This article documents some functionality that is still in development and will be released at a future date.
In some activities, you can choose to create a Task / Calendar entry while creating the activity. For example, you can create a task while creating these activity types: 'Review', 'Assignment (task)', 'End point assessment', 'Meeting' and 'Online training - External'.
In case of Reviews, you can create a task, but you cannot mark it as complete. For more information, see: Review meeting tasks.
In all other cases where an activity has a task associated with it, the task needs to be marked as complete before the activity can be completed.
Who can mark a task as complete?
In most cases, a tutor or a learner can click a task, and mark it as complete. In some cases, like for Workshops, only a tutor can mark the task as complete.
Marking a task as complete
From the Learning Plan
You can mark a task as complete from the Learning Plan view. Click the activity.
A side-bar with the activity details is displayed on the right of your screen.
Click Complete.
If there are no tasks associated with this learning plan activity, you will not see the Complete button.
From the Calendar view
You can mark a task as complete from the Calendar view. Locate the task on the calendar, and select it.
On the side-bar to your right, the task details are displayed. Click the Mark Complete option on the bottom-right of your screen.