Aptem Assess


The Aptem Assess functionality includes a cognitive assessment tool that identifies whether a learner has learning support needs. Using Aptem Assess, your learners can complete assessments and get a match report that identifies areas requiring learning support.

Aptem Assess provides the following benefits:

  • Embeds the cognitive assessment in an onboarding step avoiding the need to step out of the workflow.
  • Provides an adaptive, mobile-friendly user interface that is quicker to complete than similar tools.
  • Generates a summary report where a learner requires support, providing guidance for how to adapt learning activities and reasonable adjustments for EPA.
  • Eliminates the need the administrative work of managing a separate system for assessment.


Getting started

There are some Aptem Assess features available to customers on all the new packaging tiers, while some features are available to Enterprise customers only. For details, see: Enterprise only features.

If you are yet to move to the new packaging tiers, note that the cognitive assessment provided by Aptem Assess is an additional paid-for service.

For further information on getting up and running with Aptem Assess, or about the pricing tiers, simply contact your nominated Customer Success Manager.


Using Aptem Assess

This section of the documentation is about Aptem Assess features available to customers on all the new packaging tiers.



Add an assessment to the Onboarding wizard

After Aptem Assess has been enabled for your tenant, administrators can add an assessment to all learners on a programme by adding the assessment as an onboarding step.

  1. Select the Onboarding token.
  2. Scroll down, and click the ‘Add Assessment step’ button.
  3. Navigate to the new step you have created. Select “Aptem Assessment” from the drop-down in the configuration tab.
  4. Click Confirm.
  5. You can rename the step to define how it appears to the learner. To rename the step, click the pencil icon and enter a new name for that step. You can also re-order the steps to define the sequence in which they appear to the learner. Use the arrows on the right to move steps up and down in the order. Please note that certain steps are dependent on other steps and thus impact your ordering preference. Where an illegal order has been created a warning will be displayed.


Completing the cognitive assessment

Once a learner has been assigned an assessment, they will receive instructions on what to expect from the assessment and how to complete it.

The learner will also see a Cognitive Assessment notification on the Requires Attention card on their dashboard.
If the assessment is part of the onboarding, the learner will be required to complete the assessment before they will move to the next step in the onboarding wizard.


Starting the Assessment

Learners can see a welcome screen with instructions. They must click Continue to take the assessment.


If the learner fails to complete the assessment, when they return to the onboarding process, then they will be required to start the assessment from the beginning.


Viewing the cognitive assessment report

You can view the status of the cognitive assessment for the learner as well as the output from the report from the learner's profile.

The cognitive assessment report will provide the following information:

  • Whether a learning support need has been indicated for any of the eight cognitive areas assessed.
  • For each identified cognitive area what adjustments should be considered within the learning plan.
  • For each identified cognitive area what adjustments should be considered within the End Point Assessment.

To access the cognitive assessment report, navigate to Learning Support tab on the Learner Profile screen.

The Cognitive Assessment Report mentions the details of the assessment, such as the date, the age at assessment date, the assessment category, the assessment result, the quality score of the assessment.

The assessment category for an assessment report aids Learning Support teams with suggestive actions of next steps for each Learner. For more information, see: Aptem Assess Categorisation.

The quality score is a feature that assesses learner answering patterns and engagement during the Aptem Assess cognitive assessments. This feature enables administrators to detect problems that can negatively impact cognitive assessment outcomes and indicate unnecessary additional learning support. For example, if they have clicked on the first answer to every question, they will get a low quality score. A high quality score means that means the learner has paid attention while doing their assessment. For more information, see: Aptem Assess Quality Score Calculations.

Cognitive areas that need Support can be expanded to view the relevant details. Expanding out a cognitive area section will provide advice on what reasonable adjustments should be made to the learning plan and for End Point Assessment to ensure appropriate support for the learner.



Enterprise-only features

This section of the documentation is about Aptem Assess features available to Enterprise customers only.


Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information on the pricing tiers.

Enabling Aptem Assess at the programme level

Enterprise only

Only Aptem Enterprise customers have the option to enable Aptem Assess at the programme-level.

Enable Aptem Assess at the programme level

Once the Aptem Assess service has been successfully enabled on your tenant, you will be able to select which programmes can make use of the service.

The steps to do this are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Programmes.
  2. Either create a new programme, or edit an existing programme. Choose the “Edit” (pencil) icon against the programme.
  3. Click the Aptem Assess token to enable it.

  4. Set the toggle to Enabled, and click Confirm.
    enable aptem assess.gif
  5. Click Confirm on the Programme Builder screen.

Once Aptem Assess has been enabled, it is now a part of your programme. You now have the ability to add assessments as part of the onboarding wizard or add assessments from the learning support tab of the Learner profile.


Add an assessment from the Learner Support tab

Enterprise only

Only Aptem Enterprise customers have the option to use the on-demand assessment feature.


If Aptem Assess has been enabled for a programme, administrators can add an assessment from the learner support tab of the learner profile. To add an assessment to a particular learner:

  1. Navigate to the Learner profile of the learner.
  2. On the Learner Support tab, under the Cognitive Assessment section, click Register learner.
    Reg L 1.png
  3. After you register a learner, you will see their Assessment status in this section. 
    Reg L 2.png
  4. The learner will see a Cognitive Assessment notification on the Requires Attention card on their dashboard. Learners can then complete the cognitive assessment.

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