Editing and deleting a review
Editing a Review
To edit a Review, navigate to the Review card, and click the options icon ⋮ on the far right.
Select Edit.
If the Review has not started, you can change the Review type. If the Review has already started, you cannot change the Review type.
Amending the due date
To change the due date, modify the Complete by field.
After you make your changes, click Save.
Reschedule a review
It is possible to reschedule an 'In progress' Review - one that has already been started. To do this, administrators with the 'Advanced Delivery Management (Edit)' and / or 'Supervisor' roles can edit the review from the Reviews grid 'Planned' tab, or use the Scheduling Assistant on the Reviews grid, or the new scheduling user interface (UI). A reason for rescheduling can also be entered.
Deleting a Review
To delete a Review, navigate to the Review card, and click the options icon ⋮ on the far right.
Select Delete.
A confirmation message pops up. Click Delete to continue.