Enable OData to process records in batches into PowerBI dashboard
To enable OData to process records in batches into the power bi dashboard or excel requires a single query for each paged table.
The query contains variables which need to be set: the count of rows within each page, the table name, and a list of the column names to be returned. Once created and applied the data source will be available within your dashboard to use.
It is recommended that to implement these steps the person has some experience of power query and Power BI.
However the user need only be able to use Advanced Editor to edit the initial items at the beginning of the query.
Data source to use in the reports
No specific naming convention is needed.
host_url = "https://YOUR_TENANT_NAME.aptem.co.uk/odata/1.0" ,
pageSize = 1000, // Number of rows to fetch per page
tbl = "LearningPlanComponents",
fields = { "Id","ComponentId","LearnerId" },
//list_columns = "Id,ComponentId,LearnerId" ,
countfield = Text.From(List.First( fields)) , // Should be 'Id' as first in fields list
countrows =
Source = OData.Feed( host_url , [#"X-API-Token"= API_key ]),
TableName = Source{[Name=tbl , Signature="table"]}[Data],
RemovedColumns = Table.SelectColumns(TableName,{ countfield}),
totalRows = Table.RowCount(RemovedColumns)
totalRows, // returns total rows
pages = Number.RoundUp(countrows / pageSize), // Calculate the total number of pages
pageNumber= 1, // start the loop
getPage = (pageNumber) =>
skip = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize, // Calculate the number of rows to skip for the current page
url = host_url & "/" & tbl & "?$skip=" & Text.From(skip) & "&$top=" & Text.From(pageSize) ,
source = OData.Feed(url, [#"X-API-Token"= API_key ]) ,
table = Table.SelectColumns(source, { "Id","ComponentId","LearnerId" })
pageList = List.Generate(
() => 1, // Start with the first page
each _ <= pages, // Continue while the page number is less than or equal to the total number of pages
each _ + 1, // Increment the page number
each getPage(_) // Fetch the data for the current page
combinedTable = Table.Combine(pageList)
Note: This dataset should only return a table.
Helper Query to get list of fields
Some users may find it easier to use the GUI in power query to get a list of the fields for use in the above paging query.
One quick solution is to use the query below, change the table name as needed and then use "Choose Columns" to select the fields. This action updates the line #"Removed Other Columns
. The list from this step can then be copied and used as needed.
tbl ="LearningPlanComponents",
url = host_url & tbl & "?&$top=10" ,
source = OData.Feed(url, [#"X-API-Token"=#"<API key>"]),
#"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(source,{"Id", "ProgramId", "ComponentName", "DueDate", "CompletedDate", "LastSubmissionDate"})
#"Removed Other Columns"
Examples of values for prompts:
Data query
host url - https://TenantName.aptem.co.uk/odata/1.0
API Key - cmQtZ3JheUBhcHRlbS5jby51ayIsImlhdCI6MTY4MDc3NzU1NSwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJ0bnQiOiJQb3dlckJJRGVdghntfgfgtbyIsInNjcCI6WyJvZGF0YSJdfQ.1B-VIdVd0GNe6EE6q_r2EX1c43FEA4bYN0bXiI8--d0
Table Name - LearningPlanComponents
field to count - id
batch size - 5000
Other notes
We have tried editing the query to pass a concatenated list of fields via the url
list_columns = Text.Combine(fields, ",")
url = #"<host url>" & tbl & "?$skip=" & Text.From(skip) & "&$top=" &
Text.From(pageSize) & "&$select=" & list_columns ,
source = OData.Feed(url, [#"X-API-Token"=#"<API key>"]) ,
// table = Table.SelectColumns(source, fields )
However this simply returns all columns in the table but only data for the listed columns so Table.SelectColumns
is still needed.
In PowerBI you may see this error raised by Formula.Firewall
Note as all steps take place within the same query this error is unlikely.
The simplest solution is to navigate to the report 'Options' and set the Privacy Levels to 'Ignore'.