Users time tile

Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: none

Product area: Users



The Users time tile leads to the Activity report page which represents learners' activity metrics at Aptem.

This article describes this tile as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.


Activity report page

Only Unexpired Learners are visible in the report: already activated their Aptem account and of not “Expired” subscription status (“Cancelled” may still appear if their “Subscription end date” is greater than “From” date applied in report filters).

  • If both “From” and “To” selected: Learners with ExpiryUtc >= “From” AND RegistrationUtc < “To”
  • If only “From” selected: Learners with ExpiryUtc >= “From”
  • If only “To” selected: Learners with RegistrationUtc < “To”


By default, the grid is ordered by Learner/Jobseeker’s first name (“Name name” column), ascending. The grid displays 10 records per page. The administrator can use the navigation buttons to switch between pages.



To apply a filter, the administrator should click the ’Search’ button. To reset currently applied filters and get back to default values, the administrator should click the ‘Reset’ button.

In the filter area, an administrator can view:

  Type of control Defaulted to Description
From Date picker Today minus 29 days Date reporting period starts from
To Date picker The current date Date reporting period ends
Group multiselect tree view dropdown ‘Select groups’

Filter by user Aptem group allocation.

Only those Aptem Groups are listed which the logged-in administrator has access to.

User name or email Free text input Blank Learner/Jobseeker full name or email


Grid columns

The following grid columns and actions are available for a Standard administrator:

Column title Sortable Data display format Description
User Yes (alphabetical order) String

Learner/Jobseeker’s full name (First name + Last name)



Email Yes (alphabetical order) String Learner/Jobseeker’s email address
Amount of time Yes (numerical order) String

Learner’s registered time spent at Aptem
calculated based on Learner user sessions (duration of being logged into Aptem application) and duration of Learner Tasks authorised by Administrator (including authorised Cancelled Tasks), per selected period;
Time format is hh:mm (hours:minutes)



Status Yes (by StatusId) Icon for status + ‘Activity list’ link

Indicator of Learner’s Activity status:

  • Red Learner spent insufficient amount of time in the system
  • Yellow Learner spent enough amount of time spent in the system but was not as active as they were supposed to be (for instance, they just navigated to 1 page and no more, waiting for user session to expire automatically) Logic: AmountOfTime >= needsSecondsTotal AND IntervalBetweenRequests >= <Interval between requests in minutes>
  • Green Learner spent enough time in the system and they were active enough (i.e. visited many Classic interface pages during their user sessions) Logic: AmountOfTime >= needsSecondsTotal AND IntervalBetweenRequests < <Interval between requests in minutes>

Activity list - link to selected Learner’s “Site Activity” page, opened in the same browser tab


Export to CSV

In addition to the grid viewed, administrators have 2 options to download relevant details as CSV reports:

  • Using the Export activity list option, they can download the “Aptem.Logging.ActivityListExport.csv” file which represents tracked activities grouped by learner.
  • Using the Export to csv option, they can download the “Aptem.Logging.ActivityExport.csv” file which contains same data as displayed in the grid (considering filter applied), plus Aptem Group assignment details.
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