- FAQ: I am unable to assign a tracker to an admin. Why is this?
- FAQ: I used a "Completion of the Programme" tracker to move the learner to 'Entered EPA' status. Now when I try to use the tracker again to close the aims and change the programme status, I get informed "The option cannot be selected". Why?
- FAQ: When creating a Change of Employer tracker, why are we seeing the error message "Last ACT ‘Date To’ value is going to be populated with value greater than ‘Date From’"?
- FAQ: How is the Last Recorded Learning date in the Withdrawal tracker calculated?
- FAQ: Why am I receiving an Error message when trying to apply a Withdrawn Learner back to their Programme?
- FAQ: How can I upload evidence to a closed tracker?
- FAQ: How do we report on the 'expected return date' in the Break in learning tracker?
- FAQ: I have created a 'Break in Learning' tracker for the learner using the process automation tracker, but I do not have the 'Return to Learning' option. Why is this?
- FAQ: When you have the option to upload a document to the Additional Learning support tracker, does it become visible to the learner?
- FAQ: Why am I allowed to create duplicate "Return to Learning" and "Withdrawal from Learning" trackers for learners?
- FAQ: Why does the actual end date for the Completion tracker not populate with the last recorded learning date from the learning plan like the Withdrawal tracker does?
- FAQ: How do I reapply a Learner to a Programme after they have been withdrawn?
- FAQ: Why is a Learner’s Practical Period End Date not updating in the Programme Details, after they have returned from a break in learning?
- FAQ: Can you use Process Automation to apply a withdrawn learner to a programme?
- Trackers Management - Overview
- FAQ: I want to change my learner's programme status to "On A Break" or ‘Withdrawn’ but these status are not available in the programme status dropdown. Why?
- Create/use a Tracker (Classic)
- View trackers relating to a learner
- Creating a tracker
- Editing a tracker
- FAQ: The New RPL Calculator is not adjusting the Learning Plan components Complete By date. Why is this?
- FAQ: How do I manually change a Learner's programme status back to 'Return to Learning'?
- FAQ: Why hasn't the "Break in Learning" Process Automation stopped all activity on a learning plan?
- FAQ: How do I change a Learner's Programme Status from process automation statuses to non-process automation statuses like Active and other editable statuses?
- FAQ: Can you set a 'Break in Learning' Process Automation for a date in the future?
- FAQ: I used a change of employer tracker for a learner but forgot to modify the working hours. So, I raised a second CoE tracker to rectify the working hours. The hours were updated in the User tab of the ILR, but not in the compliance documents. Why?
- FAQ: We put an apprentice on a 'Break in Learning' (BIL) by mistake, using a tracker. What is the best way to remove the break from the ILR and return the programme status to active?
- FAQ: Why isn’t the RPL Calculator showing despite the tracker being enabled?
- FAQ: Why can't I see a 'Return to Learning' (RTL) tracker for a learner returning from a 'Break in Learning' (BIL)
- FAQ: Why do I get the error message "The Achievement Date must be 7 days later than the Learner's Actual End Date" when submitting a Completion of Programme tracker?