Overview - Reviews


To view your learner's reviews, click Reviews from the learner navigation menu of the learner's record.

You can also navigate directly from the Learner caseload screen, by selecting Reviews from the View column dropdown which will take you directly to that area of the learner's record. 


The Reviews screen is displayed.

You can view the planned review and finished review lists by navigating to the relevant tab.


You can see a maximum of 10 items per screen, the most recent reviews listed first. To view older review items, use the pagination controls at the bottom of the screen. You can also sort the list by any clicking on the header row. 

Planned Reviews

The planned reviews list has the following details/Action items:

  • Review Name/Review type
  • Reviewer
  • Planned/Scheduled date
  • Status
  • Scheduling Assistant
  • Review Actions
  • Ellipses menu



Planned Reviews can have the following status:

  • Not Scheduled
  • Scheduled
  • In progress: A review that is in progress. Once you start a review, the status changes to 'In progress', and it will remain in this status till all the items are marked as completed.

After all the review sections are completed, and the review is signed (where applicable), the review will appear under the 'Finished' tab.


Finished Reviews

The 'Finished' reviews list has the following details:

  • Review Name / Review type
  • Reviewer
  • Planned/Scheduled date
  • Completed date
  • Status
  • Review Actions
  • Ellipses menu


Finished reviews can have the following status:

  • Awaiting Signature: A Review that is awaiting one or more signatures. Once you finish all the sections in the Review, the Review status will be set to 'Awaiting Signature'. Please note that not all Reviews require signatures depending on how your organisation has configured the Reviews in the system.
  • Completed
  • Not Completed
  • Archived: When a Review type is deleted from the programme template, the Review status is set to 'Archived'.


  • Learners and Employers cannot see Reviews with ‘Archived’ and ‘Not Completed’ statuses in Aptem Console.


View a detailed review

In case of finished Reviews, you can view the detailed Review within the platform. To see a completed Review, click on View under Review Actions.

Reviews are divided into various sections. You can expand or collapse a section by clicking it.



Review Sections

Learner Information

The Learner information section contains information such as learner details, programme name, programme start and end dates, the employer, the manager and the mentor. 


Learning Progress

The learning progress section shows the learner's progress against the aims at that point in time. Note that this section is updated only by the Calculate action.


Skills Radar

You can use the Skills Radar section to review your learner's progress against the defined competencies.


RAG Status

You can use the RAG section to review the status that was agreed upon during the Review.



Using the PLR section, you can view the online record from the LRS (Learner Records Service) and search for/create the ULN (Unique Learner Number).

To get a learner's PLR, either enter their ULN (Unique Learner Number) in the text box and click Get PLR or leave this empty to start the ULN search. If a match is found, you will be able to populate the ULN field with this information.

Where a PLR record exists for the learner the detailed record will be shown and will be added to the grid. You then have the option to remove any parts of the record that are not relevant to the programme the learner is working towards.


Functional Skills

On the Functional Skills section, you can view the information in relation to your learner's Functional Skills Initial Assessments and Diagnostic Assessments.



Manage reviews

You can create a reviewedit or delete an existing review. You can start and complete a review, and you can sign completed reviews. 

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