Responding to Quality Assurance Feedback


As a Tutor, you can view QA feedback from the Quality Assurer and then action this feedback and make the necessary changes to your work where required.


Identifying evidence that requires action

You can identify evidence that requires action via the notifications. You will be notified when you receive feedback from an Quality Assurer for both QA Accepted and QA Referral feedback. 


You can also view the QA Feedback Received card displayed on the Requires Attention section of your performance dashboard for QA Referral feedback.  This card also is shown on the Tutor's view of the learner’s dashboard. This card indicates that Quality Assurance feedback has been received and needs to be actioned.


You can then click the QA Feedback Received” card to view the list of evidence that have a status of 'QA Feedback Received', and then be taken to this evidence in the learning plan and take appropriate action to update your marking decisions and/or provide updated feedback to the learner.

If you are viewing a learning plan, you can also filter learning plan activities to identify activities with a status of QA Feedback Received.



Responding to feedback

Navigate to the component that has received Quality Assurer feedback. The component details along with the evidence are displayed in the sidebar area. 




Click the 'Mark Evidence' button. In case there are multiple pieces of evidence, you can select from the panel on the left. Once you select a piece of evidence which has a status of "QA Feedback received", you can view the mapped criteria and the Quality Assurer's feedback. You can toggle the "Hide Accepted" control to hide criteria that have been accepted - this toggle is set to off by default. You can also view where the criteria has been covered in another component.

If you have not started editing, you can move between pieces of evidence. Once you start editing, you must save your edits before moving to another piece of evidence, or else your edits will be lost.

You can read the feedback from the Quality Assurer in the Feedback History section, and then action any points that the Quality Assurer has raised. Where criteria needs to be unticked or ticked, this is then updated.




You must then enter your updated feedback to the learner. Where applicable, you can copy this from the Feedback history, where your previous feedback can be seen. 

After you enter your feedback to the learner, you must confirm the 'Submission Outcome', which is unchecked by default.


If you give your feedback to the learner, and select an outcome of 'Accepted', the status for the evidence changes to 'Accepted - QA Feedback Actioned'. To the learner, the status is displayed as 'Accepted'.


If you give your feedback to the learner, and select an outcome of 'Referred', the status for the evidence changes to "Referred - QA Feedback Actioned". To the learner, the status is displayed as "Referred", and they receive the updated feedback notification from the Tutor/Trainee Tutor.


Back to the Quality Assurer

The Quality Assurer receives a notification stating that the Tutor has responded to QA feedback, and that the updated marking decision and feedback to the learner is now available for Quality Assurance. The Quality Assurer is also notified via the "QA Feedback Required" card on the “Requires Attention” panel. They can then view the evidence that has a status of "QA Feedback Actioned - Accepted" or "QA Feedback Actioned - Referred".


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