Add a task to a group of learners (Aptem Classic)


When you have some administrative responsibilities for a group of learners, as a tutor, employer, or a training provider, you can create a task that applies to the whole group.


Also see: Message a group of learners.


Add a task to a group of learners

To add a task to a group for which you are responsible:

  1. Sign in to your Administrator account
  2. Find and click on the Users Overview tile to show the User Group Profile page. 1_Users_Overview.png
    The User Group Profile page is shown.
  3. Select your group from the dropdown list and click 'add task to users'. This option is available to all administrator accounts.
    The Calendar task screen is shown (as a pop-up).
  4. Fill in the relevant details.
    1. The text you write in the ‘Details’ text area will go to task’s ‘Details’ field.
    2. Enter the date, time & duration using the dropdown options in the respective fields.
    3. 'Type of task' is a mandatory field. If you do not select a task-type, a reminder in red will be shown above the dropdown list.
    4. Fill in the other fields that can be used to provide other references, such as an administration contact, the number of days ahead of the event when a reminder notification is sent. If you are creating a series of events, you can select the repeat frequency.
  5. Click the Create button to action the task and send it to your chosen group.
    1. You will be redirected to a screen where you can add task to multiple users.
    2. Here, you can select learners by ticking the relevant checkboxes inside the grid, or by selecting a group using the filters, and then using the ‘Select all’ option above the grid.
    3. Click the ‘Apply’ button. You will see a popup message. Click Yes.
    4. The task will be created for all the selected learners; The learners will receive a system notification titled “New Task”.
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