Edit Employer details


If the Employer field has been enabled on the programme that the learner is assigned to, you can edit the employer details.

Where the Process Automation Trackers for "Change of Working Conditions" and "Change of Employer" have not been enabled, Tutors and Administrators with the "Edit Learner Details" role can edit a learner's personal details and update learner information using the Console User Interface.

Where the Process Automation Trackers for "Change of Working Conditions" and "Change of Employer" have been enabled, Tutors and Administrators can request a change using this process.


Case 1: Where Process Automation is not enabled

Tutors and Administrators with the "Edit Learner Details" role can edit the Employer details.

To edit the details, navigate to the Learner Profile screen and select the Learner Details tab.

Navigate to the Employer section, and click thepencil.pngicon on the top right.

Editable fields will be displayed. Enter the revised details, and click Save.


When you click Save, you will see a confirmation message on the bottom left: "Employer Information updated". The revised details will be displayed on the profile. Do note that since you do not have Process Automation enabled. saving this change will not update the ILR, Employment Status record or EDRS number.


Case 2: Where Process Automation is enabled and the learner is on a Skills Delivery programme

On the Employer section, and click thepencil.pngicon on the top right. You will see the following screen.




You are presented with three options. The options are described in the following sections.

Change of working conditions

Click this in case of a change in the primary working location, working hours or job title, and there is no change of Employer. Note that you can create a tracker only for a learner who is in "Active" status.

You will be taken to the Create Tracker screen. Follow the instructions in the Change of working conditions article to create the tracker.


When you click Create, a tracker is created. If you navigate back to the Learner Profile screen, you will see a confirmation message on the bottom left: "Change of working conditions requested". The relevant section is updated with a Pending Changes message.

APTEM-642-Learner Details-Employer-09.7.png


Change of employer

Click this in case of a change in Employer for a learner who is in "Active" status. Note that this option only appears if you have the Process automation trackers (Create) role.

You will be taken to the Create Tracker screen. Follow the instructions in the Change of employer article to create the tracker.

When you click Create, a tracker is created. If you navigate back to the Learner Profile screen, you will see a confirmation message on the bottom left: "Change of employer requested". The relevant section is updated with a Pending Changes message.


The Manager and/or Mentor has changed

This option only appears where 'Manager and 'Mentor' fields are enabled at the tenant level. Click on this option to update the manager or mentor. Editable fields will be displayed. Enter the revised details, and click Save.


Tutors and Administrators who do not have the "Edit Learner Details" role cannot edit the Manager and Mentor fields. They must contact their administrator to make these updates.


Case 3: Where Process Automation is enabled and the learner is NOT on a Skills Delivery programme

Tutors and Administrators with the Edit Learner Details role can edit the Employer details.

To edit the details, navigate to the Learner Profile screen and select the Learner Details tab.

Navigate to the Employer section, and click thepencil.pngicon on the top right.

Editable fields will be displayed. Enter the revised details, and click Save.


When you click Save, you will see a confirmation message on the bottom left: "Employer Information updated". The revised details will be displayed on the profile. Do note that saving this change will not update the ILR, Employment Status record or EDRS number.

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