Edit a milestone (classic)
As an administrator with the Supervisor role, you can edit a milestone and capture payment details against a milestone.
This article shows you the steps for find and edit a milestone in the console. If you are using Aptem classic, see: Edit a milestone.
Getting started
- Sign in to your administrator account.
- Click on the milestones tile in Aptem classic.
- In the milestone grid you will be able to use the search filters to search for participant milestones by:
- Programme
- Participant name
- Description (i.e., Milestone 1)
- Status (Any, Achieved, Invalid, Projected, Verified, At risk)
- Claim (Claimed, Not claimed, Refunded, Paid, Rejected, On hold)
- Date range (start/end)
- Once you have applied your search criteria, you will be presented with the following grid. The grid has these columns:
- Job seeker name
- Programme
- Description
- Emp weeks left (to achieve the milestone)
- Projected date of milestone
- Milestone status
- Claim status
- When you edit the milestone, you can update:
- the achieved date
- the status of the milestone
- the claim status
- Once you have updated the milestone click Save.