My calendar tile


Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: The “Tasks” token must be enabled in the account programme.

Product area: Tasks



This page shows the tasks associated with the logged-in administrator – both automatically created and manually created ones.

This article describes this tile as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.



Calendar views



Displays tasks per selected calendar day. Hovering over the task entry will show more task details.


  • Extend/collapse hours displayed: “Show business hours”/”Show full day” options are available at the bottom of the page:
    • if “Show business hours” is enabled, the view only displays time frame from 08:00 till 17:00
    • if ”Show full day” is enabled, the view displays whole calendar day (from 00:00 till 23:59)
  • Create a new task: double-clicking on a free time slot launches Create Task modal window.
  • Edit displayed task: double-clicking on a task entry launches Edit Task modal window displayed, where the administrator can provide some updates.
  • Cancelling task: when a task entry is hovered over, ‘x’ button gets available from the right side of task entry. Use the ‘x’ button to mark the selected task as ‘Cancelled’, providing cancellation reason.


Displays tasks per selected week; Operations with tasks available are just the same as on “Day” view – please see above.


Displays tasks per selected calendar month; Operations with tasks available are just the same as on “Day” view – please see above.


Default view when the administrator navigates to ‘My calendar’ page; Displays detailed tasks in ‘each task per a row’ view.


  • Edit displayed task: clicking on a task row launches Edit Task modal window displayed, where the administrator can provide some updates.
  • Cancelling task: when a task row is hovered over, ‘x’ button gets available from the right side of task entry. Use the ‘x’ button to mark the selected task as ‘Cancelled’, providing cancellation reason.
  •  Columns/options:
    • Date: Task Due date displayed in full date format – including name of the day of the week
    • Time and Status
      • Time can be displayed as:
        • Time Task starts at – Time Task ends at (e.g., “09:00 – 10:00”)
        • ‘all day’ – in case Task has no Time set up
      • Statuses
        • Overdue Task which Due Date and End Time is earlier than the current date, and Task is not Complete.
        • New Task which Due Date and End Time is later than the current date, and Task is not Complete.
        • Complete Task which is marked as Complete
        • Cancelled Task automatically or manually marked as Cancelled
    • Event
      • Extended details of Task:
        • Created: Date on which the Task was created.
        • By: Name of account Task was created by.
        • Web link: Web link related to Task (if provided)
        • Reason: Cancellation reason – only displayed for Cancelled Tasks
        • Task type: Task type set up for Task
        • Contact email: Task contact email, if provided for Task
        • Contact full name: Task contact full name, if provided for Task
        • Contact phone: Task contact phone number, if provided for Task.
    • Print task: The administrator can print out Task details; If Task is duplicated to Learner which Programme has PrintTask compliance templates configured, there will be an option to select document template before printing it out:
    • Notes: Launches the Notes modal window - where the administrator can keep some notes against a selected Task.

Page filters


To apply the filter options, “Search” button should be clicked;
To reset filters to their defaults, “Reset” button should be clicked.


Filter options:

  • Search (free text search input): The administrator can search by task details/description or task contact within the selected view.
  • Type (dropdown list): Lists all Task types enabled on the tenant (on the “Tasks” token in account programme), plus all Task types, currently disabled on Tenant, but the administrator has them already linked to the created tasks.
  • Status (dropdown list)
    • -Any-: Shows same scope of Tasks as ‘Not completed’ plus ‘Completed’ views do;
    • Completed: Shows only tasks of ‘Completed’ status within date range selected;
    • Not completed: Shows ‘New’ Tasks within date range selected, plus all ‘Overdue’ Tasks (regardless date range applied in filters);
    • Cancelled: Shows only tasks of ‘Cancelled’ status within date range selected; “Start Date” for Calendar filters is either the selected one or the earliest Overdue Task Due Date, whichever is earlier.
  • Due Date from/to (multicontrol selector)
    • ‘Today’ – a quick option to select current date;
    • ‘Previous’/’Next’ – a quick option to navigate to previous/next date (based on selected ‘Due Date from’);
    • ‘Due Date from’ – date-picker which allows to set up Start date for the time range; set up as current date by default; automatically re-calculates ‘Due Date to’ upon change – unless ‘Due Date to’ has not been amended manually;
    • ‘Due Date to’ – date-picker which allows to set up End date for the time range; set up as ‘Due Date to’ plus 7 days by default.

Create a new task

A Standard administrator can create a personal task for themselves only, or a combined task for both themselves and the Learner (as duplicate). They can use the “Create a new task” option at the top of page or switch “Day”/”Week”/”Month” calendar views and double-click on a free time slot to create a new task.


Create a task modal form contains the following fields/options:

  • Details (text area with limited markdown options available) Task description. Markdown options available:
    • bold text
    • italic text
    • clean formatting
    • url/link
    • bulleted list
    • numbered list
  • Web link (two free text inputs – Site name and Site address): A combination of URL title (label) and URL address.
  • Related to user (searchable dropdown): List of learners the administrator has access to; populated automatically once a Learner is selected from Contact Task area.
  • Repeat: Option to configure recurring Task.
  • Notification days (text input): Option to set up number of days “Task Reminder” built-in notification will be sent over to Task owner prior to Task Due Date.
  • Due date (calendar date picker): Mandatory; Date Task is scheduled for. If not set up explicitly on Create Task form, it will be automatically set up to current date once the administrator confirms new Task creation.
  • Time (two time pickers) Task start time and end time: Default value for both Start time and End time is “09:00”; If empty, then Task is considered to take whole day – and will be displayed in Agenda as “all day” in “Time and Status” column; End time is allowed to be provided as earlier than Start time – for cases when Task is supposed to take place overnight.
  • Contact (three text inputs – name, email and phone): Can be populated manually or automatically (if “Add from Contacts” option is used); “Add from Contacts” option lists all learners that the administrator has access to – once Learner is selected, text inputs are populated with respective values and become locked from manual update; “Duplicate task for user” checkbox is available only if Learner is selected via “Add from Contacts” option – and if ticked, then selected Learner will get a new Task created in their calendar, linked to the administrator’s original Task. Such pair of Tasks can only be managed by the administrator, and not by the learner.
  • Task type (dropdown list): Mandatory; Activity type Task is related to – only Task types enabled in tenant are allowed to be selected.
  • Mark as complete/Mark as incomplete (button): Options which allow to mark Task as complete/incomplete; Once “Mark as complete”/”Mark as incomplete” button is clicked, Task needs to be saved by explicitly clicking ‘Create’/’Update’ button at the bottom of the Task form; In case Task is already marked as ‘Complete’, “Mark as incomplete” option becomes available, replacing “Mark as complete”.

Edit Task

A Standard Administrator can edit any uncancelled tasks displayed in their calendar – should these have been created by themselves or by other Administrators.

To edit a Task, the administrator needs to select the Task from the calendar and single-click on it (if Agenda view) or double-click (if Day/Week/Month views).

In addition to the set of Task properties available from the Create Task form, the Edit Task form allows the administrator to print out Task details – via a 'Create PDF' option. This option is visible on the form if the Task is duplicated for a learner who is enrolled on a programme with PrintTask compliance template(s) configured.


Complete/Incomplete Task

Manual completion of Task is available for administrators from both the Create Task and Edit Task forms.

Please read more details from Create a new task.

Cancel Task

‘Not complete’ and ‘Complete’ Tasks can be manually cancelled by the administrator by clicking the ‘x’ button which is displayed when Task is hovered over.

Once ‘x’ is clicked, the administrator is prompted to provide a reason for the task cancellation:


Cancelled Tasks can only be viewed if Calendar view is filtered by Status is 'Cancelled’.

Cancelled Tasks are not editable – if the administrator selects Cancelled task, they will see the following message: “This event is cancelled”.

Automatic Task cancellation: each time Task Due Date or Time are amended, original Task is marked as Cancelled (and moved to “Cancelled” Tasks view), while a new Task is created to be displayed in “Not completed”/”Completed” views instead.


Option to export tasks list and their details into ToDoTasks CSV file.

The CSV file contains tasks as per the current filter applied to Calendar view (except for Dates – Start date is ignored while End date is still considered).

View all site activity

Link to the logged-in administrator's Site Activity page which displays actions logged against account - such as logging in, creating/updating tasks, etc.

Webcal feed

Option to import Aptem Calendar Tasks into 3rd party application (Outlook, for instance) – once clicked, a webcal link is generated and the administrator is prompted to select a 3rd party application to open the link into.



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