As an administrator with the ILR QA permission, you can migrate ILR aims.
For migrating existing ILR aims, you have 2 options:
- Migrate aims from any previous ILR episodes into the current one (meaning, Learner is currently enrolled on Delivery programme with ILR token enabled).
- Migrate aims from any learner’s ILR episodes into a new (target) episode while managing Learners Mass Enrolments.
Aims migration from previous ILR episodes to the current one
On the ILR grid, click the ‘Migrate ILR aims’ option which is located above the grid filters.
On the ‘Migrate ILR aims’ wizard, select a ‘Target programme’, where the aims from previous ILR episodes are going to be migrated to. Click Next.
On the next screen, you can see all aims from all programmes excluding aims from the ‘Target programme’.
Select the aims you want to migrate and click Migrate at the bottom of the screen. A confirmation popup appears. After your confirmation, the aims are migrated, and the following changes are made:
- The current ILR episode is updated
- The current programme episode’s dates are updated
- Learning Plan components’ ‘Complete When’ dates are recalculated.
- The Source ILR episode, from which the aims are taken, is updated.
Notes relating to the changes
The current ILR episode is updated
- All current ILR episode’s aims are removed.
- The aims selected for migration are placed into ILR episode as they are.
- Recently created aims from the current programme ILR Template are added into ILR episode – except ProgrammeAim. Recently created aims are those aims currently set up in the ILR Template and which never appeared in the aims collection of the current ILR episode.
- If a learner has active Sub-programmes, their ILR Templates are considered as well.
- If the LearningAimReference of the recently created ILR template aim matches the LearningAimReference of the migrated aim, then only the migrated aim will be present in the resulting ILR episode. For this to happen, at least one of the following conditions should be met:
- Same LearningAimReference AND AimType=’4 – Learning aim is not part of a programme’
- OR same LearningAimReference AND AimType=’5 – Core aim – (16-19 (excluding Apprenticeships) funded learning aims only’ AND same ProgType
- OR same LearningAimReference AND same ApprenticeshipStandardCode AND same FworkCode AND same PwayCode AND same ProgType
A note of caution. When you migrate aims from other episodes, you must migrate the programme aim as well. As the ILR episode without a programme aim will not be valid.
For example, consider this situation:
- A learner has 4 aims in the previous ILR episodes and 10 aims in the current one AND 1 newly created aim (any AimType except 1) in the ILR Template.
- The admin migrates 3 aims from the previous episode.
- All 10 aims will be erased from the current ILR episode, just the 1 new aim from the ILR template and the three 3 migrated aims will remain.
Current Programme episode’s dates are updated
- Start date/Apprenticeship start date = earliest ProgrammeAim ‘Learning start date’ (over all migrated aims) OR earliest non-ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning start date’ if no ProgrammeAims are migrated
- End date = latest ProgrammeAim ‘Learning planned end date’ (over all migrated aims) OR latest non-ProgrammeAim ‘Learning planned end date’ if no ProgrammeAims are migrated OR ‘End date’ populated on ‘Programme Details’ form if none of migrated aims have ‘Learning planned end date’
Learning Plan components’ ‘Complete When’ dates are recalculated
Learning Plan components’ ‘Complete When’ dates are recalculated according to the updates to the Programme Start date/End date.
Source ILR episode is updated
- Selected (for migration) aims are completely removed from the episode.
- If no aims are left in the Source ILR episode, the Source ILR episode is removed. Thus, it will no longer appear in the ILR grid, and will not be available from the User Profile page via the ‘create/edit ILR’ link.
Aims migration while enrolling learners on a new programme
You can migrate aims from any learner’s ILR episodes into a new (target) episode while using the Mass Programme Enrolment wizard.
Available from Users Group Profile (Users overview tile) page, Programmes section, “enrol users” button. Note that the ‘enrol users’ option is available in the UI only if admin has the 'Manage Episodes' permission.
When ‘Enrol user’ wizard is launched on a page, and given logged-in administrator is granted ‘ILR QA’ permission, ‘Migrate existing ILR aims’ checkbox will be present on the bottom.
Once ‘Programme’ is selected/re-selected on the form, ‘Migrate existing ILR aims’ may get hidden – according to ILR token state in the selected programme (meaning if selected programme is of Onboarding type OR Delivery programme with no ILR token enabled, the mentioned checkbox will disappear from the view).
The ‘Migrate existing ILR aims’ option is available on the ‘Enrol users’ form if all of the following conditions are met:
- The administrator should have the ‘Manage episodes’ permission to view the ‘enrol users’ option on the Users Group Profile page.
- The administrator should have the ‘ILR QA’ permission assigned to be able to manage ILR aims.
- The selected ‘Programme’ should be of 'Delivery' type, with the ‘ILR’ token enabled.
Once you tick the ‘Migrate existing ILR aims’ checkbox, and click the ‘Next’ button, you will see an ‘Enrol users’ wizard. The wizard displays a list of ILR aims which belong to the learners, you have the ability to search by ILR related properties, such as ‘Aim reference’, ‘Aim type’, ‘Prog type’, ‘Fund model’ and others.
As for data displayed in the grid, these are all learners’ [logged-in administrator has access to] existing ILR aims [deleted ones are excluded] which DO NOT belong to ‘Programme’ selected on previous screen of ‘Enrol users’ wizard.
Select the aims and click Enrol at the bottom of the screen. A confirmation popup appears. After your confirmation, the aims are migrated, and the following changes are made:
- A new ILR episode is created for learners now enrolled on the selected Programme.
- The dates of the New Programme episode are populated automatically.
- The Source ILR episode is updated.
Notes relating to the changes
A new ILR episode is created for learners now enrolled on the selected Programme:
- The ILR episode status is calculated as per the general programme enrolment process.
- Selected (for migration) aims are present in the current ILR episode (extracted from source ILR episode and pasted into current one as is)
- If no ProgrammeAim(s) are migrated, then the ILR episode takes ProgrammeAim from the ILR Template; if ProgrammeAim(s) are migrated, then the ILR Template ProgrammeAim is ignored, so only the migrated one is taken into consideration. So, there is no case when there are both migrated and ‘templated’ ProgrammeAims (aims present in the ILR episode after migration).
- All non-ProgrammeAim(s) are taken from the ILR Template and added into the ILR episode. Note that if the LearningAimReference of the ‘templated’ aim matches the LearningAimReference of the migrated aim, then only the migrated aim will be present in resulting ILR episode. For this to happen, at least one of the following conditions should be met:
- Same LearningAimReference AND AimType=’4 – Learning aim is not part of a programme’
- OR same LearningAimReference AND AimType=’5 – Core aim – (16-19 (excluding Apprenticeships) funded learning aims only’ AND same ProgType
- OR same LearningAimReference AND same ApprenticeshipStandardCode AND same FworkCode AND same PwayCode AND same ProgType
The dates of the New Programme episode are populated
- Start date/Apprenticeship start date = earliest ProgrammeAim ‘Learning start date’ OR earliest non-ProgrammeAim’s ‘Learning start date’ if no ProgrammeAims are migrated.
- End date = latest ProgrammeAim ‘Learning planned end date’ OR latest non-ProgrammeAim ‘Learning planned end date’ if no ProgrammeAims are migrated OR ‘End date’ entered on ‘Enrol users’ form if none of migrated aims have ‘Learning planned end date’.
Source ILR episode is updated
- Selected (for migration) aims are completely removed from the episode.
- If no aims left in the Source ILR episode, Source ILR episode is being removed. Thus, it will no longer appear in the ILRs grid, or be available from the User Profile page via the ‘create/edit ILR’ link.