Edit User page


Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: none

Product area: Users [Learners/JobSeekers]



This article describes this page as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.

The Standard Administrator can edit Learner details from “Edit User” form.
To navigate to the form, the Standard Administrator can use “pencil” button from Users grid or “edit users details” button from User Profile page.


The following fields are available to a Standard Administrator:

  • Username (optional for Learners of “Prospect” Subscription status - otherwise, mandatory; free text input) Learner’s Aptem account Username which they are using for logging into the system. Defaulted to Learner’s “Email” until/unless replaced with some other value. Can be amended by a Standard Administrator.
  • User type (read-only label) Always set to “User”.
  • First name (mandatory; free text input) Learner first name. Max allowed text length is 50 characters. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses. “The ILR for this record has been Quality Assured and you cannot change the greyed-out fields. Click here to create a change request tracker.” message will be displayed for Standard Administrator above the field. Following “here” hyperlink, the Standard Administrator will be redirected to “Create Tracker” form and will be able to raise “ILR” Tracker to request changes for Learner details which are locked on “Edit User” form.
  • Surname (mandatory; free text input) Learner last name. Max allowed text length is 50 characters. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • Preferred name (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; free text input) Learner preferred name. Only visible if enabled for tenant.
  • Gender (optional; radiobuttons) Learner gender, two options available: “Male” and “Female”.
  • Title (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; free text input) Learner title (e.g. “Mr”, “Mrs”, etc.). Only visible if enabled for tenant.
  • Email (optional for Learners of “Prospect” Subscription status - otherwise, mandatory; free text input) Learner email which is used for registering Aptem account and receiving notification emails from Aptem application. If updated, new Email is validated for uniqueness across whole tenant. If identified as non-unique, “The email address '<newEmail>' is already registered to another account and cannot be used with this account. Please check that you have typed the address correctly.” validation message will appear below the input on-the-go. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • Personal email (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; free text input) Learner personal email – as additional email which Aptem will not be using for sending email notifications. Only visible if enabled for tenant.
  • Mobile (optional; free text input - only ‘+’, spaces and digits are allowed) Learner mobile phone number. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • Date of birth (optional; date picker) Learner date of birth in “dd/mm/yyyy” date format. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • National Insurance Number (optional; free text input) Learner NINo, validated per National Insurance Number format (“AB123456C”). Please follow https://www.gov.uk/lost-national-insurance-number for more details.
  • Referrer (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; searchable dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant. Allows to assign Learner to another Organisation of “Referrer” type – all Referrer Organisations are listed in the dropdown, including those linked to Aptem groups inaccessible for logged in Administrator/Learner. Once the Referrer value is amended, the Standard Administrator will see a warning message that reads: “Group properties and case owner will not be altered by this action, please update and then save to reflect these changes.”
  • Referrer address (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant. Allows to link Learner to selected Referrer Organisation address. Previously selected Address is reset to empty value in case Referrer has been changed to Learner.

    Create Referrer Address: Using “+” button on the right side of the dropdown, the Standard Administrator can create a new address for selected Referrer organisation.

    “Create Referrer Address” form fields:
    • Postcode (mandatory; free text input) Referrer Organisation address postcode with Address “Lookup” option; Max text length allowed is 8 characters; Validated as per UK postcode format if Country selected is “United Kingdom”
    • Address 1 (mandatory; free text input) Referrer Organisation address line 1.
    • Address 2 (optional; free text input) Referrer Organisation address line 2.
    • Town/City (optional; free text input) Referrer Organisation Town/City.
    • County (optional; free text input) Referrer Organisation County.
    • Country (optional; dropdown) Referrer Organisation country.

Once populated and “Create” button is clicked, new address will be added to selected Referrer Organisation Addresses list and automatically selected as Learner’s “Referrer address” (and will be available for other Learners even if changes on currently edited Learner are discarded).

  • Referrer contact (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant. Allows to link Learner to selected Referrer Organisation contact. Previously selected Contact is reset to empty value in case Referrer has been changed to Learner.

    Create Referrer Contact: Using “+” button on the right side of the dropdown, the Standard Administrator can create a new Contact for selected Referrer organisation.
    “Create Referrer Contact” form fields are just the same as for “Edit CRM contact” form – please read Edit CRM contact details for more information.

Once populated and “Create” button is clicked, new Contact will be:

  • added to selected Referrer Organisation Contacts list,
  • automatically selected as Learner’s “Referrer contact”,
  • available for other Learners even if changes on currently edited Learner are discarded.

Once Learner details changes are submitted from “Edit User” page, created/selected “Referrer contact” will be added as CRM contact (of “Referrer” type) into Learner’s Contacts list (available from User Profile -> “Contacts” section).

Same applies to amending “Referrer contact” from one to another – newly selected Referrer contact will be added to Learner’s Contacts list upon changes are submitted on “Edit User” page, while previously selected one will be excluded from Learner’s Contacts list for consistency.

  • Group (mandatory; selectable tree view) The Standard Administrator can re-assign Learner to any Aptem groups which are they have access to. GroupId is displayed in round brackets for each group in tree view. Example: “Southview College (38)”, where 38 is GroupId. Learner can be assigned to only one group within one root hierarchy, though can be assigned to multiple root hierarchies at the same time. In below example, Learner is assigned to one group per each root hierarchy where root hierarchies are “Southview College” and “Southview Uni”) but cannot be assigned to “Department of Arts” and “Department of Maths” at the same time (because these groups belong to the same root hierarchy).
    • Impact on other Learner details -
      • Case owner selection:
        Once Groups allocation has been amended for Learner from “Group” tree view, “Case owner” dropdown items are being recalculated on-the-go. Please pay attention to “Case owner” may appear as “-no owner-” in case previously selected Case Owner doesn’t have access to new Groups allocation.
      • Target programme selection: Once Groups allocation has been amended for Learner from “Group” tree view, “Target programme” dropdown items are being recalculated on-the-go based on the set of Programmes available for selected Group(s).

If the learner is linked to a hierarchy that the Standard Administrator has only partial access to, then the administrator will be able to see the full hierarchy but cannot select/de-select the groups that they do not have access to.

In a complex situation, when learner is already linked to several hierarchies, and the Standard Administrator does not have access to one of those hierarchies, they can only move the learner within accessible hierarchies – while inaccessible groups linkage will remain after the Standard Administrator makes their changes.

Learner is linked to the following groups:
Here, the Standard Administrator doesn’t have access to “Southview Apprentice” hierarchy, and views the following tree when navigated to Learner’s Edit User page:
The Standard Administrator can re-assign Learner within visible groups (to “Southview College”, for instance) – and once changes are saved, Learner will be linked to newly assigned group plus still to “Southview Apprentice”.

WARNING: in this case, the Standard Administrator is allowed to unselect all groups they have access to and submit changes. As a result,
- The Learner will be linked to the “Southview Apprentice” group only, which is valid.
- The Standard Administrator will lose access to the Learner, since the Learner no longer belongs to the hierarchy that the Standard Administrator has access to.

Root hierarchies are collapsed by default, and the Standard Administrator can use the “Expand all” option to expand all visible hierarchies.
To collapse all hierarchies back, please use “Collapse all” option.

If no group is selected, “Please specify the user group.” validation message will be displayed below Group tree view once the Standard Administrator clicks on the “Update” button.


  • Target programme (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; searchable dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    Allows to select Target programme for a Learner from a list of Programmes combined by Programmes set available on Groups selected for Learner. Only Programmes of “Delivery” type are listed in the dropdown. Selecting ”Target programme” for Learner will not perform any automatic programme enrollments, this field is only to keep the information as a note. Data source: MWS_PerformanceManager_UserProgramPartRecord -> TargetProgramId
  • Postcode (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; free text input with lookup option) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    Once Postcode is entered, you can use “Lookup” option  which will respectively populate other Address-related fields automatically, or “Select location” dropdown will be shown to the right of “Lookup” button if multiple matchings found. Selecting an option from “Select location” will also automatically populate the rest Address-related fields (overwriting any previously entered values). Address “Lookup” option is only available in case “Country” = “United Kingdom”. Same condition applies to Postcode value validation. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • Address 1 (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; free text input) Only visible if enabled for tenant. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • Address 2 (optional; free text input) Only visible if enabled for tenant. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • Town/City (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; free text input) Only visible if enabled for tenant. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • County (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; free text input) Only visible if enabled for tenant. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • Country (optional; dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant. Locked from editing if Learner has at least 1 ILR episode of “QA Verified” or “Completed” statuses.
  • Case owner (mandatory; searchable dropdown) Allows to assign Case Owner to Learner from the list of Administrators which have access to Aptem Groups selected for Learner from “Group” tree view.
    Only Administrators of the following subscription statuses are shown: - Prospect - Invited - Full User Once Learner “Group” allocation is changed, “Case owner” dropdown list items are recalculated on-the-go.
  • Learning provider (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; searchable dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    Allows to link Learner to their main Learning Provider. Dropdown list items are showing Organisations of “Your Organisation” and “Training” types. Changing “Learner provider” will result into Learner’s ILR UKPRN amended accordingly to selected Organisation UKPRN, once changes are submitted from Edit User form.
  • Employer (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; searchable dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    Allows assigning Learner to their main Employer Organisation. Dropdown list items are showing Organisations of “Employer” type.
  • Employer address (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; searchable dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    Allows to link Learner to selected Employer Organisation address. Previously selected Address is reset to empty value in case Employer has been changed to Learner.

    Create Employer Address:
    Using “+” button on the right side of the dropdown, the Standard Administrator can create a new address for selected Employer organisation.
    “Create Employer Address” form fields:
    • Postcode (mandatory; free text input) Employer Organisation address postcode with Address “Lookup” option; Max text length allowed is 8 characters; Validated as per UK postcode format if Country selected is “United Kingdom”
    • Address 1 (mandatory; free text input) Employer Organisation address line 1.
    • Address 2 (optional; free text input) Employer Organisation address line 2.
    • Town/City (optional; free text input) Employer Organisation Town/City.
    • County (optional; free text input) Employer Organisation County.
    • Country (optional; dropdown) Employer Organisation country.

Once populated and “Create” button is clicked, new address will be added to selected Employer Organisation Addresses list and automatically selected as Learner’s “Employer address” (and will be available for other Learners even if changes on currently edited Learner are discarded).

  • Manager (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; searchable dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    List of Employer-logins which are: - linked to selected “Employer” organisation, and - linked to Aptem Group which intersects with Learner’s Aptem groups selected from “Groups” tree view, and - accessible to the logged-in Standard Administrator (based on Aptem Groups allocation). If selected for Learner, Employer-login will be viewing Learner from “Managed by Me” view (Employer Console).
  • Mentor (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; searchable dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    List of Employer-logins which are: - linked to selected “Employer” organisation, and - linked to Aptem Group which intersects with Learner’s Aptem groups selected from “Groups” tree view, and - accessible to the logged-in Standard Administrator (based on Aptem Groups allocation). If selected for Learner, Employer-login will be viewing Learner from “Managed by Me” view (Employer Console).
  • Reference number (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; free text input) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    Learner Reference Number which can be edited manually. Max text value length is 255 characters. ============================================= If “Reference Number” token is enabled in Learner current Programme, manually entered “Reference number” will be overwritten for Learner by auto-generated value upon Programme configuration updates, if it doesn’t match Programme template. Example: Programme template (“Reference Number” token): “Prefix” = ”APPR-”, “Number of digits” = 4 LearnerA’s Ref number = “ABC01” LearnerB’s Ref number = “APPR-2255” Once Programme is updated and saved from Programme builder (even if just re-saved as is), LearnerA’s Ref number will be overwritten with autogenerates value (as do not match Programme template, while LearnerB’s Ref number will remain the same. ================================================
  • Min rate of pay (mandatory if configured so for the tenant; dropdown) Only visible if enabled for tenant.
    Allows to record “Minimum rate of pay” information against Learner, can be then used in some compliance documents. Options available: - National Minimum Wage - National Apprenticeship Wage - National Living Wage
  • Advice packs (mandatory if visible; radiobuttons)
    Option allows to determine which Advice Pack should be accessible to selected Learner. Advice pack assigned will then have an impact on: - Advice Centre resource items - Job Finder search options (in Classic): “Search by job category” and “Help me search”. Only visible if “Advice” token is enabled in Learner programme. Options available: - Default If selected, Learner will have access to Advice pack which is set as Default in their Programme template; “Standard”/”Professional” sub-options will be locked below with Programme template setting selected accordingly – if default pack is changed in Programme template, Learner’s “Advice packs” will be updated as well. - Individual If selected, Learner will have access to the selected Advice pack, regardless to Programme template settings. The Standard Administrator can assign either “Standard” or “Professional” Advice pack even if any of these are disabled in the Programme template. If default pack is changed in Programme template, the learner’s “Advice packs” will not be updated.
  • Authentication type (mandatory; dropdown)
    Allows to manage Learner authentication type. Only visible if “SAML” feature is enabled for tenant. Two options available: - Aptem (if selected, Learner will be logging in to the system using Aptem-generated credentials: their Aptem login and Aptem password) - SAML (if selected, Learner will be logging in to the system using their Organisation SAML account credentials)
  • SAML Identity provider (mandatory if visible; dropdown)
    Allows to select SAML Identity provider for Learner. Only visible if “Authentication type”=”SAML”. Options available: list of Identity providers set up in SAML settings.
  • SAML unique ID (optional; free text input)
    Allows setting up/updating Learner SAML login. Only visible if “Authentication type”=”SAML”.
  • Allow access to Aptem console (mandatory if “Allow access to Aptem classic” is not ticked; checkbox)
    Defines whether Learner can log into Learner Console. Only visible if Console interface if enabled for tenant.
  • Allow access to Aptem classic (mandatory if “Allow access to Aptem console” is not ticked; checkbox)
    Defines whether Learner can log into Aptem Classic interface. Only visible if Console interface if enabled for tenant.
  • Set of custom fields (mandatory if configured so in Learner programme; multiple types allowed) For each Delivery/Onboarding and account programmes, a set of additional fields can be configured to be displayed then in “Edit User” form. To configure these, please navigate to Programme builder, “Custom fields” token, “User” tab, and manage Custom field’s Title, Optionality and Order. If field is configured to be mandatory, validation message will appear on submitting “Edit User” form but not on-the-go.

Once all necessary updates are done, click “Update” on the bottom of page to submit changes.


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