Your Learning Plan

Quick Info



After fully completing the steps in your Onboarding Wizard, you can see your learning plan. The learning plan page provides an overview of your programme. It can be used to:   

  • Monitor your progress against the programme criteria, for example the apprenticeship standards
  • Access learning activities and other items within your programme
  • Submit evidence for approval against learning activities and items
  • Check the status of submitted evidence

Your Apprenticeship requirements will be detailed in your learning plan which contains all the activities, courses, meetings, and webinars that you need to complete.


The learning plan tracks your progress against your Apprenticeship programme and goals. The learning plan contains all your apprenticeship activities, including online courses, external courses, placements/workshops, review meetings and other tasks.     

Aptem also enables you to see your progress and the Off-The-Job Hours you have completed. 


The progress circle shows how much of your learning plan has been completed compared to what is currently due for completion. The sections below the circle show you where you currently are in relation to your Off-the-Job hours and the standard and/or qualification you are working towards.


Submitting evidence for your learning plan

If you complete items in your learning plan, such as online courses within Aptem, the evidence will be automatically collected and tracked. You can also upload your own evidence for the items within your learning plan, provided that the evidence upload feature is enabled by your tutor.   


Uploading files or notes for each item of the learning plan

To upload evidence against the item, click Upload file or Add Note.


If you are uploading a file, click Upload File and browse to the file on your computer and click Open. The file name will be displayed on screen. If you are entering a note, click Add Note and type in your note in the text box.

Complete the sections by selecting a date, whether the evidence has been submitted elsewhere, the amount of time spent on the activity using ‘hh:mm’ format (hours and minutes) and the Off-The-Job Hours type.



Now, click Save. The file will be uploaded from your computer and stored with your learning plan.  Once uploaded, the approval status of the file will be shown as ‘Evidence Submitted’, with the relevant progress bar shaded amber.

Once your tutor has approved your evidence, the status will change to ‘Completed’.  On occasion, you may have evidence or work submitted referred back to you – and the approval status will change to “Referred”.  Please open the message to read your tutor’s comments and re-submit once you are happy that you have addressed their feedback.

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