Signing Reviews


From the Signatures page you can view the status of any Review documents that you are responsible for signing.

Click Signatures on the left menu. You can use the tabs at the top to navigate across the categories of Review documents. The tabs available are:

  • Signature Required
  • Waiting for Others
  • Completed

Please Note: Where you have been given access to 'view all learners within a group' by your organisation, they will appear in this list.   

Signature Required tab

On the Signature Required tab, you can see the Review documents that require your signature. All users that have access to the 'Signature' main menu item are able to view the 'Signatures Required' grid view.


The list has the following columns:  

  • Student Name / Programme
  • Document: Type of document
  • Requested On (date)
  • Participant Signature
  • Employer Signature
  • Tutor Signature
  • Referrer Signature
  • Actions
  • Edit

Waiting for Others tab

All users that have access to the 'Signature' main menu item are able to view the 'Waiting for Others' grid view. Using this view, you can track Review documents that are waiting for others' signatures.


The list has the following columns:  

  • Learner/Programme
  • Document
  • Requested On
  • Participant Signature
  • Employer Signature
  • Tutor Signature
  • Referrer Signature
  • Edit

Completed tab

All users who have access to the 'Signature' main menu item can view the 'Completed' grid view and view the information with the records. Only documents relating to the current programme/episodes are listed. 


The list has the following columns:  

  • Learner/Programme
  • Document
  • Requested On
  • Learner Signature
  • Employer Signature
  • Tutor Signature
  • Referrer Signature
  • Edit


Navigating through the records

You can see a default of 10 records per screen. To navigate through the list of records, you can:

  • use the pagination controls at the bottom of the screen
  • use sorting
  • use the search and filter functionality

You can also change the settings to see 5 or 10 or 20 records per screen.


You can use the search and filtering functionality to narrow down the list of records. 

If you have the permission to use 'mass processing', you can select multiple records and sign all of them at once, or you can sign them and invite an employer to sign them. For more information, see: Signatures - Mass Processing.

From this grid, you can also export records as a CSV file. For more information, see: Export records from the Signatures grid.


Sign a Review

To sign a document, navigate to the relevant row and click Sign under the Actions column on the "Signature Required" view. The document opens in a new tab.

Navigate to the end of the document, here you will see instructions that read "Click here to sign".

Click inside the box to sign the document and then click Save.


You can only edit the "Signature" and "Position" fields. To edit any other field, see Editing a Document.

After you click Save, the signed Review is displayed. This has been saved against the learner's record and you can now close this browser tab.


Editing a Document

To edit a document, navigate to the relevant row and click the pencil icon under the Edit column on the "Completed" or "Waiting for Others" or "Signature Required" view.

The relevant document is displayed. Once you make the edits, click Save Changes.

 If one or more required parties have signed the document already (before the Tutor/Work Coach), then the following options are displayed:

  • "Save & Request New Signatures" - Saves the changes, applies the admin signature (new signature if provided) and resets learner/employer signature(s) so that they must re-sign the new version.
  • "Cancel" - cancels without need for confirmation and returns to the Signatures grid without applying a change
  • "Save Changes Only" - This saves the changes, applies the existing signatures and does NOT reset signatures for the document


 Click Save and Request New Signatures to save the changes and send the revised document to all relevant parties.



  • If a Learner has a status of withdrawn, you will no longer be able to sign their Reviews, as they are no longer enrolled on their course.
  • You cannot edit a Review after you have signed it.
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