Duration of Practical Period formula

Definitions and Formula

Programme Aim
Learning Aim Ref: ZPROG001
Aim Type: 1
Duration of Practical Period = (SUM(Duration of first Programme Aim+ Duration of second Programme Aim...+ Duration of nth Programme Aim) + (Planned End Date in Programme Details - End Date of nth Programme Aim)) / 7
This is to take account of breaks in learning or restarts.
Programme aims selection is done as per current implementation (take the latest one of type 1 and then get others with the same ref number and std/fwork/pway codes + fund model + aim type)
Aim End Date = Aim Actual End Date or Aim Planned End Date (if actual one is not set) 
Aim Duration = Aim End Date - Aim Learning Start Date


  • In case you have changed the planned end date in the programme to be different from the ILR, then you will need to manually update the compliance paperwork to enact this change.
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