Record an EPAO registration manually


Where an End Point Assessment organisation (EPAO) is not using epaPRO, you can record the learner's EPAO registration number and the registration date manually.


Manual Registration Criteria

Learner must be enrolled onto a delivery programme with delivery type "Training - Apprenticeship", so that End-Point Assessment tab appears on the learner profile, and Administrator can fill in registration details form.

  • If the epaPRO is not set up for tenant, no additional criteria required for manual registration.
  • If the epaPRO integration enabled for tenant, manual registration is still available for Learner - if End point assessment organisation (EPAOrgID) of Learner’s ILR does not match End-Point Assessment ID of any epaPRO connections.


Getting Started

  • Navigate to the End Point Assessment tab on the learner profile, 
  • If the necessary learner information has not been populated in the learner profile, you will see a message similar to the one shown below:


  • After you ensure that the required fields are populated, you will see a Register Learner button on the End Point Assessment tab. Click the Register Learner button.


  • Enter the learner's EPA Learner ID.
  • Enter a date of registration. This must be a date in the past or the current date. it cannot be a date in the future - otherwise 'registered on date must be less than or equal to the current date' validation message will appear, as this field is mandatory.
  • Click Register.


  • On successful registration, the End Point Assessment tab shows the registration details. 


  • To edit the EPAO registration details, click the pencil.pngicon on the top right of your screen. 
    • You can amend the EPA Learner ID and Registered On details. 
  • All manual registrations can be found in OData and UGR.
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