Adding an administrator to one or more groups


Aptem enables you to have multiple group hierarchies. Follow these steps to add or edit an admin user.


Adding a new user

  1. Sign into your administrator account and click on the ‘Users’ tile.
  2. Click Create. Within the drop-down list, select ‘Admin’ and review the confirmation pop-up message.
  3. The Add User page will be displayed.
    • Enter the user’s details: This includes the mandatory fields - first name, surname, and email address.
    • Select the group to which the admin should be allocated. Under Groups, you can see the hierarchy of your groups, expanding each group which will show the child groups within the grid. Select all groups within each hierarchy that you wish the admin to have access to.
  4. Select one or more roles for the admin user.
  5. Access to console and classic - Define the new administrator's access rights to the Aptem console and Aptem classic.
  6. Click Create. This will create the account and will send an activation email to the admin user.

Editing a user profile

  1. Navigate to the Users tile.
  2. Find the admin user you want to assign to multiple groups.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Under Groups, you can see the hierarchy of your groups, expanding each group which will show the child groups within the grid. Select all groups that you wish to assign the admin to.
  5. Click Update.
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