Users tile


Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: None

Product area: Users



A Standard administrator can use the ‘Users’ tile to navigate to the ‘Users’ grid. This grid displays all users the administrator has access to (based on Aptem Groups allocation). The users can be Learners/Jobseekers, or Employers, or Referrers. The administrator can view and manage the users listed on this grid.

This article describes this tile as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.


Users grid

When an administrator clicks the ‘Users’ tile, they can view the ‘Users’ grid. By default, the grid is ordered by User ID, ascending, with “New” Learners/Jobseekers displayed at the top. “Archived” users are not visible to a Standard administrator – across the whole system.



New Primary learners/jobseekers

“New” Learners/Jobseekers are indicated by a u2.png badge. These are primary learners of the logged-in administrator whose User Profile page has not been visited by the administrator. Once the Administrator visits their User Profile page, the badge is no longer shown.



In the filter area, an administrator can view:

Title Type of control Default Description
User name free text input Blank

Filter by user full name.

Group multiselect tree view dropdown ‘Select groups’

Filter by user Aptem group allocation.

Only those Aptem Groups are listed which the logged in-administrator has access to.

Email free text input Blank Filter by user email.
Status Dropdown FullUser, Invites, Prospect

Filter by user Subscription status.
Available options: Prospect, Invited, FullUser, Expired, Cancelled

Type Dropdown ‘--All--’ Filter by user type (User (i.e. Learner/Jobseeker), Employer, Referrer).
Programme Searchable dropdown Blank

Filter by Learner/Jobseeker’s current Programme.

Available options: account programme, all Delivery programmes, all Onboarding programmes – only those created by Administrator of the same Aptem root group as authorised Standard administrator.

Programme status Searchable dropdown Blank

Filter by Learner/Jobseeker’s Programme status.

Available options: all Programme statuses supported by Aptem

NI number free text input Blank Search for a Learner/Jobseeker by their National Insurance number.
Case owner Searchable dropdown ‘Any’

Filter Learners/Jobseekers by their Case owners.

Available options: all Administrators the logged in Administrator is within same or intersected Aptem groups

Reference number free text input Blank Search for Learner/Jobseeker by their Reference number.

To apply a filter, the administrator should click the ’Search’ button. To reset currently applied filters and get back to default values, the administrator should click the ‘Reset’ button.

The grid displays 10 records per page. The administrator can use the navigation buttons to switch between pages.


Grid columns

The following grid columns and actions are available for a Standard administrator:

Column title Sortable Data display format Description
User Yes (alphabetical order) a link to User Profile (in case of Learner) or Advisor Profile (in case of Employer/Referrer)

User’s full name (First name + Last name)





(by userType id)

String User’s User type (User (i.e. Learner/Jobseeker), Employer, Referrer)
Email Yes (alphabetical order) String User’s email address
Group No a link to Users Groups Profile filtered by the selected group List of all groups an account is assigned to, if multiple.
Subscription status


(by SubscriptionStatus id)

String with additional options

User’s subscription status.

Additional options/actions:
- Cancel subscription for Prospect/Invited/FullUser accounts
- Activate subscription for Cancelled accounts

Learning Plan


(by ‘Learning plan’ link presence)

a link to the Learning Plan of the learner's current programme episode. Points out at Learners which have Learning Plan enabled in their Programme
Programme status Yes
(by StatusID)
String Learner/Jobseeker’s Programme status
Notes No Clickable icon

When clicked, administrators can view and manage Notes relating to Learners/Jobseekers. Administrators can view/add/remove notes.

This option is hidden for Employers and Referrers.

Tasks No Clickable icon

When clicked, the administrator can view the selected Learner/Jobseeker’s Tasks page.

This option is hidden for Employers and Referrers.

Edit No Clickable icon

When clicked, the administrator can view the selected User’s Edit details page. This is also true for Employers and Referrers.


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