As an administrator with the Manage ILRs role, you can export your apprentices in a batch file - this file will contain the information required by the apprenticeship service.
Generating the export
To generate the export, navigate to the ILR tile.
Click Get apprenticeship service batch.
An Apprenticeship batch popup is displayed. Here, you must select the UKPRN.
You can filter your apprentices into appropriate groups prior to export, eliminating the need for data manipulation of exported data.
Click Export.
File format
The exported .csv or .xlsx file is formatted according to the requirements of the TAS bulk upload specification. The exported file has the following columns:
- CohortRef
- AgreementId
- FamilyName
- GivenNames
- DateOfBirth
- EmailAddress
- StdCode
- StartDate
- EndDate
- TotalPrice
- ProviderRef
- RecognisePriorLearning
- DurationReducedBy
- PriceReducedBy
Customers can enter the CohortRef on the ILR page. Having a Cohort Reference is optional, however without a cohort reference the apprenticeship service will create a new cohort instead of adding the records to an existing cohort.
Customers can enter the AgreementId on the Edit Organisation screen. The Agreement Identifier is a mandatory field.
- The ULN field is populated from the ILR
- The fields FamilyName, GivenNames, DateOfBirth and EmailAddress are populated from the User details.
- The fields StdCode, StartDate, EndDate, TotalPrice and EPAOrgID are generated from the most recent programme aim (based on start date) in the ILR.
Opening the CSV file changes the formatting on the DateOfBirth and StartDate. These formats must be manually set back to YYYY-MM-DD before saving the CSV. Note that this is a property of the .csv file format, and not a limitation of the product.
- To avoid this issue, you can export the file in .xlsx format and view/edit it. Note that you will then have to save the file as a .csv before you upload it to the apprenticeship service.
- The field TotalPrice reflects the sum of TNP1 and TNP2 from the most recent programme aim.
- Customers must open this file to check the contents and add in any RPL reductions. The RPL fields below need to be manually filled in for now.
- The RecognisePriorLearning field is set to False by default.
- The field DurationReducedBy must be a whole number (number of weeks).
- The field PriceReducedBy must be a whole number (amount of money).