The organisation function is important for providers of Apprenticeships and Traineeships as it enables you to create a record of each employer with the correct information for funding purposes.
The organisation function is important for providers of employability programmes as it allows you to create records for each employer you are working with, create jobs and manage the recruitment process of behalf of your employers.
The Aptem Organisations tile can be used to manage contacts and monitor activity with employers, training providers, and partners. It can also have employer managers attached to learners. From the Organisations tile, you can:
- Create Employers, Referrers, Training or Other Organisations
- Manage contacts within an organisation.
- Track activity and communications with an organisation thus managing the employer/provider relationship effectively.
- Provide an audit trail of edits to the organisation record.
Currently you can only use the Aptem Classic View to create an Organisation. The Aptem Console View is under development.
To create an Organisation
- Sign in to your administrator account. Click the Organisations tile.
- The Organisations list is shown. This page displays the main details for all employers, referral partners and training providers etc. All such details have been added to your organisation’s account. From this initial page you can:
- Create new organisations, view details of an organisation or edit the details of an existing organisation record.
- Export your organisations list to CSV.
- Use the 'Import from CSV' link to upload your list of organisations with their details into Aptem.
- Click Create to add a new organisation. The Add Organisation screen will be displayed.
- Aptem will automatically open this form with a type called ‘Employer’. However, if you wish to create a Referrer, Training or another type of organisation, you can choose from the radio button selection on the first line:
- Employer - an employer who has apprentices requiring training.
- Referrer - a body referring someone to the employer. For example, a Job Centre+ might be the organisation referring a person to the employer as a candidate for an apprenticeship and requires specific information to be registered.
- Training - an organisation providing training to an employer's apprentices. For example, if you are creating your Functional Skills Mathematics and English training programme and/or your End-Point Assessment Organisation
- Other - another type of organisation relevant to the customer installing Aptem.
- Click the appropriate radio button to select the type of organisation you wish to create. The page will refresh and show a list of fields ready for data entry.
- Click the drop-down list to select the Status:
- Confirmed - meaning that the organisation you are creating is already confirmed as one using apprentices or providing referrals, training or other services.
- Opportunity - meaning that the organisation you are creating represents an opportunity to be followed up to convert it to be a confirmed user or supplier.
- Archived - active in the past but archived but can be revived through the process of creation
- The page is refreshed again showing the appropriate fields of information to be completed, depending on both the type of organisation and its status. For example, the main differences between Confirmed and Opportunity status in an employer's case, is that many of the fields which are obligatory for a Confirmed status become non-obligatory when the status is changed to Opportunity. This means that you can create an Opportunity organisation with minimal information and add or edit the information later as the opportunity is pursued.
For example, for an employer, it is important to enter the Organisation’s Employer Data Service Reference (EDRS) number (name to be changed to Employer Reference Number ERN) provided by the Skills Funding Agency, without which no state funding can be made to the employer. - Complete the required fields as described in the Create Employer table below.
- Click the Save button - the organisation’s record will now be available in the organisation’s report.
To create an Employer organisation
The following table describes the data which may be required for a new organisation.
Field | Data |
Type | To create an Employer organisation in Aptem, click the Employer radio button. |
Status | Select from the dropdown list from Confirmed, Opportunity, Archived |
Name | Enter the name of the organisation. |
Owner |
Category | Select a category from the dropdown list or, if new, type in a new Category name in the [add new category] field below and click [add]. |
EDRS/ERN number | Enter the Organisation’s Employer Data Service Reference number or the Employer's Reference Number provided by the Skills Funding Agency, as described above. If you do not have the number, you can add it later when editing the employer record. If left blank the reminder message 'Missing EDRS/ERN number is a funding issue and may result in learner being removed from the claim' remains below the blank field. |
Apprenticeship agreement id |
Enter the Apprenticeship agreement id number. |
Primary address | Enter the primary (head or main contact) office, the Post code and standard address lines. Later, when editing the details and you have an additional address for this employer, click the green + sign and enter the Post code and standard address lines in the dialog box. Then, click the Create button. |
Working hours |
To record the normal working hours of the employer, click the green + sign to [add another session]. A typical morning working hours session is inserted, where you can modify the times by clicking on the clock icons. Click the green + sign to [add another session] to add the default afternoon session and modify as needed. |
Contact Name |
Enter the name of the primary contact of the employer organisation. If you have an additional contact for this employer, click the green + sign and enter the Post code and standard address lines in the dialog box. Then, click the Create button. |
Contact email | Enter the primary contact's email addresses (ensuring no spaces). |
Contact telephone | Enter the primary contact's telephone number in the UK national or international format. |
Contact role | Select the primary contact's role in the Employer organisation from the dropdown list, for example, Admin, Advisor or Manager. If you wish to add a different role for this employer, click the green + sign and enter the name in the dialog box. Then, click the [add] to add it to the list and use it for the primary contact's role in the organisation. |
Website | Enter the website address of the employer. It should be an address beginning https:// [company or organisation name or brand] .com or .co.uk |
Levy payer | Select Yes if the employer has a turnover of more than £3million and is therefore paying the UK Government Levy (Tax) of 0.5% of turnover. Select No if not paying the Levy or Not selected if you do not know. You can edit the organisation later when you know. |
Approx. no of employees | Enter an integer for the approximate number of employees. |
Health & Safety | Select Not known, Low, Medium or High from the dropdown list. If you choose Low, Medium or High, another field appears below: Last Visit Date. |
Last visit date | Find out from the primary contact when the last visit was made by the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) to assess and agree the employer's status. |
Health & Safety documentation completed |
Find out from the primary contact if the Health & Safety documentation has been completed. If so, click the box to to show a check mark. |
Logo | In order that on all subsequent activity with the employer by the customer's administrators, staff and apprentices, you can include the employer's logo. Collect an approved copy from the employer and click the [Select file] button to upload it to the Employer organisation. |
Send hours verification emails |
Click the [Send hours verification emails] check box if / when the employer organisation has apprentices whose work hours must by verified. |
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When you have completed all the details correctly, click Save and the new employer is established in the system. If you click the Close button with errors still highlighted, the data you entered is lost and will have to start again when you have all the information required. |
Create a Referrer organisation
Referrer fields
Field | Data |
Type |
Click the Referrer radio button. |
Status, name & owner | As for Create an employer organisation |
Referral allocation group (s) (0) | Click the group(s) to which the Referrer organisation should be allocated. Groups can be created specifically by the customer's Administrators with the appropriate role, see How should I use the Group Structure in Aptem?.
In a complex organisation there may be many groups and even groups within groups. The Collapse all or Expand all choices ease your navigation to show just the main group names or the complete hierarchy. |
Category | Select a category from the dropdown list or, if new, type in a new Category name in the [add new category] field below and click [add]. |
Post code, address and country fields | Enter the details of the Referrer in these fields as for Create an employer organisation. |
Contact name, email, telephone, role & website |
Enter the details of the Referrer in these fields as for Create an employer organisation. |
Health & Safety & logo | Enter the details of the Referrer in these fields as for Create an employer organisation. |
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As for Create an employer organisation. |
Create a Training organisation
The same details as for a Referrer need to be collected for a Training organisation, the Type has the prime function to categorise and the organisation from large data lists. See the Referrer and Employer sections above.
Create an 'Other' organisation
The same details as for a Referrer need to be collected for an Other organisation, the Type has the prime function to categorise and the organisation from large data lists. See the Referrer and Employer sections above.