Create a review
You can create a Review if you have the 'Advanced Delivery Management - Add' permission. When you create a Review, the system creates a corresponding activity in the Learning Plan.
Creating a review
Click Reviews on the learner navigation menu of your learner's record.
You can also navigate directly from the learner management screen, by selecting Reviews from the View column dropdown.
To add a review, click Create Review.
You will see the Create Review screen.
Fill in the fields to create your Review.
Review name
Specify a name for the Review
Select the programme from the dropdown list.
Review type
Specify the review type from the dropdown list. The dropdown list shows only those Reviews that have been configured for the programme that the learner/participant is enrolled to.
Is this a Mandatory Activity?
Specify if this activity is mandatory? This option is available where mandation has been enabled at the tenant-level and generally applies to Employability programmes only.
Completion Mode
This field allows you to determine how the activity status is updated. You can choose from two options:
- When `All evidence is accepted`: Activities are completed when all required evidence has been marked as accepted by the Tutor or the requirements for the Review have been met. The system automates status updates based on the requirement for that activity. (default)
- When `Tutor decides`: The Tutor can manually control the activity status. This includes starting, continuing and completing the activity. Please note that if evidence is set to be required this will still have to be provided before the Tutor can set the activity to complete.
Instructions that the learner will see when looking at the Review.
Evidence Required
Tick the “Evidence required” box if the review requires additional evidence to be provided and then marked by a Tutor/Work Coach in order for this Review to be completed.
Complete By
You can specify when you expect the Review to be completed by. Specifying this field will place the review in the correct chronological order on the Learning Plan.
You can choose to specify the complete by time by month, week, day or date. You can also select the No Set date option.
If you choose a date, the activity must be completed before that date or it will show as overdue in the Learning Plan.
If you specify a month, the review must be completed within those many months from the start date of the programme. For example, if you enter 1, the review must be completed within 1 month from the start of the programme.
If you specify a week, the review must be completed within those many weeks from the start date of the programme. For example, if you enter 1, the review must be completed within 1 week from the start of the programme.
If you specify a day, the review must be completed within those many days from the start date of the programme. For example, if you enter 10, the review must be completed within 10 days from the start of the programme.
Specify the reviewer who will be responsible for facilitating the Review process.
Upload file
These are any attachments that the learner needs to be given access to as part of the review.
Schedule Review now
The ‘Schedule Review now’ checkbox is unticked by default. Once you click it, you will see additional options.
The Review date is prepopulated by default using the activity’s Complete By date if provided as a specific Date).
This section also displays the current Review status in the top-right. Note that the ‘Schedule Review now’ checkbox is replaced with the label ‘Scheduled Review’ in cases where the review has already been scheduled.
The Review 'Task' is automatically marked as completed when the facilitator finishes the Review. For more information about Review 'Tasks', see: Review meeting tasks.
Meet Online
Tick this box if you want the ability to create a Teams meeting directly from the meeting.
If you tick this box, you are presented with additional fields, where you must specify the meeting details.
After filling in the Review details, click Save.