This article has information about the various parts of the Written Agreement - the read-only and editable parts. We'll also describe the pre-filled in fields - where the data in these fields is populated from. To demonstrate the editable fields, the screenshots provided in this article have been taken from the document preview view, and not the generated PDF file. You can download/view a sample Written Agreement PDF file here.
The Written Agreement
This is a written agreement between the Employer and the Main Training Provider and contains
the details of the End Point Assessment Organisation and any Subcontractors that may be required to compliment the delivery of the Apprenticeship. This document lays out the planned delivery requirements of the Apprenticeship and the areas of responsibility for each party with the relevant costs.
Basic details
Processor: Apprenticeship
You must first select the appropriate 'Processor' in the Programme Builder, to be able to configure this template.
Template: Written Agreement
Signatures required from
- Advisor (i.e. administrator)
- Employer
All the signatures are needed for marking the compliance document completed.
Document content
The ‘Written Agreement’ document contains the following types of data:
- Static (hardcoded) text (such as ESFA details)
- Dynamically pulled through/calculated values (such as Learner name, Learner’s learning plan components details, etc.)
- Prepopulated from Programme template values (which can be set up in Programme builder, though still can be edited personally for the specific Learner once document is raised)
- Free text inputs/text areas (once entered and saved, data will be stored in the document cache for Learner the document has been generated for)
Description of the various parts of the template
In this section, you can find images of the various parts of the template, followed by brief descriptions.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the ‘Learning Provider’.
- The logo of the learning provider organisation has been uploaded to the Organisation settings, it is displayed at the top right corner of page.
- Apprentice Name
- Learner Full name (First name + Last name)
- Job Title
- If the learner has ILR episode, and Employment status record(s): latest Employment Status’s ‘Job Title’ value; The latest Employment status is defined by ‘Date status Applies’ date.
- Apprenticeship Title
- Standard or Framework title pulled from Learning Plan token -> Criteria set.
- Apprenticeship Level
- Standard or Framework level related to Apprenticeship Title
- Apprenticeship maximum funding band value
- Prepopulatable from programme template
- Format: Text input
- Can be amended by: Advisor only
- Standard
- Ticked if a Standard is selected as Criteria set in Learning Plan
- Framework
- Ticked if a Framework is selected as Criteria set in Learning Plan
- Apprenticeship Start Date
- ‘Apprenticeship start date’ populated from Programme Enrollment form, if present
- Apprenticeship Planned End Date
- ‘End date’ populated from Programme Enrollment form (i.e. programme episode end date), otherwise ‘Apprenticeship Start Date’ + ‘Programme practical period length’ duration (set up in Programme Builder -> Programme Requirements)
- Manager Name
- Learner’s Manager full name (First name + Last name); NOTE: Manager is an Employer-login selected as ‘Manager’ for Learner on Edit User form.
- Manager Job Title
- Learner’s Manager position(s) – separated by comma if multiple
- Employer
- Learner’s Employer organisation title
- Employer Postcode
- Post code extracted from ‘Employer Address’ if set for Learner on Edit User form; otherwise, Post code extracted from Learner’s Employer (organisation) Primary address
- Employer Address
- Address value excluding Post code: ‘Employer Address' if set for Learner on Edit User form; otherwise, Learner’s Employer (organisation) Primary address
- Main Provider
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- Is any part of the Apprenticeship to be Subcontracted?
- Yes – ticked if Apprenticeship is subcontracted
- No – ticked if Apprenticeship is not subcontracted
- NOTE: Subcontracted Apprenticeship is determined as follows:
- In Learner’s Learning Plan there is at least 1 component of ‘Qualification’ OR ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’ OR ‘Scheduled online event’ types, which has linked Organisation of non-YourOrganisation type.
- In case of ‘Qualification’ components, Organisation is to be set explicitly in component details.
- In case of ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’/’Scheduled online event’, Organisation is the one the related Placement is linked to.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- ‘Delivery’ components list
- Populated from the learner’s Learning Plan components
- Components to be excluded from the list:
- ‘Qualification’ components of ‘Math’ or ‘English’ type
- ‘Meeting’ components
- ‘Review’ components
- ‘Miscellaneous’ components where ‘Visible to learner’ is false
- Components are listed in ascending order, sorted by component ‘Complete By’ date
- Text template depends on component type:
- ‘Qualification’ components: Qualification: {component name} aim ref number {aim ref number} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- ‘Scheduled online event’ components: Scheduled online event: {component name} date {placement enrolment start date} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’ components: Offline learning (placement/workshop): {component name} address {placement enrolment address} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- ‘Online training - external’ components: Online training – external: {component name} url {associated task’s URL} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- ‘Assignment’ components: Assignment (task): {component name} url {associated task’s URL} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- ‘End-point assessment’ components: End-point assessment: {component name} url {associated task’s URL} address {End-Point Organisation address} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- Other types: {component type}: {component name} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- ‘Delivery continued’ components list
- Populated from the learner’s Learning Plan components
- Components are listed in ascending order, sorted by component ‘Complete By’ date
- Components taken into consideration:
- ‘Qualification’ component type of English or Math type.
- Text template: Qualification: {component name} aim ref number {aim ref number} ({component Planned hours} hrs).
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- ‘Assessment (including Progress Reviews)’ components list
- Populated from the learner’s Learning Plan components.
- Components are listed in ascending order, sorted by component ‘Complete By’ date
- Components taken into consideration:
- ‘Meeting’ and/or ‘Review’ component types
- Text template depends on component type:
- ‘Meeting’ components: Meeting: {component name} url {associated task’s URL} ({component Planned hours} hrs)
- ‘Review’ components: Review: {component name} ({component Planned hours} hrs)
- Registration, examination and certification (Only if they are mandatory to the Apprenticeship)
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Materials (non-capital items) used in the delivery of the apprenticeship
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Administration costs directly linked to training and assessment, including end-point assessment. This includes costs relating to the development of teaching materials, lesson planning, the processing of the ILR and quality assurance.
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- ’Subcontracting’ section is present in the document only if ‘Is any part of the Apprenticeship to be Subcontracted?’ is Yes; otherwise, it will not appear as part of the document.
- There will be as many occurrences of ‘Subcontracting’ section in the document as many unique Subcontracting organisations Learner has (please refer to ‘Is any part of the Apprenticeship to be Subcontracted?’ to know how subcontractor are determined).
- Subcontractor Name
- Subcontractor (Organisation) title
- Postcode
- Subcontractor (Organisation) post code; NOTE: in case of Placement-based components (‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’/’Scheduled online event’), Post code is taken from Placement’s address; in case of ‘Qualification’ components linked to Subcontracting organisations, Post code is taken from Organisation Primary address.
- Training that this Subcontractor will contribute to the Employers Apprenticeship programme:
- List of components linked to the mentioned Subcontracting organisation
- Text template depends on component type:
- ‘Qualification’ components: Qualification: {component name} aim ref number {aim ref number} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- ‘Scheduled online event’ components: Scheduled online event: {component name} date {placement enrolment start date} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- ‘Offline learning (placement/workshop)’ components: Offline learning (placement/workshop): {component name} address {placement enrolment address} ({component Planned hours} hrs) by {component Complete By date}
- Assessment that this Subcontractor will contribute
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Support that <Main Provider> will provide to the Subcontractor
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- Monitoring that <Main Provider> will undertake to ensure the quality of Apprenticeship Training & on programme assessment delivered by Subcontractor.
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- Any Actual or perceived conflict of interest between <Main Provider> and the Subcontractor
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- Assessment Organisation
- Learner’s EPA Organisation title; Note: The learner’s EPA Organisation is determined by any ‘End-Point Assessment’ components present in the learner’s Learning Plan.
- Postcode
- EPA Organisation post code (taken from Organisation Primary address)
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- Detail below the arrangements for end-point assessment including arrangements for any re-takes:
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Please detail below the agreed transaction for payments to EPA Organisation
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Name of External Quality Assurance Organisation
- Pre-populatable from programme template.
- Format: text input.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- ‘Associated price’ column, ‘Funding Band Maximum value’ and ‘Balance due’
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: text input.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Please detail below the agreed transaction for payments between the Employer & <Main Provider>
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- Pre-populatable from programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Please detail below the agreed process for repaying any possible overpayments to the Employer:
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: Multiline text area.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- Contact Details 1 / Organisation
- Templated text: Provider – {Learner’s ‘Learning Provider’ organisation name}
- Contact Details 1 / First Contact Name
- Learner’s ‘Learning Provider’ organisation Primary contact full name
- Contact Details 1 / E-mail address
- Learner’s ‘Learning Provider’ organisation Primary contact email address
- Contact Details 1 / Phone number
- Learner’s ‘Learning Provider’ organisation Primary contact phone number
- Contact Details 2 / Organisation
- Templated text: End Point Assessment Organisation – {Learner’s EPA organisation name}
- Contact Details 2 / First Contact Name
- Primary contact full name of the learner’s EPA organisation.
- Contact Details 2 / E-mail address
- Primary contact email address of the learner’s EPA organisation.
- Contact Details 2 / Phone number
- Primary contact phone number of the learner’s EPA organisation.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- ‘YES’/’N/A’
- Pre-populatable from the programme template.
- Format: radiobuttons (only one can be selected).
- Can be amended by: Employer only.
- Name Printed
- Signing Employer’s full name
- Signature
- Option to sign document using Aptem e-signature sample.
- Can be amended by: Employer only.
- Job Role
- Format: text input, pre-populated with list of singing Employer’s positions (separated by comma if multiple).
- Can be amended by: Employer only.
- Date
- Populated once Employer clicks the ‘Click here to sign’ button on the ‘Signature’ box.
- NOT populatable, can NOT be amended – section is to be filled in manually on paper.
- Main Provider (highlighted in yellow)
- The organisation name of the learner’s ‘Learning Provider’.
- Name Printed
- Signing Advisor’s full name
- Signature
- Option to sign document using Aptem e-signature sample.
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Job Role
- Format: text input, pre-populated with list of singing Advisor’s positions (separated by comma if multiple).
- Can be amended by: Advisor only.
- Date
- Populated once Advisor clicks the ‘Click here to sign’ button on the ‘Signature’ box.
Generated PDF
Once all the required fields and signatures are provided, the signatory can click 'Save' to generate a PDF version of the Written Agreement.
An example of a PDF version of the Written Agreement has been attached here. Note that the data in the different sections of the PDF may differ from the images shown in this article.