As a Learner, you can see/select the evidence that will be included when you export a portfolio.
Export portfolio
Follow these steps to export your information:
- From the Learning Plan screen, use the dropdown menu and select Evidence Summary.
- On the Evidence Summary screen, you can see the Export Portfolio button on the top-right of your screen.
- On each entry, you can use the arrow icon on the left to view the details of that evidence - which subject they are related to, what standards they are mapped to, etc.
- Use the checkbox on the far right to select a piece of evidence for inclusion in a portfolio. Pieces of evidence that have been marked for inclusion in the portfolio will already be checked.
- After you make your selection, click Export Portfolio on the top-right of the screen.
- On the Select Criteria step, you can select the criteria sets that you want included in the portfolio. You can expand and collapse the criteria to make your selection. After you make your selection, click Next.
- On the Select Evidence step, the piece of evidence you previously selected for inclusion in the portfolio will be checked. You can also add additional pieces of evidence at this point.
- Click ‘Export’ to export the portfolio. The portfolio is exported in .zip format.