employer organisation title
- Address
- Address value including Post code: ‘Employer Address' if set for Learner on Edit User form; otherwise, Learner’s Employer (organisation) Primary address.
- Telephone
- Learner’s Employer (organisation) Primary Contact’s phone number (NOTE: excluding ‘ext.’ even if stored for Primary Contact).
- Website
- Learner’s Employer (organisation) Website
- Training Provider Contact Details
- Primary Contact
- Name
- Learner’ Learning Provider (organisation) Primary Contact’s full name
- Position
- Learner’s Learning Provider (organisation) Primary Contact’s positions/roles – separated by comma if multiple
- Email
- Learner’s Learning Provider (organisation) Primary Contact’s email address
- Telephone
- Learner’s Learning Provider (organisation) Primary Contact’s Phone number (NOTE: excluding ‘ext.’ even if stored for Primary Contact).
- Provider Details
- Company
- The organisation name of the learner’s Learning Provider.
- Address
- Learner’s Learning Provider (organisation) Primary Address (incl. Postal code)
- Telephone
- Learner’s Learning Provider (organisation) Primary Contact’s Phone number (NOTE: excluding ‘ext.’ even if stored for Primary Contact)
- Website
- Learner’s Learning Provider (organisation) Website
- End Point Assessment Organisation
- EPA Organisation
- Learner’s EPA Organisation name, taken from Learner’s ‘End-point assessment’ learning plan component
- EPAO Registration Number
- ‘End point assessment organisation’ value obtained from programmeAim (Learner’s current ILR episode)
- Address
- EPA Organisation Primary Address (incl. Postal code)
- Telephone
- EPA Organisation Primary Contact’s phone number (NOTE: excluding ‘ext.’ even if stored for Primary Contact)
- Website
- This section appears in both the Document Preview view and in the resulting PDF document only if Learner has the ‘End-point assessment’ learning plan component.
- Section contains as many sub-sections as many unique Subcontracting Organisations the learner has.
- Subcontracted Apprenticeship is determined as follows: In Learner’s Learning Plan there is at least 1 component of ‘Qualification’ OR ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’ OR ‘Scheduled online event’ types, which has linked Organisation of non-YourOrganisation type; in case of ‘Qualification’ components, Organisation is to be set explicitly in component details; in case of ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’/’Scheduled online event’, Organisation is the one the related Placement is linked to.
- Sub-section data:
- Sub-section title: <Organisation name> Contact Details
- Company: <Organisation name>
- Address: Subcontractor address, excluding postal code
- in case of Placement-based components (‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’/’Scheduled online event’), Placement’s address is taken;
- in case of ‘Qualification’ components linked to Subcontracting organisations, Organisation Primary address is taken.
- Telephone: Subcontracting organisation Primary Contact’s phone number (NOTE: excluding ‘ext.’ even if stored for Primary Contact).
- Website: Subcontracting organisation Website