Starting and completing a review
Start a Review
On the 'Planned' Reviews page, locate the Review that you want to work with. If you are starting a Review, you will see the 'Start' option. If you have already started the Review, you will see the 'Continue' option. To start filling out the Review, click Start or Continue.
Reschedule the review
It is possible to reschedule an 'In progress' Review - one that has already been started. To do this, administrators with the 'Advanced Delivery Management (Edit)' and / or 'Supervisor' roles can edit the review from the Reviews grid 'Planned' tab, or use the Scheduling Assistant on the Reviews grid, or the new scheduling user interface (UI). A reason for rescheduling can also be entered.
Review Sections
Once you start a Review, you will see any sections that your organisation has configured for use in your reviews process.
Each section will have a status: Incomplete, In Progress or Complete.
Most sections have their status indicated on the right hand side, allowing you to mark them as complete after you have completed the required information.
You will also find that some sections auto-complete when all of the required information is entered. Some sections are just informational, and will not have the option to mark them completed.
Learner Information
The Learner information section contains learner details - the programme name, the programme start and end dates, the employer, the manager and the mentor.
Learning Progress
The learning progress section shows the learner's progress against the aims at that point in time. Click Calculate to update this section.
Skills Radar
You can use the Skills Radar section to review your learner's progress against the defined competencies.
RAG Status
You can use the RAG section to review the status that was agreed upon during the Review.
Using the PLR section, you can view the online record from the LRS (Learner Records Service) and search for/create the ULN (Unique Learner Number).
To get a learner's PLR, either enter their ULN (Unique Learner Number) in the text box and click Get PLR or leave this empty to start the ULN search. If a match is found, you will be able to populate the ULN field with this information.
Where a PLR record exists for the learner the detailed record will be shown and will be added to the grid. You then have the option to remove any parts of the record that are not relevant to the programme the learner is working towards.
Functional Skills
On the Functional Skills section, you can view the information in relation to your learner's Functional Skills Initial Assessments, Diagnostic Assessments, Exemptions and test Results.
Completing a Review
If you have Teams enabled, you can start meetings within the Review by clicking Start Meeting on your top right.
You must mark all review sections complete before you can mark a Review as finished.
Some sections are set so that they cannot be mark complete without the required information being provided. If you have not completed such sections, you can Save & Close, but you cannot mark the Review as finished.
Click on each section to expand it. Once a section is expanded, you can fill it out and mark it complete.
Once all the sections that are mandatory to finish are completed, you can click Finish.