Creating a tracker


An administrator or a tutor with the Create Trackers role can create a tracker. To create a process automation tracker, you must have the Process Automation Trackers (Create) role.


Creating a Tracker

On the Trackers screen, click Create Tracker.


The Create Tracker screen is displayed. You can populate the fields to create a tracker.


Learner name

If you are creating the tracker from the Tracker Management screen, you will be prompted to specify a learner - it is a mandatory field. If you are creating the tracker from within a learner's tracker screen, you will not be asked to specify the name of the learner.



This is a mandatory field. You can choose the tracker type from the dropdown list.

The following types are Employability-related:

  • Job
  • Apprenticeship
  • Traineeship
  • Education
  • Self-Employment

The following types relate to any ESFA-funded programmes where compliance and ILR submission are required: 

  • ILR
  • Compliance

If you have created custom trackers, you will also see those in this dropdown list.  

If you have process automations enabled for your organisation, you will also see process automation trackers in this dropdown list.



While creating a tracker, you can only set the status to New.



You can assign the Tracker item to another administrator or to yourself.



You should add a description detailing what needs to be done.


Depending on the type of tracker you choose to create, the form will display different fields. The following example shows the fields displayed while creating an ILR tracker

Mandatory fields are marked by a * sign.


Fill in the required fields, and click Create to create the tracker.

If any of the entries are invalid, you will see an error message. If there are no errors, the tracker is created, and you can view it on the trackers page.

The assignee to whom you assigned the Tracker item will now be notified about the tracker. They will also get a link to the item. Once they click this link, the Edit Tracker page will be displayed. Here, they can make the relevant changes and update the tracker status.

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