Employer Dashboard - Requires Attention drilldowns
As an Employer, you can view the drilldowns for items displayed in the Requires attention card in order to view detailed information and to take action where appropriate.
The Employer Dashboard drilldowns are available to employers with the Learners Progress role.
Requires Attention drilldowns
On the Employer Dashboard, the Requires Attention card has many possible items, clicking on an item will take you to the relevant section in Aptem. The following items can be viewed under this section:
- Activities Overdue
- Signatures Required
- Cognitive Assessment Incomplete
- Cognitive Results Ready
Activities Overdue
When you click Activities Overdue, you will see a grid showing the learners who have overdue activities. In cases where the overdue activities for that learner span more than one case owner, they are displayed as separate entries on the grid.
The grid has the following columns:
End Date - Programme End Date
Tutor - Case Owner Name for the activities
Overdue Activities - Number of overdue activities
Requires Marking - Number of activities overdue that are awaiting marking
RAG Status
Learning Plan Progress
You can use the learner name search box above the grid - type in 3 letters or more to search for a particular learner.
The activities are displayed by Date order of activities overdue, with the oldest displayed first. To sort the items, click on the header row of the column you wish to sort them by. You can sort by:
End Date
Overdue Activities
Requires Marking
- RAG Status
Learning Plan Progress
When you click a row in the grid, the learner plan view is displayed - it is filtered to show the overdue items. Click the 'Back' button to return to the grid.
Signatures Required
When you click Signatures Required, you will see a grid showing a list of the documents that require your signature. When you click on a row in the grid, the Signatures Screen is displayed. You can complete the signatures and click the 'Back' button to return to the grid.
You can use the learner name search box above the grid - type in 3 letters or more to search for a particular learner.
Cognitive Assessment Incomplete
When you click Cognitive Assessment Incomplete, you will see a grid showing learners in your caseload who have a Cognitive assessment status of "Not complete". The grid has the following columns:
- Learner Name/Programme
Programme Start Date
Programme End Date
Cognitive Assessment Status
You can use the learner name search box above the grid - type in 3 letters or more to search for a particular learner.
The grid is ordered by the Cognitive Assessment Status column by default. To sort the items, click on the header row of the column you wish to sort them by. You can sort by:
Programme Start Date
Programme End Date
Cognitive Assessment Status
When you click on a row in the grid, the learning support tab on the learner's profile is displayed. Click the 'Back' button to return to the grid.
Cognitive Results Ready
When you click Cognitive Results Ready, you will see a grid showing learners in your caseload who have a Cognitive assessment status of "Completed" but have not been viewed by Tutor. The grid has the following columns:
- Learner Name/Programme
Programme Start Date
Programme End Date
Cognitive Results Status
You can use the learner name search box above the grid - type in 3 letters or more to search for a particular learner.
The grid is ordered by the Cognitive Results Status column by default. To sort the items, click on the header row of the column you wish to sort them by. You can sort by:
"Learner/Programme" (a-z on learner name)
"Programme Start Date" (oldest to newest)
"Programme End Date" (oldest to newest)
"Cognitive Results Status" (a-z)
When you click on a row in the grid, the learning support tab on the learner's profile is displayed. Click the 'Back' button to return to the grid.
In the default view, Employers viewing the employer dashboard will see metrics only for those learners who are on a delivery programme. In addition, learners with the following programme status will be excluded:
- Non starter
- Early leaver
- Not eligible
- Completed
- Withdrawn
- Withdrawn (w/o funding)
- Imported
You can set filters to limit the view by programmes/ learners or any other available filters. The option to filter is available to you at all times, even within the drilldowns.
Quick Filters
You can use the two quick filters: Programmes and Groups to narrow down your dashboard/results.
Click the Programmes quick filter to set/reset the Programmes multi-select filter. This quick filter shows a list of all the programmes and sub-programmes that the learners in the dashboard are applied to. You can select one or more programmes from the list. To search for a specific programme, use the search bar at the top.
The 'Groups' Quick Filter allows for the selection of one or more groups.
Detailed Filters
Apart from the quick filters, you can use the Filters option to filter by additional criteria.
Click the Filters option on the top of your screen. A Filters pane is displayed on the right of your screen. Here, you can filter by Programme, Groups, Employer Groups, Status and Date.
The Programme, Groups and Status fields offer you a multi-select list. The options visible to you are limited by your role and access level. The Group and Employer Group filters, subject to group permissions, allow for the selection of multiple groups.
If you want to filter by the date, you will be prompted to choose one of three dates to filter by: Start date, Practical period date, or End date. After you select one, you must specify a date range,
Make your selections and click Done. The revised dashboard will be displayed.