Process automation helps you reduce the amount of administrative effort in managing learners and helps you ensure compliance.
The withdrawal from learning process automation automates the tasks associated with withdrawing a learner form their current program of learning. Process automations are designed to eliminate the possibility of errors in re-keying and reduce the associated administrative effort in updating the relevant areas of the system. The automation also includes a pre-authorise process that involves an administrator reviewing the withdrawal request. This ensures that you have complete control over changes made to your learners' data.
This process automation makes the following changes:
- Updates the ILR to reflect the withdrawal.
- Updates the associated ILR fields: CompStatus, LearnActEndDate, WithdrawReason, OTJActHours, Outcome.
- Stops the programme, and returns the learner to the account programme.
- Updates the programme status of the learner to "Withdrawn".
- Sends a notification to the tutor and the learner to let them know about the "Withdrawn" programme status.
- Creates a tracker to remind administrators that an awarding organisation may need to be made aware of the change.
- Please note, that it does NOT update the Destination and Progression information.
- Updates the Apprenticeship Contract Type Records.
- Triggers Leaving compliance document creation.
- Syncs updates with EPAPro.
- Updates the Learning Support Funding (LSF) 'todate' according to the following rules:
- If the LSF to date <= withdrawal date, then the LSF to date will not be changed.
- If the LSF to date > withdrawal date, then the LSF will be set to the withdrawal date.
- If the LSF to date is blank, then it will remain blank. (LSF requires a from and to date to be valid, we do not support the scenario where there is no to date)
- If the learner's ILR is marked to be excluded, the process automation will not update the learner's ILR.
- This process automation will be applicable to any learners with any prior programme status besides 'Withdrawn'.
- This process automation does not affect the ability for learner and tutor to communicate via messages.
- This process automation is limited to delivery programmes only, as this is where funding rules require changes to be monitored.
- Only qualifications that have the 'Not registered' or the 'Registration not required' status will be removed from the system as a result of this process automation tracker. These will be the qualifications that have not yet gone to the awarding body. Any qualifications which have the registered status and have gone through to the awarding body will not be removed. An such cases, the change will have to be actioned directly with the relevant awarding body.
The withdrawal from learning process automation can be turned on or off at the tenant level. This provides administrators with complete control over this feature.
By default, this configuration is set to OFF. Administrators with the Manage Tenant Settings permission can use the Additional Settings screen and enable this tracker.
The following steps describe the workflow for the withdrawal from learning process automation.
- A tutor or an administrator creates a tracker from the trackers page or from the users profile.
- The tracker contains the details of the withdrawal from learning request.
- On the Reason for Withdrawal field, you can use the dropdown to search for the appropriate reason. It is a searchable dropdown field, so you can use the initial phrase of the reason to search for it.
- If Custom Reasons have been enabled for your tenant, you can select from the pre-defined custom withdrawal reasons. Custom withdrawal reasons accurately describe the withdrawal reason, and give you the ability to report on it while at the same time using the correct ESFA withdrawal reason in your ILR batch file. To know more, see: Configuring the Withdrawal from learning Process Automation tracker.
- The tracker contains the details of the withdrawal from learning request.
- A user with the Process Automation Trackers (pre-authorise) role, typically a line manager, can preauthorise the request. This will preauthorise the request, but it won't submit the details for change until it has been processed.
- A user with the Process Automation Trackers (process) role, typically a senior administrator, can then process the request.
- The administrator views the tracker. The administrator can use the Tracker tile and search for the withdrawal from learning type. To edit the tracker, the administrator must click Edit.
- At this stage, the status of the tracker is new. An administrator with the Process Automation Trackers (process) role updates the status of the tracker, and sets it to process or rejected, and clicks Save.
- The learner is notified about the approval/rejection of the request. At this stage, the status of the tracker is set to closed, if the tracker has been approved. If the tracker has been declined, the status will be set as rejected.
- If the administrator rejects the request, the learner and tutor will be notified of the rejection.
- If the administrator approves the request, the process automation makes the following changes:
- Updates the ILR to reflect the withdrawal.
- Updates the associated ILR fields: CompStatus, LearnActEndDate, WithdrawReason, OTJActHours, Outcome.
- Stops the programme, and returns the learner to the account programme.
- Updates the programme status of the learner to "Withdrawn".
- Sends a notification to the tutor and the learner to let them know about the "Withdrawn" programme status.
- Creates a tracker to remind administrators that an awarding organisation may need to be made aware of the change.
- Please note, that it does NOT update the Destination and Progression information.
- Updates the Apprenticeship Contract Type Records.
- Triggers Leaving compliance document creation.
- Syncs updates with EPAPro.
- Updates the Learning Support Funding (LSF) 'todate' according to the following rules:
- If the LSF to date <= withdrawal date, then the LSF to date will not be changed.
- If the LSF to date > withdrawal date, then the LSF will be set to the withdrawal date.
- If the LSF to date is blank, then it will remain blank. (LSF requires a from and to date to be valid, we do not support the scenario where there is no to date)