Configure the 'Withdrawal from learning' Process Automation tracker
As an administrator with the Manage Tenant Settings permission, you can configure tracker settings for your tenant. While some trackers can be directly enabled from the Trackers grid, you cannot enable the Withdrawal from learning tracker directly from the grid.
Navigate to Settings>General.
From the list of trackers, find the Withdrawal from learning section, and click 'Additional Settings'.
On the Withdrawal from learning screen, set the toggle to enable, and then click Save Changes on the bottom-right of the screen. The process automation tracker will be enabled, and you will see a toaster notification on the bottom-left of the screen.
Configuring Custom Withdrawal reasons
Under the Withdrawal from learning settings, you can configure the withdrawal reasons for your tenant. This enables you to accurately describe the withdrawal reason and be able to report on it while at the same time using the correct ESFA withdrawal reason in your ILR batch file.
Under the Reasons for Withdrawal section, use the 'Enable Custom Reasons functionality' toggle to enable/disable custom reasons.
When this is enabled, any amendments to the custom withdrawal reasons will be reflected in the Withdrawal from learning tracker.
When it is disabled, you will see all of the default ESFA reasons in the Withdrawal from learning tracker.
- You can change around the settings even if the toggle is set to off. Whilst this is disabled, nothing you do in this configuration panel will show.
- We recommend that when you are configuring your custom withdrawal reasons for the first time, keep the functionality disabled and configure all your custom reasons, and then enable this functionality.
Using ESFA reasons and Custom reasons
This functionality allows you to be flexible with your withdrawal reasons. You can keep the list of ESFA reasons. If you want to, you can turn them all off, put custom reasons in, and use a different wording that suits your purpose. Or you can have a mixed list of withdrawal reasons, comprised of ESFA reasons and custom reasons to suit your needs. Note that every custom withdrawal reason will be associated with an ESFA reason.
So, you have total control over the reasons you want administrators to use. Use the following instructions to manage the ESFA and Custom reasons:
- Enable / disable ESFA reasons
- Add a custom withdrawal reason
- Edit a custom withdrawal reason
- Archive a custom withdrawal reason
Enable / disable ESFA reasons
On the Withdrawal from learning settings page, navigate to any item under the Defaults table. Each row in this table represents an ESFA reason. Click on any row to manage that ESFA reason.
Once you click a particular ESFA reason, you see a new screen. Here, you can use the toggle to enable / disable the ESFA reason.
If you disable an ESFA reason, it will no longer appear in the dropdown list of withdrawal reasons.
Changes to custom withdrawal reasons will be reflected in all open and new withdrawal from learning trackers. If you disable a reason but someone's already got it selected. It will NOT remove it from their tracker. They'll still have it on their tracker.
Add a custom withdrawal reason
On the Withdrawal from learning settings page, navigate to any item under the Defaults table. Each row in this table represents an ESFA reason. Click on any row to navigate to that ESFA reason. On the ESFA reason page, you can enable/disable the ESFA reason. You can also add custom reasons associated with that ESFA reason.
To add a custom reason, click the Add a Custom Reason button.
On the panel to your right, you can add the custom reason. To aid administrators in searchability and navigation, it is recommended that you keep the reason short and use any defining keywords up front, towards the beginning of the phrase/sentence. Click Save to add the custom reason.
The custom reason will be added to the list on this screen.
Edit a custom withdrawal reason
To edit a custom reason, click the pencil icon on the relevant row.
On the panel to your right, you can edit the custom reason. We recommend that you edit reasons only to correct errors or improve clarity. Make the edits and click Save.
Archive a custom withdrawal reason
If you have a custom reason that you no longer wish to use, you can archive it. Archiving a reason does not remove it from trackers where it has already been selected.
To archive a custom reason, click the box icon on the relevant row.
If you archive a reason that has already been selected for a learner, it will not be archived for that learner, but other learners will NOT see it.
If you feel you need an archived reason back, you can unarchive it, using the undo icon.
Unarchiving a reason means it will now appear on the list of withdrawal reasons.
If you are changing the meaning of the custom withdrawal reason, we recommend that you archive it and add a fresh one. Otherwise, your reporting may be impaired.
Custom reasons and ESFA reasons
Every one of the custom reasons ties back to an ESFA reason, and that is what is processed into the ILR when the tracker is processed. So, what you will be able to report on is both the ESFA code for the withdrawal reason and the custom code reason where applicable. So, if you turn this feature on, you may need to change your OData reports.