Add a task


As a tutor, you can create tasks on your own calendar or on your learner's calendar.



To view your tasks, click Tasks from the left menu.

To view your learner's tasks, click Tasks from the learner navigation menu of your learner. 

You can also navigate directly from the Learner management screen, by selecting Tasks from the View column dropdown. 


Adding a task

To add a task, navigate to your calendar or your learner's calendar and click Create Task.


The Create Task screen appears. 


Complete the relevant details for the task/event. 

Choose the Task type from the drop-down list.

Type in a task description.
Enter the Web Link Name and the Web Link.

Specify the due date, session times and contact details.

The Notification (days) field sets the number of days before the due date that you will receive notifications.

Click Create Task.


List of Task types

The list you see will depend on what has been enabled for your tenant.  To change or update the list you see, contact your implementation consultant or support.

Currently, the following task types are supported:

Action plan
Assessment interview
Booked on IAG
Booked on Sector IAG
Course not suitable
Cross referral
CV workshop
Doesn't wish to attend / continue
Drop ins
Eligibility issues
Employability learning module
Follow up call
Found employment
Group session
Incorrect phone - contact JCP
Individual career counselling
Initial Meeting
JCP huddle
Job application
Job interview
No answer left msg sent text
Onboarding wizard
One to One Meeting
Opportunity follow up
Outcome milestone
Placement / workshop
Placement / workshop follow up
Post Employment follow up
Programme requirements
Redundancy presentation
Review meeting
Voluntary work
Work Related Project

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