As a Tutor, you can view the profile of your learners - their personal details, their programme details and learning support information. Where applicable, you can also view their PRaP details.
You can navigate to the learner profile from the learner details card on the learner dashboard.
The Learner Profile screen is displayed. Here, you can see view the following information:
- Programme details
- Learner details
- Learning support details
- Checkpoint details (where applicable)
- PRaP details (where applicable)
Programme details
As a Tutor, you can view the programme details of your learners, so that you can understand what they are working towards.
On the learner name card, you can see the learner's avatar/initials, the learner's name, the name of the programme they are enrolled on, and their status.
The programme details are shown in 4 sections:
- Programme details
- Sub-Programmes (where applicable)
- Qualifications
Learner details
As a Tutor, you can view a detailed profile of your learner. On the learner name card, you can see the learner's avatar/initials, the learner's name, the name of the programme they are enrolled on, and their status.
The learner details are shown in the following sections:
- Profile section
- Contact section
- Employer section (if configured)
- Referrer section (if configured)
Mandation details (if configured)
Additional Information (where custom fields have been used to capture information relevant to the learner)
Learning Support
As a Tutor, you can view the learning support details of your learners, so that you can effectively support them.
If you are using the integration with Cognassist, you can now register the learner and check their status - all from this screen. For details, see: Integrating with Cognassist.
Checkpoint details
In case of Enterprise plan users, a Tutor can view a Checkpoint tab in the Learner Profile. On this tab, they can see the following information:
- Checkpoints Completed
- Latest Score
- Average Score
- Average Number of Questions
- Average Time Spent on each Checkpoint
In addition, tutors can see a list of all previous Checkpoints a learner has completed. Each Checkpoint entry includes a summary with key details. This information is pulled in from the Checkpoint Reporting screens for that Learner. This allows the Tutor to avoid switching between screens to obtain this information and streamline their workload.
Tutors can expand each checkpoint entry to view detailed information about the types of questions included. Tutors can paginate through the data to easily navigate and manage large volumes of information.
Admins/tutors can use the Checkpoint search bar to search for previous Checkpoints by name, allowing them to quickly access specific Checkpoints.
Admins/tutors can narrow down the list of Checkpoints by using the following filters:
- Trigger Type
- Date Taken - From and To
- Checkpoint Score - From and To
PRaP details