Aptem Assess Categorisation


The Assessment Category for an assessment report aids Learning Support teams with suggestive actions of next steps for each Learner. The purpose of the categorisation is to assist with prioritising Learners in the ALS process, especially during peak times. Where this feature has been enabled, the categorisation is displayed as part of the Cognitive Assessment Report.

The categories

The categories are calculated using a combination of data, from the assessment area results and the quality data points.

Each learner’s cognitive assessment is assigned one of the following categories:

  • No Attention Required: Indicates the learner has met the assessment criteria without any issues.
  • Low Quality - Retake Advised: Suggests the assessment's quality is below expectations, recommending a retake.
  • Advisory - Learning Support Indicated: Implies the learner might benefit from further discussion or support, to plan next steps, if necessary.
  • Priority - Learning Support Indicated: Signals a high priority for additional support for the learner.

How are the categories calculated?

There are two criteria to consider:

  1. The count of test areas where the Quality Score total is:
    1. 50% or less for Number Recall, Missing Numbers and Objects where the Quality Score is 50% or less.
    2. 75% or less for the other test areas
  2. A count of test areas tagged as “Support Indicated”


  No test area indicating ‘Support Indicated’ (Passes all 8) 1 or 2 test areas indicating ‘Support Indicated’ 3 or more test areas indicating ‘Support Indicated’
No test areas fall into the specified lower Quality Score threshold No attention required Advisory - Learning Support Indicated: Implies the learner might benefit from further discussion or support Priority - Learning Support Indicated: Signals a high priority for additional support for the learner
1 test area falls into the specified lower Quality Score threshold No attention required Advisory - Learning Support Indicated: Implies the learner might benefit from further discussion or support Priority - Learning Support Indicated: Signals a high priority for additional support for the learner
2 or more test areas fall into the specified lower Quality Score threshold Low Quality – retake advised Low Quality – retake advised Low Quality – retake advised


It should be noted, these are suggested actions to assist with next steps and prioritisation. Your organisation might choose, for example, to prioritise all Learners where support indicated has been returned. All Learners where at least one test has indicated support is required, should as a minimum, have follow-up discussions planned in.



Existing Aptem Assess customers will need to speak to their CSM’s to arrange for the enablement of this feature to be planned in. The Quality score feature must also be enabled to utilise having categories assigned. Aptem Assess cognitive assessments completed prior to enablement will not automatically display the category. If this is required, customers will need to speak to their CSM to schedule a migration to pull through the category for all assessments – this will be available in a future release.

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