Export records from the Signatures grid


As an Administrator with the Data Export and/or the Compliance Mass Processing role, you can export data relating to signatures.

Exporting records from the Signatures grid

Click Signatures on the left navigation bar. Select one or more items in the Signatures grid using the checkbox. You will see these checkboxes next to the records on the grid if you have the Data Export and/or the Compliance Mass Processing role.
When you select one or more records, a banner will appear on your screen - the banner states the number of items you have selected and gives you the option to export them. 
You can use the controls on the top-right of the grid to select all the records displayed on a page, or all the records across all the pages. You can also use the Deselect all option to deselect all the selected records.
To export the records, click Export. The selected items will be exported in a CSV file.
The exported information has the following columns:
  • Learner First Name 
  • Learner Last Name 
  • ULN 
  • Programme - The name of the current programme that the learner is assigned to
  • Programme Start Date
  • Practical Period End Date
  • Expected End Date
  • Employer
  • Document - The name of the document
  • Requested Date - The creation date.  
  • [Learner] Signature 
  • [Employer] Signature 
  • [Tutor] Signature 
  • Referrer Signature



  1. The date fields are in dd/mm/yyyy format.
  2. The Signature fields will show a value of "N/A", "Not Signed" or "First Name + Last Name".
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