Employer Dashboard


As an employer, you can use the employer dashboard to easily view the progress of your direct reports who are in learning or, at a more senior level, learners that you have access to view. You can filter learners, view key metrics, find problem areas, and identify root causes. You can derive insights into the performance of learners across the organisation – you can drill down by brand, region, branch, sector, programme, or team.

The dashboard also highlights actions that are required for you to complete. For example, where you need to sign compliance documents or contribute towards progress reviews.

The Employer Dashboard is available to employers with the Learners Progress role.



Employer Dashboard

As an employer, when you log in to your account, this is the page you will first see.


The roles you have turned on for your account and the functionality used in your tenant will dictate what cards you see. The dashboard comprises of the following cards:  

  1. Learner Lifecycle: This card gives you an idea of where learners are in the lifecycle. The number or learners in each of the following stages is shown: 
    • Learners within 30 days of the start
    • Learners on programme
    • Learners within 30 days of the original planned end date that is in the ILR
    • Learners in EPA
    • Learners who are past their end date
      Click on any of the stages to view the Learner Lifecycle drilldown, which has detailed information and related action items where applicable.
  2. Learner summary: This card shows the number of learners sorted by their programme statuses. 
    Click on any of the statuses to view the Learner summary drilldown, which has detailed information and action items, where applicable.
  3. Learning Plan Progress: This card shows learner progress as measured by their performance on their learning plan activities and summarizes the number of learners who are behind/on-track/ahead on their learning plan activities.
    Click on any of the statuses to view the Learning Plan Progress drilldown, which has detailed information and action items, where applicable.
  4. Off-The-Job-Hours: This card is displayed only if you are delivering any standards. This card summarizes the Off-the-Job hours and shows the following metrics:
    • Insufficient planned hours: Whether they have enough hours in their learning plan to meet the 20 percent or the planned hours that you have stated.
    • Behind target: The number of hours they are behind by at the current point in time.

    • Ahead of target: The number of hours they are ahead by at the current point in time. 

  5. RAG Status: This card is displayed only if you are using RAG status. This card informs you about how the learners are doing with respect to their RAG status. Hover over the graphic to see more detail.
    Click on any of the statuses to view the RAG Status drilldown, which has detailed information and related action items where applicable. 
  6. Requires Attention: This card has many possible items, depending on what items require your attention. If you are up-to-date on all your tasks, this card will be empty. Clicking on an item will take you to the relevant section in Aptem. The following items can be viewed under this section:
    • Activities Overdue

    • Signatures Required
    • Cognitive Assessment Incomplete
    • Cognitive Results Ready

  7. Reviews: This card shows reviews that are upcoming, those that are scheduled, and any that are not yet scheduled.



  • In the default view, Employers viewing the employer dashboard will see metrics only for those learners who are on a delivery programme. In addition, learners with the following programme status will be excluded:

      • Non starter
      • Early leaver
      • Not eligible
      • Completed
      • Withdrawn
      • Withdrawn (w/o funding)
      • Imported



You can set filters to limit the view by programmes/ learners or any other available filters. The option to filter is available to you at all times, even within the drilldowns. 

Quick Filters

You can use the two quick filters: Programmes and Groups to narrow down your dashboard/results.

Click the Programmes quick filter to set/reset the Programmes multi-select filter. This quick filter shows a list of all the programmes and sub-programmes that the learners in the dashboard are applied to. You can select one or more programmes from the list. To search for a specific programme, use the search bar at the top. 



The 'Groups' Quick Filter allows for the selection of one or more groups.



Detailed Filters

Apart from the quick filters, you can use the Filters option to filter by additional criteria.


Click the Filters option on the top of your screen. A Filters pane is displayed on the right of your screen. Here, you can filter by Programme, Groups, Employer Groups, Status and Date.


The Programme, Groups and Status fields offer you a multi-select list. The options visible to you are limited by your role and access level. The Group and Employer Group filters, subject to group permissions, allow for the selection of multiple groups.

If you want to filter by the date, you will be prompted to choose one of three dates to filter by:  Start date, Practical period date, or End date. After you select one, you must specify a date range, 


Make your selections and click Done. The revised dashboard will be displayed.


Further improvements

The employer dashboard will continue to be developed over the coming months. In a future release, more cards on the dashboard will have drilldowns to enable you to have more detailed information, and an even better insight into the performance of your teams.

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