Add contacts to an organisation profile


Adding additional contact details to an organisation profile will allow you to build a repository of information on the key personal at each organisation that has a record in Aptem. By adding contacts, you will also be able to capture the activity undertaken with each of the contacts - such as face to face meetings, email correspondence and telephone discussions about participants.


Getting started

To add a new contact to an organisation profile:

  1. Navigate to the Organisations tile.
  2. Search for the organisation you want to add a new contact to.
  3. Click the organisation name.
  4. Click add contact on the right of your screen.
  5. You will be presented with a form to complete.
  6. The minimum fields you must complete to create a new contact are
      • Contact name
      • Contact email
      • Contact phone
  1. Once you have entered the data, click Create.
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