Access Codes tile


Any additional tenant settings required to view this functionality: none

Product area: User



The Access Codes page is used to generate and manage Access Codes. Learners need these codes to activate their Aptem account (in case they created them via a self-registration form).

This article describes this tile as visible to a standard administrator. For more information, see: Standard administrator - detailed description.

The Standard administrator has permission to operate with Access Codes and can generate new ones.


By default, the grid is ordered by Access Code ID, ascending. The grid displays 10 records per page. The administrator can use the navigation buttons to switch between pages.



To apply a filter, the administrator should click the ’Search’ button. To reset currently applied filters and get back to default values, the administrator should click the ‘Reset’ button.

In the filter area, an administrator can view:

Title Type of control Defaulted to Description
Code free text input Blank

Filter by Access Code generated by Aptem platform


Group multiselect tree view dropdown ‘Select groups’

Filter by Aptem group which Access Code is linked to.

Only those Aptem Groups are listed which the logged in-administrator has access to.

Status Dropdown ‘--Any--’

Filter by Access Code status.

List of options to select:
- Activated
- Not activated
- Expired

Activated from/to two split date pickers Blank Date on which the Access Code was used by the learner for activating their Aptem account.
Issued from/to two split date pickers Blank Date on which the Access Code was generated by the administrator.
Creator email free text input Blank Filter by Administrator who generated the Access Code.


Grid columns

The following grid columns and actions are available for a Standard administrator:

  • Code (sortable, in alphabetical order): Displays the generated Access Code record
  • Status (sortable, by AccessCodeStatusId): Displays Access Code status icon
  • Registered email (sortable, in alphabetical order): Email of the learner who has used the Access Code for their registration; The email field is a hyperlink that leads to the corresponding User Profile opened in a new browser tab.
  • Description (sortable, in alphabetical order): Description details added to the Access Code when it was being generated.
  • Group (sortable, in alphabetical order): Aptem Group the Access Code is linked to – refers to the Aptem Group Learner will be assigned to once they apply selected Access Code; Group is a link leading Administrator to Users Group Profile page (“Users overview” tile) filtered by selected Aptem Group, opened in the current browser tab
  • Date issued (sortable, in numerical order): Date on which the Access Code was generated
  • Date activated (sortable, in numerical order): Date on which the Access Code was used by Learner for activating their Aptem account.
  • Creator email (sortable, in alphabetical order): Email of the administrator who generated the Access Code.
Column title Sortable Data display format Description


(alphabetical order)


Generated Access Code




(by AccessCodeStatus Id)

Icon Access Code status:
  • Activated/Used (ac2.png)
  • Not activated/Available (ac3.png)
  • Expired (ac4.png)
Registered email Yes (alphabetical order) A link that leads to the corresponding User Profile page, opened in a new browser tab. Email of Learner who has used the Access Code for their registration
Description Yes (alphabetical order) String Description details added to Access Code when it was being generated
Group Yes (alphabetical order) A link that leads to yje Users Group Profile page (Users overview tile) filtered by selected Aptem Group, opened in the current browser tab. Aptem Group the Access Code is linked to – refers to the Aptem Group the learner will be assigned to once they apply the selected Access Code.
Date issued


(numerical order)

String (dd/mm/yyyy) The date on which the Access Code was generated.
Date activated


(numerical order)

String (dd/mm/yyyy)

Th date on which the Access Code was used by Learner for activating their Aptem account.

Creator email Yes (alphabetical order) String Email of Administrator who generated Access Code


Generate Access Code

The Standard Administrator is granted permission to generate Access Codes – only limited by the number of Access Codes allowed to be generated for a tenant.

Access codes limit is a setting which can be managed by Support and/or your IC. Please direct your request to the Support team/ your IC.

Once the functionality is enabled, administrators will be able to click the “Generate” button on the Access Codes page and fill in the “Generate access codes” form:


Form fields:

  • Quantity (mandatory, digits only): Number of Access Codes the administrator wants to generate per each selected Aptem Group.
  • Description (optional): Free text area, some descriptive details that the administrator can then reference to while searching for generated Access Codes from Access Codes page.
  • Group (mandatory): Only Aptem Groups that the logged-in administrator has access to are displayed; It is allowed to select any number of Aptem Groups, though it is highly recommended that you select only one Group per one go – for each Group selected Access Code will be generated, but these will be duplicated as many times as Groups selected. For example, Quantity = 5 and “Group1” and “Group2” Aptem Groups are selected, this will generate 5 Access Codes for “Group1” and the same Access Codes for “Group2”.

Once the Access Code is generated, the administrator must pass it to the self-registered learner.


Export to CSV

The administrator can download relevant details as a CSV report using the “Export to CSV” link at the top-right corner above the grid.

When administrators use the export option, a “Aptem.ClientAdmin.AccessCodesExport.csv” file is exported - this file contains the same columns as displayed in the grid, plus one additional column:

- Date expired

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